27 Apr 2020

How COVID-19 may have been deliberately engineered in a China biolab

Almost every calamity that befalls mankind is always caused by man himself, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally. However, be such a calamity intentional or not, it can never happen without God’s permission, and when God does permit such—just as He does permit wars, caused by men—it is usually because of sin in the world, that is, to chastise the world. If modern people find it difficult to understand this fact it is because many modern people have moved away from God.

This article (below), by Steven Mosher, argues that the coronavirus may have been deliberately engineered in the Chinese laboratory by joining parts of different viruses together using what is called recombinant technology. That makes sense. However, whatever may be the true story, the coronavirus has happened and is killing people because of too much evil in the world.

“My daughter, pray a great deal. Italy will suffer great upheavals and will be purified by a great revolution; only a part of it will be saved. Obstinate sinners do not want to have anything to do with God, My Eternal Father. His wrath is upon them. There will be calamities—earthquakes, contagious diseases, hurricanes (which will swell the seas and rivers to the point of overflowing), mountains will be swallowed by the earth.(Our Lord’s message to Rev. Sister Ana Ali, 3.00 A.M., October 5, 1987).

How COVID-19 may have been deliberately engineered in a China biolab

By Steven Mosher

The Wuhan Virus may have been deliberately engineered in the laboratory by joining parts of different viruses together using what is called recombinant technology. 

                                       Greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum).                   

April 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Let’s start with the bats, the species known as Intermediate Horseshoe Bat, to be exact.  The Chinese Communist authorities claim that the China Virus, called SARS-CoV-2, is a naturally occurring coronavirus that is carried by the Horseshoe Bat. They also claim that the virus “jumped” from its normal host to humans at the Wuhan “wet” market.

Both of these claims are demonstrably false.

Let’s start with the Wuhan “wet” market. As I told Jesse Watters on his FOX news show, “Watters World,” last week, if the “wet” market was actually “ground zero” for the outbreak, the authorities would have burned it to the ground. Instead, they have now reopened it.

It is an open secret in Wuhan that, as a team of researchers from Wuhan noted in late February, there were no bats in the market and that direct transmission from bats to humans in the market was “unlikely.”

Two other researchers had reported the same thing a week earlier, namely, “[T]he bat was never a food source in the city and no bat was traded in the market.”  But these researchers, both surnamed Xiao, went even further.  They pointed out that there were bats in Wuhan--thousands of them—but they were being kept in two biolabs not far from the “wet” market where they were used for research purposes.

They identified the two labs as the Wuhan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).  The Wuhan CDC is the national center for China’s bat coronavirus research.  Wuhan Institute of Virology uses recombinant technology to create and study new coronaviruses. The conclusion of the two Doctors Xiao was that “somebody was entangled with the evolution of [SARS-CoV-2] … the killer coronavirus probably escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan.”

Their word choice is a little awkward because the researchers were writing in what is for them foreign language. But what they clearly mean is that the China Coronavirus now plaguing the planet is not the result of a natural recombination of two different viruses in nature through an intermediate host, as many claim.  Rather it was deliberately engineered in the laboratory by joining parts of different viruses together using what is called recombinant technology.

More on the science of how this was done later.  Right now all you need to know is that, within a few hours of its publication, their paper on “The possible origins of [SARS-CoV-2] coronavirus” was withdrawn.  This same fate has since befallen several papers by Chinese authors who have attempted, at great risk to themselves, to reveal the truth about the origin of the outbreak to the world.

Now back to the bats.

China’s chief bat hunter is an employee of the Wuhan CDC named Tian Junhua.  Mr. Tian’s full-time job since 2012 has been collecting bat viruses for research purposes. Over this time he collected thousands of live bats, as well as countless samples of bat urine and feces, from caves over six hundred miles distant from Wuhan. The tiny mammals obviously didn’t get to the city under their own power, but were trapped and transported to the two biolabs by the industrious Mr. Tian.  As the two Drs. Xiao wryly noted, “The probability was very low for the bats to fly to the market.”

As a result of the efforts of Mr. Tian and others, China now boasts that it has “taken the lead” in global virus research. It claims to have discovered over 2,000 new viruses since the SARS Coronavirus epidemic of 2003.  To give you a sense of the scale of China’s effort, the total number of viruses discovered over the last two hundred years is, at 2,284, only slightly more.  China’s frenzied collection efforts have nearly doubled the total number of known viruses, and includes hundreds of new and possibly dangerous coronaviruses.

That’s a lot of potentially harmful pathogens to keep track of.  But it is also a huge cache of coronaviruses to harvest parts and pieces from if you are looking to make an already deadly coronavirus even deadlier.

And that seems to be exactly what a group of researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, led by a woman named Shi Zhengli, may have been intent upon doing right up until the end of 2019.  

We all know what happened then.

The Technology

Shi Zhengli received her master’s degree from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 1990.  After earning her Ph.D. in France, she returned to WIV to direct the Institute’s research project into bat coronaviruses.  If Mr. Tian is China’s batman, Dr. Shi is China’s batwoman.

Some of the articles published by Dr. Shi and her team of virologists describe naturally occurring SARS-like coronaviruses that,  like the SARS virus itself, could infect human beings directly.  
But Dr. Shi’s group was not content to merely study existing coronaviruses. They were also genetically engineering new ones.  In a 2008 article in the Journal of Virology, she and her team described how they were genetically engineering SARS-like viruses from horseshoe bats to enable them to use angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to gain entry into human cells.
In other words, more than 10 years ago, Shi’s team was already creating entirely new and deadly coronaviruses.  They did so by inserting that part of the dangerous SARS virus that allows it to infect people into a second bat coronavirus, which was then able to attack human cells just like the original SARS virus does. 
But simply recreating a new SARS virus was only a first step.  Shi and her team wanted to move beyond that to create completely new, and potentially even more deadly coronaviruses. For that she needed a new and more advanced recombinant technique.  She may have found one in research being done at the University of North Carolina by Prof. Ralph S. Baric.

Prof. Baric had developed a technique for quickly and easily producing what he called “infectious clones.” This involves taking coronaviruses from horseshoe bats and genetically engineering them to more easily infect human cells.  

Why would he--or anyone else for that matter--do such a thing?

Baric explains: “In 2013 preemergent SARS-like Coronaviruses were identified in horseshoe bats and found to be poised for entry into the human population. … preemergent coronaviruses (CoVs) pose a global threat that requires immediate intervention. Rapid intervention necessitates the capacity to generate, grow, and genetically manipulate infectious CoVs in order to rapidly evaluate pathogenic mechanisms, host and tissue permissibility, and candidate antiviral therapeutic efficacy.” (italics added)

Now all of this—preemergent coronaviruses … poised for entry … global threat … requires immediate intervention—all sounds very ominous.  But what people need to understand is that the good professor is talking about coronaviruses that have not actually infected a single, living, breathing human being.  Rather, he is talking about coronaviruses that might, possibly, at some point in the future, make the leap from bats to humans. Or they might not. Ever.
This means that the phrase “preemergent coronavirus” is at best misleading, at worst a fiction.  It is a fiction because neither Prof. Baric, nor Dr. Shi Zhengli, nor anyone else, can possibly know whether any one of these naturally occurring viruses will ever infect a single human being.
In any event, Prof. Baric is very pleased to inform usciting his own research, that “much of the [coronavirus] research over the last 15 years has been possible because of the capacity to generate infectious clones using highly efficient reverse genetics platforms, coupled with robust small animal models of human disease.”

In other words, he and his team used the technique they created to easily construct unnatural coronaviruses and see if they will infect and kill mice.  Dr. Shi Zhengli collaborated with Baric in carrying out some of this research, as highlighted in a 2015 article in Nature Medicine in which they discussed bat coronaviruses that were potentially capable of infecting human beings.  

Now, a sane person might think that the idea of creating dangerous new pathogens in the lab for which humanity had no acquired immunity, no vaccines, and no drug therapies might not be a good idea.  The U.S. National Institutes of Health, under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, however, initially funded Prof. Baric’s research. 

But then Dr. Fauci had second thoughts.  In late 2014 he sent a letter to the University of North Carolina, notifying the university that Prof. Baric’s research project may violate a new moratorium on risky virology studies involving influenza, MERS and SARS viruses.  

The letter and the document from the “Public Health Emergency” office of HHS that it references, orders a pause on “Gain of Function” research into SARS-like coronaviruses.  What is “Gain of Function” research, precisely?  The document defines it as “research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease … [by] “confer[ing] attributes to … SARS [coronaviruses] such that the resulting virus has enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility (via the respiratory route) in mammals. … [that] may entail biosafety and biosecurity risks.”

The original scientific rationale for “enhancing” the ability of certain coronaviruses to infect and kill human beings was to get one step ahead of the net pandemic.  “We will create superbugs in the lab,” the scientists said to themselves, “and we will learn how to defeat them by developing drug therapies and vaccines.  Then when the next superbug emerges from nature, we will be ready.”

But what happens if you create a new superbug in the lab and, before you have devised a defense against it, it escapes from the lab.  What then?

The consequences of unleashing such an “enhanced” coronavirus on the world—a pathogen for which human beings had no natural defenses, and for which human science had no treatments or vaccines—would be incalculable.

The U.S. pause on such research was not lifted until December 29, 2017, over three years later, when NIH put in place what it called “robust oversight” that considers the “scientific merits and potential benefits,” as well as the “potential to create ... or use an enhanced potential pandemic pathogen.”

In other words, the brakes were put on the dangerous “gain-of-function” research being done in the U.S. for fear that it would “create” a pathogen that could, if it leaked from the lab, cause a pandemic.  We decided that the risks associated with such research were generally not worth the benefits.

Not so in China, however.  There, in Dr. Shi’s laboratory, the creation of dangerous “pathogens of pandemic potential” apparently went forward without pause or effective oversight.  Communist China is not known for its concern for human life. 

Since we are now dealing with exactly the kind of deadly and infectious SARS-like coronaviruses that scientists have been creating in the lab for at least the past ten years, it is reasonable to ask if the China Coronavirus is a naturally occurring virus.  Or is it one of batwoman’s concoctions?  

Virtually everyone now agrees that the China Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, leaked from Dr. Shi’s lab.  But I would suggest that the virus itself is the product of Gain of Function research in which its potency was artificially “enhanced” to make it more infectious and more lethal using recombinant techniques first developed in the U.S., perhaps at Prof. Baric’s lab.  The leak was an accident.  The “enhancement” was deliberate.

On March 30th of this year, an unusual, unsigned “Editor’s Note” was added to Shi and Baric’s original article in Nature Medicine.  The oddly worded note read: “We are aware that this article is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.”

Actually, the “most likely source” of the coronavirus is not just one animal but two, whose distinct but related species of coronaviruses were isolated from their hosts and then pieced together in the lab using recombinant technology to create a new and much more infectious variety.

* * *

In Part II I will review the evidence that the novel coronavirus is the result of what Chinese researchers themselves have called an “unusual insertion” in a Horseshoe Bat coronavirus that may have come from a Pangolin coronavirus.

Steven W. Mosher @StevenWMosher is the President of the Population Research Institute and the author of Bully of Asia: Why China’s “Dream” is the New Threat to World Order.

RELATED: Listen to minutes 10-15 of interview with Senator Ted Cruz

26 Apr 2020

Again, armed police storm Catholic parish in France, demand priest stop Mass

Father Philippe de Maistre

“I chose to continue celebrating the Mass, but the police were ordering us to stop,” Father de Maistre told the Figaro.

The Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, later said that if this sort of situation were to repeat itself, the French Catholic hierarchy would “speak out, and in case of confinement, bark very loudly.”

“We are in times that recall certain not very happy periods France went through, such as the (German) Occupation,” said Bishop Aupetit. He ironically underscored that a “good-willed” neighbour had acted as an informer, “warning” the police.

“It is formally prohibited” for armed policemen to enter into a church, he insisted, because the parish priest alone has power of policing in his church: the police may only enter without his permission when there is a “threat to the public order.” In the case of Saint-André, the parish priest had been careful to close the door so that no public would enter. 

“They need to keep their heads and stop this nonsense,” the Bishop added. “Otherwise, we will speak out and, in case of confinement, bark very loudly.”

One member of the French National Assembly, Marie-France Lorho, also reacted strongly, in a letter to the French Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner.
The letter was made public by Mrs Lorho, deputy of the southern département of the Vaucluse, on her website.
In her letter, having recalled the rules about police entry into churches, she stated that the interruption of a religious service constitutes “an extremely grave act” which can even in certain cases amount to a “profanation.”
“No health crisis can in fact justify such an attack on freedom of worship,” she wrote, quoting the March 23 decree that specifically allows private Masses. “Does the minister intend to recall his instructions to his police forces? Does the minister intend to state more clearly than the decree of March 23, that it in no way impedes in any way whatsoever the celebration of Masses behind closed doors? Finally, does the Minister intend to punish the dubious denunciations which are flourishing against religious services?”
The Saint-André incident was not, in fact, the first of its kind. During the Easter night, the traditionalist parish of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris was also targeted by the police after neighbours complained that a “clandestine” Mass was taking place: it was in fact the Easter vigil that had been widely announced and was being broadcast via Internet. The film showed that the pews were empty.
The religious affairs editor of the weekly Le Point, Aziz Zemouri, presented the incident as a serious breach of public security regarding the COVID-19 epidemic and claimed that the celebrating priest had allowed a number of parishioners to attend in violation of current regulations. One of those parishioners, wrote Zemouri, had left the celebration at around midnight and warned the police. Many French media picked up the story, with disparaging remarks about the FSSPX parish. The main French semi-public news agency AFP illustrated the story with a photo of the nave of Saint-Nicolas filled with parishioners.
The unlikely story was later denied by the prior of Saint-Nicolas, who also clarified that contrary to media reports he had not been fined. According to some sources it was the police chief who led the intervention who (spitefully) told the story to the press.
Another Parisian church, Saint-Eugène Sainte-Cécile, where traditional “Summorum Pontificum” Masses are celebrated on a daily basis, was also “visited” by the police on April 16 during the 7 PM Mass. On that occasion, the priest having omitted to close the church doors during the celebration, some 15 parishioners had entered the church, staying at the back and respecting rules for social distancing. But their presence was still deemed illegal.
One lay Catholic who drove to confess in a monastery near his home in the country shortly before Easter was fined because his travel was deemed “not essential” by local “gendarmes” although visits to one’s place of worship are explicitly allowed by confinement rules on the website of the French Interior Ministry.
An increasing number of priests and lay associations are complaining about the strict prohibition of public Masses in France, while at the same time supermarkets, wine shops, garden centres and public transport are open to the public.
President Emmanuel Macron has announced that partial loosening of lockdown will (or may…) take place on May 11, but has already made clear that public Masses and other religious ceremonies will not be allowed before the middle of June.
He said so in a video conference with faith leaders and heads of Masonic organisations last Monday, shortly after having had a 45-minute telephone conversation with (Anti) Pope Francis, during which the question of the prohibition of religious services was not addressed, according to a presidential spokesman.
The LifeSiteNews story is here (below):
Armed police storm Catholic parish in France, demand priest stop Mass
The police stormed into the church after having been 'warned' by people living close by that a 'clandestine' Mass was taking place. y

By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent

April 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Four armed policemen entered a Parisian church last Sunday in order to stop what they considered to be an illegal Mass in view of France’s confinement regulations linked to the coronavirus. 
The incident caused outrage among French Catholics. The Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, later said that if this sort of situation were to repeat itself, the French Catholic hierarchy would “speak out, and in case of confinement, bark very loudly.”
The police stormed into the church after having been “warned” by people living close by that a “clandestine” Mass was taking place in the parish of Saint-André de l’Europe, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. They had heard an organ playing.
Under French confinement rules in force since March 17, places of worship may remain open to the public, but public Masses are forbidden. Funeral Masses are an exception. They are permitted with a maximum of 20 participants.
For the rest, only private Masses are allowed, which can include religious communities but no faithful, except for liturgical and technical purposes when the celebrations are being filmed and broadcast for the benefit of the faithful who are confined in their homes.
Such was the case last Sunday when Father Philippe de Maistre celebrated Mass in the presence of an altar server, a cantor and three parishioners to read the lectures, as well as an organist and cameramen: less than the maximum of twenty, at any rate. The situation was therefore completely legal.
The situation soon became tense as the armed law enforcement officers ordered the priest to stop the celebration and warned him that he would be fined.
“I chose to continue celebrating the Mass, but the police were ordering us to stop,” Father de Maistre told the Figaro.
Luckily, his altar server was himself a policeman who went down the altar steps to engage in dialogue with the officers. The discussion lasted for twenty minutes, at the end of which the police accepted not to fine de Maistre. They did, however, insist that the three parishioners leave the church.
According to the rules regarding the separation of church and state in France, a parish priest is master in his own church and no police, let alone armed police, are allowed to enter such buildings unless called to do so by the religious authority.
Also, a special decree published March 23 regarding the celebration of Mass during the confinement period – which has already led to many Kafkaesque prohibitions against anything from walking alone on a deserted beach to jogging more than 1 km from home – was in fact anything but clear.
The faithful are specifically allowed to go to their place of worship and to enter individually but “reunions” and “gatherings” are prohibited: the presence of less than 10 people in the parish church of Saint-André de l’Europe which can accommodate 500 was certainly not a “gathering.”
As the former chapel of a religious congregation, that particular church, moreover, does not belong to the municipality of Paris according to a law 1907, but to the diocese. By entering the private premises of the church, overzealous policemen actually violated the private property of an association and their entry plainly constituted an “assault” under French law, according to the Fondation du Pont-Neuf, a conservative think tank based in Paris.
Bishop Aupetit of Paris sharply criticized the police during an interview with Radio Notre Dame, the radio station of the diocese of Paris, on Wednesday.
“We are in times that recall certain not very happy periods France went through, such as the (German) Occupation,” said Bishop Aupetit. He ironically underscored that a “good-willed” neighbor had acted as an informer, “warning” the police.
“It is formally prohibited” for armed policemen to enter into a church, he insisted, because the parish priest alone has power of policing in his church: the police may only enter without his permission when there is a “threat to the public order.” In the case of Saint-André, the parish priest had been careful to close the door so that no public would enter.
“They need to keep their heads and stop this nonsense,” the Bishop added. “Otherwise, we will speak out and, in case of confinement, bark very loudly.”
One member of the French National Assembly, Marie-France Lorho, also reacted strongly, in a letter to the French Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner.
The letter was made public by Mrs Lorho, deputy of the southern département of the Vaucluse, on her website.
In her letter, having recalled the rules about police entry into churches, she stated that the interruption of a religious service constitutes “an extremely grave act” which can even in certain cases amount to a “profanation.”
“No health crisis can in fact justify such an attack on freedom of worship,” she wrote, quoting the March 23 decree that specifically allows private Masses. “Does the minister intend to recall his instructions to his police forces? Does the minister intend to state more clearly than the decree of March 23, that it in no way impedes in any way whatsoever the celebration of Masses behind closed doors? Finally, does the Minister intend to punish the dubious denunciations which are flourishing against religious services?”
There has been no answer to date.
The Saint-André incident was not, in fact, the first of its kind. During the Easter night, the traditionalist parish of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris was also targeted by police after neighbors complained that a “clandestine” Mass was taking place: it was in fact the Easter vigil that had been widely announced and was being broadcast via Internet. The film showed that the pews were empty.
The religious affairs editor of the weekly Le Point, Aziz Zemouri, presented the incident as a serious breach of public security regarding the COVID-19 epidemic and claimed that the celebrating priest had allowed a number of parishioners to attend in violation of current regulations. One of those parishioners, wrote Zemouri, had left the celebration at around midnight and warned the police. Many French media picked up the story, with disparaging remarks about the FSSPX parish. The main French semi-public news agency AFP illustrated the story with a photo of the nave of Saint-Nicolas filled with parishioners.
The unlikely story was later denied by the prior of Saint-Nicolas, who also clarified that contrary to media reports he had not been fined. According to some sources it was the police chief who led the intervention who (spitefully) told the story to the press.
Another Parisian church, Saint-Eugène Sainte-Cécile, where traditional “Summorum Pontificum” Masses are celebrated on a daily basis, was also “visited” by the police on April 16 during the 7 PM Mass. On that occasion, the priest having omitted to close the church doors during the celebration, some 15 parishioners had entered the church, staying at the back and respecting rules for social distancing. But their presence was still deemed illegal.
The parish priest went to see the mayor of the “arrondissement” next day and apparently the incident went no further.
One lay Catholic who drove to confess in a monastery near his home in the country shortly before Easter was fined because his travel was deemed “not essential” by local “gendarmes” although visits to one’s place of worship are explicitly allowed by confinement rules on the website of the French Interior Ministry.
An increasing number of priests and lay associations are complaining about the strict prohibition of public Masses in France, while at the same time supermarkets, wine shops, garden centers and public transport are open to the public.
President Emmanuel Macron has announced that partial loosening of lockdown will (or may…) take place on May 11, but has already made clear that public Masses and other religious ceremonies will not be allowed before the middle of June.
He said so in a video conference with faith leaders and heads of Masonic organisations last Monday, shortly after having had a 45-minute telephone conversation with Pope Francis, during which the question of the prohibition of religious services was not addressed, according to a presidential spokesman.
Meanwhile, millions of Muslims living in France will start Ramadan celebrations as of Friday. The Interior Minister Castaner said recently that public celebrations will not be allowed in mosques. On the other hand, the prefect of police of the Bouches-du-Rhône which includes the port of Marseille where large numbers of Muslims live has already said that the police could not “prevent” Muslims living in the same apartment buildings from visiting each other during Ramadan.
Visiting neighbors, under current regulations, normally incurs a fine of 135 euro (about 150 dollars) per offender.

Related: COVID-19: This monster “priest” is reporting a fellow priest for saying mass!

22 Apr 2020

OUTRAGEOUS! In Italy, a police officer interrupts mass and a priest is fined €680 for offering Mass!

Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi
A police officer interrupting the Mass
 “My daughter, spend this terrible hours with Me; I need your company. Watch, pray and atone. ...The Freemasons are abusing Me in the tabernacles and in My very Gospel...These are the moments they are labouring hard to abolish My Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. My Eternal Father is so offended. What a sorrow! With their own hands, they are executing themselves.” (Our Lord’s message to Rev. Sister Ana Ali, 2.30 A.M., January 19, 1988).

“My daughter, pray a great deal. Italy will suffer great upheavals and will be purified by a great revolution; only a part of it will be saved. Obstinate sinners do not want to have anything to do with God, My Eternal Father. His wrath is upon them. There will be calamities—earthquakes, contagious diseases, hurricanes (which will swell the seas and rivers to the point of overflowing), mountains will be swallowed by the earth.

“My daughter, almost all humanity abuse Me in My Divine Sacrament, despising Me, not believing in Me. The dictators of the earth, truly infernal monsters, will destroy Churches and My sacred tabernacles. In this sacrilegious struggle, do not be afraid. Continue to speak to everyone. These are hours of terrible abandonment.” (Our Lord’s message to Rev. Sister Ana Ali, 3.00 A.M., October 5, 1987).

Our Lady of La Salette prophesied that “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist”. Similarly, Our Lord said—in His message to Rev. Sister Ana Ali—that “Rome will be worse than Babylon!”

Indeed, Rome has today become worse than Babylon! There are many messages which heaven has given to our sinful world over the years through many Catholic seers. Catholics and their bad leaders ignored these messages; and they ridiculed and persecuted the seers. However, some of these messages have already been fulfilled and many more will be fulfilled NOW before our eyes. At the end, it is not Satan who will win. Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph! 
In his April 17 article The battle between God and Satan is playing out during the coronavirus, Roberto de Mattei, a Church historian, writes:

“The international scenario in the spring of 2020 is new, unexpected, and dramatic. Confusion dominates because no one is able to truly say exactly what has happened: where the coronavirus came from, when it will end, and how it should be confronted.

“What is certain, however, is that against this background, two cities continue to fight in history, the Civitas Dei and the Civitas Diabuli: their aim is to annihilate each other. They are the two cities that Saint Augustine speaks of: “One is the society of devoted men, the other of rebels, each one has its own angels – in the first city the love of God is superior, and in the other the love of self” (De Civitate Dei, lib. XIV, c. 13,1).

“This mortal battle was evoked with efficacious words by Pius XII in his discourse to the men of Catholic Action on October 12, 1952. The Pope affirmed that the world was threatened by an enemy much worse than the fifth century enemy Attila the Hun, “the scourge of God.” “Oh, do not ask us who the “enemy” is or what clothes he wears. He is found above all in everyone’s midst; he knows how to be violent and subtle. In these last few centuries he has tried to create intellectual, moral, and social desegregation of the unity of the mysterious organism of Christ. He wanted nature without grace; reason without faith; freedom without authority; and sometimes authority without freedom. He is an “enemy” who has become ever more concrete, with a ruthlessness that still leaves people astonished: Christ yes, Church no. Then: God yes, Christ no. And finally his full cry: God is dead; and even: God never existed. And behold the attempt to structure the world on foundations that we do not hesitate to point out as the principal things responsible for the threat that is incumbent on humanity: an economy without God, a law without God, a political system without God.”

Roberto de Mattei, after analysing the situation before us as well as showing how we arrived here, asks:

“What should counter-revolutionaries do in this situation – those who are faithful to Tradition, zealous Catholics who are full of the apostolic spirit? What should their strategy be in the face of the manoeuvres of the forces of darkness?

“First of all, they ought to show that a world is collapsing; the globalized world that the deformed projects of Bill Gates and his friends will not succeed in keeping on its feet, despite all of their efforts. The end of this world that is a child of the Revolution was announced one hundred years ago at Fatima, and the horizon that we have in front of us is not the hour of the final dictatorship of the Antichrist but rather that of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, preceded by the chastisements announced by the Blessed Mother if humanity would not convert. Today, even among the best Catholics, there is a psychological resistance against speaking of chastisements. But Count Joseph de Maistre admonishes us: “Chastisement governs all of humanity; chastisement guards it; chastisement keeps watch while the watchmen sleep. The wise man considers chastisement as the perfection of justice” (Les soirées de Saint Petersbourg, Pelagard, Lyon 1836, vol. I, p. 37).”

Last Sunday, a police officer entered a Church and interrupted a Mass celebrated with only 12 faithful present in the northern Italian village of Soncino, close to Milan. Sounds like my last report of a priest in Nigeria reporting a fellow priest for saying Mass? (See: COVID-19: This monster “priest” is reporting a fellow priest for saying mass!)
Although it was a Novus Ordo Mass (a Protestantised Mass which was imposed on the Church by Vatican II heretics) he celebrated, we must praise this courageous priest for standing for the Holy Faith in the face of diabolical monsters.  

The priest, Fr Don Lino Viola, was denied by his bishop and was fined €680, while a fine of €280 was imposed on each of the faithful present for Mass!

The coronavirus has indeed exposed many evil men and women. COVID-19 has shown that not only are all of today’s world leaders enemies of the Christian faith, but they are also pure agents of Satan; COVID-19 has shown that the majority of today’s “Catholic” bishops and cardinals are working to destroy the Catholic Faith; worst of all, COVID-19 has shown that an average person in today’s world in loaded with evil spirits and is anti-Christian and anti-Christ. As Franz Skipper remarked (see the comments below): 

“Spend the next 24 hours watching your local news. See how often they comment on the closed churches. Zero. No one cares. Ask a neighbour or a co-worker how they feel about the churches closed. Chances are you'll get a blank stare. To so many, the churches have been closed for years”.
If you wish to understand what is actually happening to the people of our days, those for whom the current closing of Churches is not a big deal—particularly “Catholics”—I refer you to my facebook post of two weeks ago (about the works of Karl Rahner and Hans Kung, two of the most prominent Vatican II heretics). It reads partly: 

“Karl Rahner (1904-1984), a German modernist theologian, was famous for his theory of "anonymous Christianity" While the traditional Roman Catholic teaching (enunciated with clarity by St. Cyprian and restated at the Fourth Lateran Council) is that there is no salvation outside the one visible, organised Catholic Church (there is no salvation in any of the rival "churches"), the Second Vatican Council clearly rejected this teaching—it taught radically that "salvation is not only for Christians but for all men..." (The Church in the Modern World 1: 2).

“Rahner's theory seeks to explain this Vatican II position. "The anonymous Christian in our sense of the term is the pagan after the beginning of the Christian mission, who lives in the state of Christ's grace through faith, hope and love, yet who has no explicit knowledge of the fact that his life is oriented in grace-given salvation to Jesus Christ," he wrote in his “Theological Investigations” (Volume 14, Chapter 17). This is quite contrary to Christ's teaching that "unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost (Catholic Baptism), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5); and again, "...he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3:18).

“While Karl Rahner’s theory aimed to “prove” that non-Catholics (and also non-Christians) are indeed candidates of heaven, Hans Kung was another modernist who tried to “prove” that Catholicism and Protestantism have many things in common and therefore need to “unite”.

“Kung, one of the periti of Vatican II (popularly known as a “Catholic rebel”), was born in 1928. After studying the doctrine of Karl Barth (a Protestant theologian), Kung wrote a book entitled “Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection”, which was published in 1957. In it he wrote: “It is without any doubt, then, significant that today there is a fundamental agreement between Catholic and Protestant theology, precisely in the theology of justification—the point at which Reformation theology took its departure...”

“The book was widely received—by both Catholics and Protestants. In fact, the effect of Kung’s book has been a widespread feeling among modern “Catholic theologians” that the doctrine of justification by faith alone is ACCEPTABLE and need not divide Catholics and Protestants. In 1962, “Pope” John XXIII appointed Kung an official theological adviser to the Second Vatican Council—the Council which championed modern ecumenism (condemned by Pope Pius XI in his Mortalium Animos) that places all religions (including Catholicism) on the same level as if they are all the same.

“Now one of the deadly effects of all this has been that many Catholics today, just like the Protestants, believe that “Church is not the building but the people”—forgetting that every Catholic Church is a House of God because the building itself is dedicated to God and because, quite unlike the Protestant “churches”, GOD LIVES THERE SACRAMENTALLY. We see the evidence of this belief in this current closing of Churches (even during Lent!) due to the coronavirus.”  

The video of the police interrupting the Mass is HERE.

Many Catholics around the globe have decried the incredible sacrilege! The following are some of the comments from Catholics:

Patrick Walsh : “God bless this faithful priest. In the archdiocese of Boston the secularised “Cardinal Sean” says that the Church is a mere 'complement' to government.”

Elaine M Gardens: “Patrick Walsh, I suppose there is truth in that "Cardinals" statement. If the "Plants" in the Church are agents of Satan to destroy Her and all that is Sacred.

Griffon Spitfire: “True! Here in NZ (New Zealand) the government is allowing hundreds of thousands of children to go back to school next week - crammed together in school buses while on the way there and on the way back - but are the Churches allowed to reopen? Nope. And do we hear anything from the Bishops down here on the matter? Nope - not a peep.

Mikeh: “Another thing we didn’t hear about was that about a week into the lockdown our government here in NZ voted for the killing of unborn children. I certainly haven’t heard a peep about that from the church. The hypocrisy is unbelievable, how can you be all for saving life in one breath and for killing in the next, maybe someone can enlighten me because my brain certainly can’t grasp it.”

Griffon Spitfire: “The problem with NZ is that we have a lousy pro-abort left wing government - courtesy of that turncoat Peters at the last General Election - and every single one of our Prelates are useless left wing apostates. That's a big part of the problem. Another significant issue is our secular left-wing media - and how the average Joe Blogs takes whatever they pump out as gospel. There is a high chance NZ may turn out like Venezuela - we'll see how popular the left will be then...”

Giuseppe Paolo:  “The priest, Don Viola did the right thing: "We ought to obey God, rather than men." [Acts of Apostles 5:29]”
Michael Robinson: “I agree with Archbishop Vigano, almost all of our bishops are cowards!”

Tina“Michael Robinson, fully agree. It seems to me cowards of the worst kind. I suspect these bishops, cardinals, etc., have each a very dark secret, which makes them open to blackmail. Why then are they denying their Catholic faith and supporting hedonistic, Hindu, pantheistic, occult spiritist faiths?”
Dr CP: “COVID-19 is not the problem here. It never was. The children of COVID-19 in positions of power, who have been hiding in the shadows until now and their master, are the problem. We will have YEARS of this. God Bless this priest and may God have mercy on the soul of his Bishop.”

Marie Halligan: “Dr CP, I was just thinking if that's the case, we'll have to go back to Mass rocks like they did here in Ireland during the Penal times. Then I wondered how many of our clergy would be faithful enough and BRAVE enough to risk saying Mass out in the open, even if it was in the middle of a field or up a mountain, and how many of our faithful would risk it as well? I'm sad to say I reckon the answer would be not many. I miss the Mass and the Eucharist and I won't feel right until I can go to confession again. Please Lord Holy Spirit; fill your clergy and laity with courage and faith again. Amen.”

Phil: “And let's give hearty thanks once again to AB Vigano who did NOT refrain from calling out the cowardice of Prelates that allowed the Italian police to break the Concordat with the Church and Italian government in 1929, and confirmed in 1984. I think the Lord is gonna have Vigano standing by His side when 'certain' Prelates arrive at the Gates of Heaven for a little discernment process, prior to ...ah, the trembling and shaking of knees!”

Franz Skipper“Spend the next 24 hours watching your local news. See how often they comment on the closed churches. Zero. No one cares. Ask a neighbour or a co-worker how they feel about the churches closed. Chances are you'll get a blank stare. To so many the churches have been closed for years”.
Here (below) is the article:

WATCH: Police officer interrupts Mass, priest refuses to kick out 12 faithful
'It wasn’t human to send them out,' the parish priest later explained.

By Martin Bürger

SONCINO, Italy, April 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Police interrupted a Mass celebrated with only 12 faithful present last Sunday in the northern Italian village of Soncino, close to Milan. A video shows a police officer talking to the priest, Don Lino Viola, right after the homily.

Moments later he returned, trying to get Viola to speak to the town’s mayor, who was on hold on the police officer’s phone. However, the priest refused to bend to the will of the local authorities.

Cremona Oggi, a local online news outlet, spoke of “few faithful” present at the Mass, “only about fifteen, but still too many for the strict rules that have imposed the prohibition of religious celebrations and any other form of assembly.” Public Masses in Italy had been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic back in March.

Mayor Gabriele Gallina said “it would have been enough” for Viola “to get the faithful out and continue the celebration.” However, the priest refused to do that.

The mayor explained that he had already talked to Viola on Sunday afternoon. “Nothing was broken, there is a good relationship between us, but it would have been enough to let the faithful go out, and perhaps everything would have gone smoothly.”

Don Lino Viola later clarified that 13 people were present in the church, including the priest. He pointed out that “six extra people” walked in while he was changing in the sacristy to get ready for Mass.

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“They were a family who at that Mass commemorated some people who had died, plus a lady who had lost a relative to the coronavirus two days earlier. It wasn’t human to send them out,” he emphasized.

The priest explained that the faithful were four meters apart from each other, even though most so-called social distancing guidelines only recommend about two meters, at most. Everybody was wearing masks.

While a fine of €280 was imposed on each of the faithful present for Mass, Viola told people not to pay. The priest, who was fined €680, said that “if anything, the parish will take care of it. I’m convinced that I haven’t created an assembly.”

He promised to talk to local authorities, specifically the Prefect of the Province of Cremona, “and I want to talk to a lawyer to understand if there hasn’t possibly been an abuse of power.”

La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana pointed out that police entering the church building and interrupting the celebration of Mass might actually constitute a violation of international law between Italy and the Vatican.

The agreement states that “the public authority may not enter for the exercise of its duties in buildings open to worship without having given prior notice to the ecclesiastical authority,” unless there is an emergency.

Bishop Antonio Napolioni of Cremona did not support his priest. A statement issued by the diocese on Monday called out Viola for “failure to comply with current emergency regulations prohibiting the celebration of Mass in the presence of the faithful.”

“With regard to the matter, the Diocese of Cremona, while aware of the intimate suffering and profound discomfort of so many priests and faithful due to the forced and prolonged deprivation of the Eucharist, cannot but emphasize with regret that the behavior of the parish priest is in contradiction with civil norms and canonical indications that for several weeks now have been affecting the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church in Italy and of our Church of Cremona,” the statement continued.

Instead of thanking Don Lino Viola for standing strong and defending the faithful present at the Mass, the diocese felt “the duty to thank all the priests of Cremona who, in this difficult period, have been able to express a deep sense of communion and ecclesial belonging also through the rigorous and precise respect of the current norms, aware of the responsibility that the Church has towards civil society and the health of our fellow citizens.”

Avvenire, an Italian daily newspaper owned by the Italian Bishops’ Conference, only reported on Bishop Napolioni’s statement. Prior to that, there was no article discussing the fact that a police officer had interrupted Mass.

The interruption of the Mass in Soncino was not the only case of government harassing priests amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

In mid-March, a priest in Marina di Cerveteri outside of Rome did not “have the chance to begin the concluding rite inside an empty church (but with faithful watching live on streaming) when two local police officers in antiviral masks swoop in behind the altar,” reported the New Daily Compass.

The police argued that “the parish priest had left the doors of his church open and outside in the churchyard, faithful had gathered in prayer. However, the few faithful present in the churchyard had kept a safe distance, far greater than the commonly known one-meter recommendation decreed by the Italian government.”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United Statessuggested that this case “may simply have been an excess of zeal by two local policemen, especially if they have to work under all the extra stress that has arisen since the coronavirus outbreak.”

“It must also be clear, though, especially in a country like Italy which signed a Concordat with the Church in 1929, that the ecclesiastical authorities have sole rights over places of worship,” Viganò explained. “The Holy See and the local Ordinary really ought to have protested over such a violation of the Lateran Treaty, which was confirmed again in 1984 and which is still in force.”

According to Viganò, “the authority of Bishops, given directly to them by God, melts away like snow and shows how cowardly they all are. This might lead to even worse abuses in the future if it is not corrected now. Let me take this opportunity to ask for a forthright condemnation of this unacceptable meddling by government forces in affairs which are the direct responsibility of the Church Authorities.”