Father Shenan Boquet:
Catholic leaders must reorient the world to God’s plan

In his short address he commented on the crisis currently
afflicting the Church. “It’s no longer ambiguous,” he said, “things which are
the opposite of the truth of Catholic teaching are being said by Church
leaders.” He continued by explaining that the truth of the faith is
something given by God and entrusted to his shepherds so that they can hand it
on unchanged to the people of God.
“We are called to lead people to the fullness of truth that
is revealed to us in Jesus Christ, that is entrusted to the Church, entrusted
to our shepherds. That truth is not created, but given.”
But the truth of God’s plan is being ignored and even
blatantly distorted by many spiritual leaders today, he said. Catholic
leaders are “actually saying the opposite of what Our Lord has revealed.”
We must, he urged, return to the order established by God:
“The responsibility of the Church, and all of us in this room, is to reorient
the world to that plan.”
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