by Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi
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False teachers and heretics praying for "Pope" Francis.
A list of fake churches worldwide, numbered alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A of BC in
Luzon Visayas Mindanao
A Unterstütz in Mennonitengemeinden Abbott Loop Fell of Community Churches Aboriginal pentecostal congregations Absolute Maori Established Church Acção Bíblica Acción Misionera Iglesia de Dios Achang Church Achewa Baptist Church Action Apostolique Action Biblique Acts Mission Church of South Africa Acts of Apostles Christ Church Nigeria Advent Christian Church Advent Christian Conference Advent Christian Conference of Japan Adventist Church Adventists of the True Remnant Africa Christian network Africa Evangelical Church Africa Evangelical Church of Malawi Africa Gospel Church Africa Gospel Unity Church Africa Inland Church African Apostolic Church of Johane Maranke African Apostolic Church of Johane Masowe African Apostolic Church of Nigeria & Benin African Apostolic Church St Simon & St Johane African Apostolic Faith Mission African Assemblies of God African Baptist Assembly Malawi African Born Full Gospel Apostolic Ch African Brotherhood Church African Catholic Church African Christian Church & Schools African Christians Fellowship African Church African Church Mission African Church of Jesus Christ in Kenya African Church of the Holy Spirit African Church The African Congregational Church African Covenant Church African Disciples of Christ African Divine Church African Evangelical Presbyterian Ch African Faith Tabernacle Church African Free Presb Church of Zimbabwe African Full Gospel Church African Gospel Church African Holy Zionist Church African Independent Church of Kenya African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa African Interior Church African Israel Church Nineveh African Methodist Church in Zimbabwe African Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zion Ch African Mission of Holy Ghost Church African National Church African National/International Church African New Life Ministries African Reformed Coptic Church of God African Salvation Army Church African Union First Colored MP Ch Afrikaans Baptist Church Afrikaans Protestant Church Agape Fellowship Agape Ministries International Akha Church Aladura Internat Church UK & Overseas Alaph Divine Temple Aliança Biblica do Brasil Aliança Cristã e Missionária Aliança das Igrejas Cristãs Ev do Brasil Alianca Ev C&MA Alianca Evangelica Missionaria Alianza Cristiana Pentecostal Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Alianza Cristiana y Misionera del U All One in Christ Fellowship Allegheny Wesleyan Meth Connection Alliance Baptiste Ev de Paris E et N Alliance Church in South Africa Alliance Church of Swaziland Alliance Church of Zimbabwe Alliance des Eglises Chrétiennes Miss Alliance des Eglises Evangéliques Alliance des Egls Ev Indépendantes Alliance Ev Chr et Missionnaire Alliance for Renewal Churches Alliance of Christian Churches Alliance of Reformed Churches Alliance Spirituelle et Fraternelle All-Ukrainian Union of Assocs of ECBs Alpha & Omega Christian Church Alt-Katholische Kirche in Deutschland Alt-Katholische Kirche in Österreich Altreformierte Kirchen in Deutschland American Anglican Catholic Church American Association of Lutheran Churches American Baptist Association American Baptist Churches in the USA American Episcopal Church of N America American Ev Christian Churches American Evangelistic Association American Rescue Workers Amis du Charpentier Amuri Free Church Anchor Bay Evangelistic Assoc of the P Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association Ancient Church of the East: P Baghdad Angkola Christian Prot Church Angl Church in Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia Anglican Catholic Church Anglican Catholic Church in Australia Anglican Catholic Church in N America Anglican Catholic Church of Canada Anglican Church Anglican Church (D Antigua) Anglican Church (D Cyprus & the Gulf) Anglican Church (D Egypt L & N) Anglican Church (D Egypt) Anglican Church (D Europe) Anglican Church (D Guyana) Anglican Church (D Jamaica) Anglican Church (D Kuching) Anglican Church (D Mauritius) Anglican Church (D Nassau & B) Anglican Church (D Papua & New Guinea) Anglican Church (D Polynesia) Anglican Church (D Singapore) Anglican Church (D Virgin Islands) Anglican Church (D Windward Is) Anglican Church (D Windward Isles) Anglican Church (J North & Central Europe) Anglican Church in America Anglican Church in Lesotho Anglican Church in Malawi Anglican Church in Southern Africa Anglican Church in Zambia: Anglican Church in Zimbabwe: Anglican Church of Aruba (D Antigua) Anglican Church of Australia Anglican Church of Bermuda (D Bermuda) Anglican Church of Cameroon Anglican Church of Canada Anglican Church of Ghana Anglican Church of India Anglican Church of Kenya Anglican Church of Malaysia Anglican Church of Nigeria Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea Anglican Church: D Antigua Anglican Church: D Barbados Anglican Church: D Belize Anglican Church: D Botswana Anglican Church: D Cyprus & the Gulf Anglican Church: D Damaraland/Namibia Anglican Church: D Gambia & Rio Pongas Anglican Church: D Guyana Anglican Church: D Jamaica Anglican Church: D Mauritius Anglican Church: D Nassau & the B Anglican Church: D Polynesia Anglican Church: D Seychelles Anglican Church: D Singapore Anglican Church: D Swaziland Anglican Church: D Trinidad & Tobago Anglican Church: D Windward Isles Anglican Episcopal Church of N America Anglican Mission in America Anglican Orthodox Church Anglican Orthodox Church of N America Anglican Orthodox Church of Zimbabwe Anglican Orthodox Church: D Pakistan Anglican Orthodox Free Church Anglican Province of America Anglican Province of Christ the King Anglican Rite Jurisdiction of the Americas Anglikanische Kirche (D Europe) Anglo-West-Indian Assembly Antigua Barbuda Baptist Association Antioch Baptist Church Antioch Ministries Antioch Ministries International Antioch Network of Churches & Ministries Antioch Zionist Church Ap Commission of Christ Church Ministries Apatani Christian Fellowship Apocalyptists Apos Ministers Conf of Philadelphia Apostelamt Jesu Christi Apostelamt Juda Apostle Miracle Church of South Africa Apostles & Christian Brethren Church of SA Apostles Gospel Outreach Fellowship Int Apostles in Zion Church Apostles Revelation Society Apostolic Assemblies of Christ Int Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in JC Apostolic Bible Christian Church Apostolic Brethren Apostolic Christian Assembly Apostolic Christian Church Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean) Apostolic Christian Church of America Apostolic Christian Churches International Apostolic Church Apostolic Church (Apostle Unity) Apostolic Church (GB) Apostolic Church (Primitive Chr Brethren) Apostolic Church Ghana Apostolic Church in Canada Apostolic Church in Denmark Apostolic Church in the Netherlands Apostolic Church in Zambia Apostolic Church of Australia & NZ Apostolic Church of Christ Apostolic Church of God Apostolic Church of God Christians Apostolic Church of God in Christ Apostolic Church of Great Britain Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic Church of Johane Maranke Apostolic Church of Light Apostolic Church of Nigeria Apostolic Church of Pakistan Apostolic Church of Pentecost Apostolic Church of Pentecost in Canada Apostolic Church of Pentecost in India Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Malawi Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Z Apostolic Church of Queensland Apostolic Church of Singapore Apostolic Church of the Slovak Rep Apostolic Divine Church of Ghana Apostolic Door of Faith Apostolic Episcopal Church Apostolic Faith Apostolic Faith & Acts Church Apostolic Faith (Born Again) Church Apostolic Faith Church Apostolic Faith Holy Gospel Church Apostolic Faith Mission Apostolic Faith Mission Church of God Apostolic Faith Mission of Africa Apostolic Faith Mission of Canada Apostolic Faith Mission of Malawi Apostolic Faith Mission of S Africa Apostolic Faith Mission of SAfrica Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Apostolic Faith Mission of Zambia Apostolic Faith of Africa Apostolic Faith Star Church Apostolic Fellowship Association Apostolic Fellowship Tabernacle (Ind) Apostolic God of Mercy Church Apostolic Hierarchy Church Apostolic Holy Zion Mission of SA Apostolic Independent Missions Apostolic Life Mission Church Apostolic Lutheran Church of America Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God Apostolic Pentecostal Church India Apostolic Reformed Church of Ghana Apostolic Society Apostolic Temple Church of Nigeria Apostolische Gemeinschaft Apostolische Kirche in Deutschland Arab Evangelical Church Arab Evangelical Churches Arab indigenous churches Arb Mennonitischer Brudergemeinden Arb Mennonitischer Brüdergemeinden D Arbol de la Vida Arca de Salvación Armée de Salut Armée du Christ Armée du Salut Armenian Closed Brethren Armenian Ev Spiritual Brethren Armenian Ev Union of Churches Armenian Evangelical Church Armenian Pentecostal Church Army of the Cross of Christ Church Asamblea Cristiana Asamblea Cristiana (Italiana) Asamblea Cristiana Cultural Asamblea Cristiana de Argentina Asamblea Cristiana Nueva Vida Asamblea Cristiana Unida Asamblea de Dios Asamblea de Iglesias Cristianas Asamblea de los Hermanos Asamblea del Señor Asamblea Ev de Dios (Riberalta) Asambleas Biblicas Asambleas de Deus nacionales Asambleas de Dios Asambleas de Dios (Sueca) Asambleas de Dios (USA) Asambleas de Dios Autónomas Asambleas de Dios Bolivianas Asambleas de Dios de Bolivia Asambleas de Dios de Colombia Asambleas de Dios de España Asambleas de Dios de México Asambleas de Dios del Perú Asambleas de Dios en Chilé Asambleas de Dios en el Ecuador Asambleas de Dios en el Paraguay Asambleas de Dios en Guatemela Asambleas de Dios en Venezuela Asambleas de Dios Noruega Asambleas de Hermanos Asambleas de Hermanos en Cristo Asambleas de Igls Cristianas Asambleas de Jéhova Asambleas del Senor JC de Argentina Asambleas des Iglesias Cristianas Asambleas Locales Asambleas Pentecostales de España Ascension Fellowships International Asia Evangelistic Fellowship Asian Outreach Churches Asoc Bautista para la Ev del Mondo Asoc Bautistas para Ev Mundial Asoc Concilio Iglesias Ev Nacionales Asoc Conv Bautista de Cuba Occidental Asoc Convención Bautista de Costa Rica Asoc Cristiana La Nueva Jerusalém Asoc de Igl Ev Bautistas Independent de E Asoc de Iglesias Bautistas Biblicas Asoc de Iglesias Ev de C del Oriente Asoc de Iglesias Ev del Magdalena Asoc de Iglesias Ev del Oriente Asoc de Iglesias Ev Interamericanas Asoc de Iglesias Evangélicas de V Asoc de Iglesias Pentecostales Peniel Asoc de Igls Bíblicas Costarricenses Asoc de Igls Ev Hispanoamericanas Asoc de Igs Bíblicas Ev de Lima Asoc de Igs Ev Cristianas Asoc de Igs Ev del Nor-Oriente Peruano Asoc de Igs Ev Libres del Peru Asoc de Igs Pentecostales Autonomas Asoc de Igs Pentecostales Bautistas Asoc de lg Apostolica Unida Asoc de lg Maranatha Pentecostes Asoc Ev Ig Guaymi Asoc Evangelistica Peniel El que Vive Asoc Ig Biblica Bautista Fund de CR Asoc Ig Evan El Calvaro Asoc Igl Congregacional Pentecostes Asoc Iglesia Ap de Fe en Cristo Jesus Asoc Iglesia Evangélica Aguaruna Asoc Igls Alianza Cristiana y Misioners Asoc la Iglesia de Dios Asoc Misiones Transmundiales de CR Asoc Monte Basan de Igs Evangélicas Asoc Nacional de Iglesias Cristianas Asociación Asambleas Elim Asociación Bautista Asociación Bautista de El Salvador Asociación Bautista de Mosquito Asociacion Bautista Islas Bay Asociación Bautista Maranatha Asociacion Bautista Misionera Hebron Asociacion Cristiana Roca del Pedernel Asociación de Cristianos Unidos Asociación de Igl de Dios Reformadas Asociación de Iglesias Cristianas Asociación de Iglesias Ev del Caribe Asociación de Iglesias Ev del Oriente Asociación de Iglesias Reformadas Asociación de Igls Cristianas Ev en M Asociacion de Igls Ev Centroamericanas Asociación de Igls Pente Peniel Libre Asociación del Iglesias Misioneras Asociación Emanual (Guatemala) Asociacion Ev Bautista Española Asociación Evangélica de Cuba Asociacion Ig Manantias de Vida Asociación Iglesia de Cristo Asociacion Iglesias ‘Casa de Banqueté’ Asociación Misionera Ev Nacional Asociacón Ev Verbo de Dios Ass dos Batistas Evangelismo Mundial Ass Ev de Catequese dos Indios Caiuas Assam Baptist Convention Assemblea Evangelica Battista Assemblée Chrétienne Evangélique Assemblée Chrétienne Missionnaire Assemblée des Béguins Assemblée des Frères Assemblee di Dio in Italia Assemblée Evangélique Assemblée Evangélique Italienne Assemblée Pentecôtiste Ev d’Afrique Assemblées Chrétiennes du Tchad Assemblées de Dieu Assemblées de Dieu (USA) Assemblées de Dieu de Belgique Assemblées de Dieu de Nouméa Assemblées de Dieu de Pentecôte Assemblées de Dieu e Guinée Assemblées de Dieu en BF Assemblées de Dieu en France Assemblées des Frères Assemblées des Frères (Darbystes) Assemblées des Frères Alexandre Assemblées des Frères Darbystes Assemblées Ev de Suisse Romande Assemblées Ev Frères Assemblées Locales Assembleias de Deus Assembléias de Deus Assembleias de Deus Africanas Assembleias de Deus em Portugal Assembleias de Deus Internacionales Assembleias Ev de Deus Pentecostales Assembleias Locales Assemblia de lg Cristianas Assemblies (El Shaddai) Assemblies (Jehova Shammah) Assemblies of Brethren Assemblies of Christ Church Assemblies of Christians Assemblies of God Assemblies of God (Apostolic Ch) Assemblies of God (Assyrian) Assemblies of God (Back to God) Assemblies of God (Filadelfia) Assemblies of God (North & South India) Assemblies of God (Spanish) Assemblies of God Fellowship Assemblies of God Fellowship Int Assemblies of God in Australia Assemblies of God in Botswana Assemblies of God in Egypt Assemblies of God in GB & Ireland Assemblies of God in Ghana Assemblies of God in Guyana Assemblies of God in Lesotho Assemblies of God in Malawi Assemblies of God in New Zealand Assemblies of God in Nigeria Assemblies of God in S & Central Africa Assemblies of God in Samoa Assemblies of God in Sri Lanka Assemblies of God in the Bahamas Assemblies of God in Viet Nam Assemblies of God in Zimbabwe Assemblies of God International Assemblies of God of Fiji Assemblies of God of Myanmar Assemblies of God of Tonga Assemblies of God USA Assemblies of Jesus Christ Assemblies of the First-Born Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ Assembly Church of JC Full Gospel Assembly Hall Churches Assembly of Christian Churches Assembly of God Assoc das Igs Congregaçionais Biblicas Assoc das lgs Menonitas Assoc de Batistas para Ev Mundial Assoc de Igrejas Batistas Portuguesas Assoc de la Convention Baptiste en BF Assoc des Egl Bapt Ev Centrafricaines Assoc des Egl Ev de Pentecôte en RCA Assoc des Eglises Baptistes du Nord Assoc des Eglises Baptistes du R Assoc des Eglises de Pentecôte du R Assoc des Eglises Ev Baptistes Assoc des Eglises Ev Mennonites de F Assoc des Eglises Evangéliques Assoc des Egls Ev de Pentecôte en BF Assoc Ev des Egls Baptistes Françaises Assoc Evangélique des Egls Baptistes Assoc Geral das Igs Batistas Regulares Assoc of Baptists for World Evan Assoc of Baptists for World Evangelism Assoc of Bible Churches of the Philippines Assoc of Free Lutheran Congs Assoc of Fundamental Baptist Churches in P Assoc of Independent Churches in Africa Assoc of Independent Holiness Churches Assoc of Independent Methodists Assoc of Intern Gospel Assemblies Assoc of Regular Baptist Churches of C Assoc of Regular Independent Churches of India Associacão das Igrejas Luteranas Livres Associação Evangélica Menonita Associación Adventista del Séptimo Día Associación de Templos Evangélicos Associación Misionera Ev Nacional Associate Reformed Presbyterian Ch Associated Baptist Churches Associated Brotherhood of Christians Associated Christian Church of Kenya Associated Churches of Christ in NZ Associated Churches of God Associated Gospel Assemblies Associated Gospel Churches Associated Mission Churches of Australia Associated Presb Churches of Scotland Association Baptiste Association Culturelle Antoiniste Association des Eglises de Siloam Association des Eglises Vignobles Association des Egls de la Guadeloupe Association of American Lutheran Churches Association of Baptist Churches Association of Baptist Churches in Israel Association of Christian Churches Association of Christian Foundations Association of Christian Ministries Association of Ev Congs & Ministries Association of Ev Gospel Assemblies Association of Evangelical Baptists Association of Evangelical Churches Association of Evangelical Churches of Belize Association of Faith Churches & Ministries Association of Free Ev Congregations Association of Oriya Baptist Churches Association of Vineyard Churches Associazione Missionaria Ev Italiana Assyrian Evangelical Church Assyrian Evangelical Churches Atos Igreja Crista Aumônerie Générale Indép Mixte Australian Aborigines Ev Mission Australian Baptist Missionary Society Australian Indigenous Ministries Churches Azione Biblica Azuza Fellowship
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Bible Truth
Bafu Bay Church Bahamas Faith Ministries Bahamas National Baptist Union Bai Church Bali Christian Protestant Church Bambini di Dio Bambinos de Dios Bamu River Mission Bando Evangelistico Gedeón Bangladesh Baptist Fellowship Bangladesh Baptist Sangha Bangladesh Ev Lutheran Church Bangladesh Lutheran Church Banner of the Race Church Bantu Baptist Church Bantu Bethlehem Church of Zion in SA Bantu Methodist Church Bantu New Christian Cath Apostolic Ch Bantu Swedish Free Church Baptist Association Baptist Association of Belize Baptist Association of Churches Baptist Association of Mauritius Baptist Association of South Africa Baptist Association of Zambia Baptist Bible Believers Assembly Baptist Bible Church Baptist Bible Fellowship Baptist Bible Fellowship International Baptist Bible Fellowship of Japan Baptist Bible Fellowship of the P Baptist Christian Association Baptist Church Baptist Church in Aruba Baptist Church in Bosnia-H Baptist Church in Tripoli Baptist Church in Turkmenistan Baptist Church of God Baptist Church of Macedonia Baptist Church of Mizoram Baptist Churches Baptist Churches in Belize Baptist Churches in Palestine Baptist Churches in Tajikistan Baptist Churches of Lesotho Baptist Convention Baptist Convention in Israel Baptist Convention of Botswana Baptist Convention of Cambodia Baptist Convention of Fiji Baptist Convention of Hong Kong Baptist Convention of Kenya Baptist Convention of Malawi Baptist Convention of Namibia Baptist Convention of Pakistan Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone Baptist Convention of Southern Africa Baptist Convention of T&T Baptist Convention of Tanzania Baptist Convention of Zambia Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe Baptist Co-operative Convention Baptist Evangelical Association of Ethiopia Baptist General Conference Baptist General Conference of Canada Baptist General Conference of the P Baptist Gospel Association of Indonesia Baptist International Church Baptist International Churches Baptist International Mission Baptist International Missions Baptist Mid-Missions Baptist Mid-Missions in Japan Baptist Mission Baptist Mission of South Africa Baptist Missionary Assoc of America Baptist Union in the Gambia Baptist Union in Uzbekistan Baptist Union of Australia Baptist Union of Bulgaria Baptist Union of Croatia Baptist Union of Denmark Baptist Union of Finland Baptist Union of GB & Ireland Baptist Union of Georgia Baptist Union of Great Britain Baptist Union of Hungary Baptist Union of Ireland Baptist Union of Lithuania Baptist Union of Moldova Baptist Union of New Zealand Baptist Union of North India Baptist Union of PNG Baptist Union of Scotland Baptist Union of Slovakia Baptist Union of South Africa Baptist Union of Southern Africa Baptist Union of Sweden Baptist Union of Trinidad & Tobago Baptist Union of Uganda Baptist Union of Wales Baptist Union of Zambia Baptist Union of Zimbabwe Baptist Unity of Brethren Baptiste Convention Barbados Baptist Convention Basic Link of Christ Batak Christian Church Batak Christian Community Church Batak Christian Protestant Church Beachy Amish Mennonite Church Beirut Community Church Believe in God Healing Church Believers' Assemblies of Nigeria Believers Church Believers Churches Believers' Churches in India Believers Churches of Bhutan Believers in Christ Belize Mennonite Mission Bengal Baptist Union Bengal Evangelistic Mission Bengal-Orissa-Bihar Baptist Convention Benin United Baptist Mission of N Berean Bible Church Berean Bible Churches Berean Fundamental Churches Berean Mission Bermuda Baptist Fellowship Bethany Christian Assemblies Bethany Church Mission Bethany Evangelical Mission Bethany Fellowship of Great Britain Bethel Assemblies Bethel Baptist Assembly Bethel Chapel Bethel Church Bethel Church in Indonesia Bethel Church of Christ Bethel Full Gospel Church Bethel Mission of China Bethel Pentecostal Church Bethel Pentecostal Temple Bethel Tabernacle Church Bethel Temples Bethel World Outreach Bethesda Church Mission Bethesda Missionary Temple Bethlehem City of Christ in Zion Bethlehem Faith Mission Bethlehem Revival Church Bhai Mission Bharat Evangelical Fellowship Bharatiya General Conf Mennonite Churches Bharatiya Jukta Christa PM Bible Baptist Church Bible Baptist Churches Bible Believing Churches in India Bible Brethren Fellowship Bible Christian Mission Bible Christian Union Bible Church Bible Church of God Bible Crusade Missionary Society Bible Evangelistic Mission Bible Fellowship Church Bible Fellowship Churches Bible Holiness Movement Bible Methodist Church Bible Mission Bible Missionary Church Bible Pattern Church Bible Pattern Church Fellowship Bible Preaching Church Bible Presbyterian Church Bible Presbyterian Church of India Bible Presbyterian Church of Korea Bible Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Bible Presbyterian Churches Bible Protestant Congregational Churches Bible Speaks Church Bible Study Circle Bible Way Bible Way Association Bible Way Churches of Our Lord JC WW Biblical Church Biblische Glaubensgemeinde Bihar Mennonite Mandli Blackman's Mission Blackman's Presbyterian Church of Africa Blessing Youth Mission Bonds of Fellowship Botswana Star Church in Zion Botswana United Church in Zion Brazil for Christ Pentecostal Ch Bread of Life Church Bread of Life Ministries Brethren Assemblies Brethren Church Brethren Church (Ashland Ohio) Brethren in Christ Brethren in Christ Church Brethren in Christ Church in Africa Brethren in Christ Church in India Brethren in Christ–Orissa Brethren of Christ Bridge Ministries Bristol Christian Fellowship British Christian & Missionary Alliance British Methodist Episcopal Church Broadsheet Readers Clubs Broadsheet Readers' Clubs Brotherhood of Baptist Churches Brotherhood of Christian Baptists Brotherhood of the Cross and Star Brüdergemeine im Schweiz Brunei Christian Fellowship Buem-Krachi Presbyterian Church Bulgarian Congregational Church Bumila Fellowship of Baptist Churches Bund der Baptistengemeinden in der S Bund der Baptisten-Gemeinden in Ö Bund Evangelikaler Gemeinde in Ö Bund Evangelische Gemeinden Bund Ev-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in D Bund Freier Ev Gemeinden der Schweiz Bund Freier Ev Gemeinden in D Bund Freikirchlichen Pfingstgemeinden Bund Pfingstlicher Freikirchen Bund Taufgesinnter Gemeinden Burmese Baptist Church
Cachar Hill
Tribes Presb Synod
Calvary Chapels International Calvary Charismatic Centre Calvary Charismatic Centres Calvary Church Calvary Church of God in Christ Calvary Church of the Coastlands Calvary Churches Calvary Grace Churches of Faith Calvary Ministries Calvary Pentecostal Church Calvary Pentecostal Mission Church Calvary Temple Calvary United Church of Christ Calvinist Protestant Church of South Africa Cameroon Baptist Convention Cameroon Bible Mission Canaan Fellowship Int Canadian Baptist Conference Canadian Baptist Ministries Canadian Holiness Mission Caribbean Light & Truth Cathedral of Tomorrow Catholic Apostolic Church (Irvingites) Celestial Church of Christ Centers of Christian Love Central Africa Church Central Africa Pioneer Mission Central Baptist Association Central Church of God Central Japan Pioneer Mission Central Jerusalem Church in Korea Central Taiwan Lutheran Church Centre Chrétien Centro Biblico Centro Carismatico Mundial Centro Crist Casa de Oracion Centro de Formación Cristiana Centro Evan e Miss do Feijó e Missoes Centro Evangélico Pentecostal Centro Misionero Bethesda Centros Culturas Calacoaya Centros de Amistad Cristiana Centros de Fe Esperanza y Amor Ceylon Pentecostal Mission Chad Brothers Chaldean Syrian Church: P Baghdad Charismatic Assoc of Christian Churches of R Charismatic Church of Uganda Charismatic Episcopal Church of NA Charismatic Youth Fellowships Cherubim & Seraphim Church of Zion of N Cherubim & Seraphim Council of Churches Cherubim and Seraphim Chérubin et Séraphin Chérubin et Séraphin du Mont Zion du T Chiesa Anglicana (D Europe) Chiesa Apostolica in Italia Chiesa Battista Biblica Chiesa Cattolica Riformata d'Italia Chiesa Cristiana Cattolica Chiesa Cristiana Ev dei Fratelli in I Chiesa di Dio Chiesa Evangelica del Nazareno Chiesa Evangelica Internazionale Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Chiesa Evangelica Mennonita Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera Chiesa Evangelica Valdese e Metodiste Chiesa Naova Pentecoste Chiesa Neo-Apostolica Chiesa Ortodossa Russa (ROCOR) Chiesa Pentecostal Santita Chiesa Pentecostal Unite Chiesa Presbiteriana Scozzese Chiesa Universale Giuris-Davidica Chiese Cinese Chiese di Cristo in Italia Chiese Elim in Italia Chiese Ev Cristiana Independente Chiese Evangeliche di lingua Italiana Chiese Pentecostali Autonome Children of God Children of God (The Family) Children of God International Children of God Regeneration Church China Assemblies of God China Church of God (Cleveland) China Evangelical Lutheran Church China Evangelical Mission China Free Methodist Church China Holiness Church China Lutheran Gospel Church China Peniel Church China Peniel Missionary Society China Presbyterian Church of Christ Chinese Baptist Convention Chinese Catholic Church (Patriotic) Chinese Christian Church Chinese Christian Church of Amoy Chinese Christian Fellowship of M Chinese Christian Gospel Centre Chinese Churches Chinese Evangelical Church Chinese Evangelical Zion Church Chinese Evangelistic Crusade Chinese Full Gospel Church Chinese Full Gospel Fell International Chinese Lutheran Brethren Church Chinese Methodist Church Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod Chisoms Churches of Pentecost in Malawi Chosen Church of the Holy Spirit in Kenya Chosen Evangelical Revival Choson Christian Church Chr Gem der D Pfingstbewegung Chr Nationals Evangelism Commission Chrischona Mission in Ethiopia Christ Apostolic Church Christ Apostolic Mission Church Christ Apostolic Universal Church Christ Army Church Christ Cath Church of America & Europe Christ Centered Church Christ Chapel (Lagos) Christ Chosen Church of God of N Christ Church of the Lord Christ Church the Full Gospel Church Christ Evangelistic Band Christ for the Nations Christ Foundation Church Christ Gospel Apostolic Church of Nigeria Christ Gospel Churches International Christ Groups Christ Healing Church of Nigeria Christ Jesus' Holy Church Christ Pentecostal Church Christ Revival Church Christ the Word of God Christ to the Philippines Christengemeinde/Offene Brüder Christian & Missionary Alliance Christian & Missionary Alliance Ch Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches Christian & Missionary Alliance in C Christian & Missionary Alliance of I Christian & Missionary Alliance of India Christian & Missionary Alliance of NZ Christian & Missionary Alliance Union Christian Action Faith Ministries Christian Advent Fellowship Christian Adventist Church in Serbia Christian Adventist Church in Slovenia Christian and Missionary Alliance Christian Apostolic Church in Zion of SA Christian Apostolic Faith Church in Zion Christian Assemblies Christian Assemblies in India Christian Assembly Christian Bantu Apostolic Church in Zion Christian Believers United Christian Bible Circle Christian Brethren Christian Brethren (Church of the Gospel) Christian Brethren (Exclusive Closed) Christian Brethren (Exclusive) Christian Brethren (Open) Christian Brethren Assemblies Christian Brotherhood Church Christian Canaan Church Christian Cath Ap Holy Spirit Church in Z Christian Catholic Church Christian Catholic Church (Evangelical) Christian Charismatic Church Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Church in Central Sulawesi Christian Church in Luwuk Banggai Christian Church in South Sulawesi Christian Church of Bangladesh Christian Church of Emmanuel Christian Church of North America Christian Church of North Central Java Christian Church of Salvation Christian Church of Southern Sumatra Christian Church of Sumba Christian Church of the Glorious Gospel Christian Churches & Churches of Christ Christian Churches and Churches of Christ Christian Churches of Java Christian Churches of the Word Christian Churches/Churches of Christ Christian City Churches Christian Communities (Closed) Christian Communities (Open) Christian Community Church Bhilai Nagar Christian Community The (1685) Christian Congregation Christian Divine Church Christian Ecumenical Faith of the P Christian Evangelical Church Christian Evangelical Mission Christian Evangelistic Assemblies Christian Evangelistic Assemblies of India Christian Evangelistic Church Christian Extension Services Christian Family Church Christian Fell Gospel Ministries Christian Fellowship Christian Fellowship (Evangelical) in N Christian Fellowship Assemblies Christian Fellowship Centre Christian Fellowship Church Christian Fellowship Churches Christian Fellowship International Christian Fellowship of CMA Christian Fellowship of Japan Christian Fellowship of Prague Christian Fellowship of Zambia Christian Fellowships Christian Gospel of Glory Christian Growth Ministries Christian Holy Convention Christian Holy Ghost Church of EAfrica Christian Hope Ministry Christian Independent Church Christian International Network of Churches Christian Israelite Church Christian Korean Pentecostal Church of God Christian Lutheran Evangelical Ch Christian Marching Church of Central Africa Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Christian Mission Christian Mission Fellowship Christian Mission in the Far East Christian Missionary Fellowship Christian Missions in the Philippines Christian Nat Apostolic Church in Zion of SA Christian Nation Church USA Christian Nazarene Community Christian Oriental Salvation Church Christian Outreach Centers Christian Outreach Centers Internat Christian Outreach Centre Christian Outreach Centres Christian Outreach Centres Intl Christian Outreach Missions Christian Pentecostal Church Christian Pilgrim Church of St Vincent Christian Reformed Church Christian Reformed Church in Eastern Africa Christian Reformed Church in Korea Christian Reformed Church in N America Christian Reformed Church of EA Christian Reformed Church of the P Christian Reformed Churches in C Christian Reformed Churches in the N Christian Reformed Churches of Indonesia Christian Rehabilitated Church in Korea Christian Revival Church Christian Revival Church of Tanzania Christian Revival Crusade Christian Revival Fellowship Christian Revival Movement Christian Settlement Association Christian Spiritual Church Christian Synod Christian Theocratic Holy Church of God Christian Union Church Christian Union for True Knowledge Christian Union of America Christian Union of Nigeria Christian Witness Church Christian Worship Center Christian Zion Church Christianisme Christianisme Prophétique en Afrique Christianity Bible Church Christians in Action Christians of Apostolic Faith Christians of Evangelical Faith Christians of Zion Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz Christliche Gemeinschaft Hirt & Herde Christliche Missionsunternehmen Christ's Assembly Christ's Church Fellowship Christ's Church of Pentecost Christ's Disciples Church Christ's Sanctified Holy Church Church Cristiana Avventista del 7 Giorno Church Founded by JC in the Far East Church in Wales Church of Africa Church of Bangladesh Church of Brethren (Congregational Ch) Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Church of Ceylon Church of Christ Church of Christ (Disciples) Church of Christ (Holiness) USA Church of Christ (Life & Advent) Church of Christ (Manalista) Church of Christ (Matt 16.18) in the P Church of Christ (Nashville) Church of Christ (Non-Instrumental) Church of Christ (Spiritual Movement) Church of Christ Cambodia Church of Christ Conf on Spiritual Renewal Church of Christ Hong Kong Council Church of Christ in Africa Church of Christ in Aruba Church of Christ in Greece Church of Christ in Japan (Presb & Ref) Church of Christ in Kirghizia Church of Christ in Nepal Church of Christ in Thailand Church of Christ in Tripoli Church of Christ Mission Church of Christ of Malaya Church of Christ upon the Rock Church of Christ's Love Church of Disciples Mission in Malawi Church of England (D Europe) Church of England (D Gibraltar) Church of England (D Winchester) Church of England in Australia (D Perth) Church of England in Australia (D Sydney) Church of England in South Africa Church of England in the Falkland Is Church of England: Church of England: D Sodor & Man Church of Father of Fathers & Mother of Ms Church of Gethsemane Church of God Church of God & Saints of Christ Church of God & the People of Tonga Church of God (7th Day) Church of God (Anderson) Church of God (Apostolic) Church of God (Charleston TN) Church of God (Cleveland) Church of God (Ecclesiae Dei) Church of God (Full Gospel) in India Church of God (Holiness) Church of God (Huntsville) Church of God (Independent Holiness) Church of God (Jerusalem Acres) Church of God (Mountain Assembly) Church of God (Seventh-day) Church of God (Seventh-day) (Denver) Church of God (UK) Church of God Brethren Church of God by Faith Church of God Fellowship Church of God Fellowship in GB World Wide Church of God Founded by Jesus Christ Church of God Holiness Church of God in Aruba Church of God in Canada Church of God in Central Africa Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ (Mennonite) Church of God in Christ Botswana Church of God in Christ in India Church of God in Christ in Japan: D Japan Church of God in Christ India Church of God in Christ International Church of God in Christ Jesus Church of God in Christ Mennonite Church of God in Christ United Church of God in East Africa Church of God in Jamaica Church of God in Myanmar Church of God in Nigeria Church of God in Serbia Church of God in the Bahamas Church of God in Yugoslavia Church of God International Church of God Mission International Church of God of Myanmar Church of God of Pentecost Church of God of Prophecy Church of God of Prophecy in Canada Church of God of the Apostolic Faith Church of God Pentecostal Church of God Reformation Movement Church of God Seventh-day Church of God Union Church of God Zambia Church of God–Liberia Church of Grace Church of Hong Kong Church of Ireland Church of JC on Earth thru the Prophet SK Church of JC the Light of the World Church of Jesus Christ Church of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Church of Jesus Christ New Jerusalem Church of Jesus Christ of Jamaica Church of Jesus the Victor Church of Melanesia Church of Melanesia: D Vanuatu Church of Messiah Church of North India Church of North India (D Darjeeling) Church of Norway Church of Our Lord JC of Apostolic Faith Church of Our Lord JC of the Apostolic Faith Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Church of Pakistan Church of Pentecost Church of Phnom Penh Church of Revealed Salvation Church of Saviour Diocese of Nyakoko Church of Scotland Church of Scotland in Israel Church of Singapore Church of South Arabia Church of South India Church of South India: D Jaffna Church of Sweden Church of the Ancestors Church of the Apostolic Faith Church of the Brethren Church of the Christian Crusade Church of the East Church of the Eternal Way Church of the Evangelical Brotherhood Church of the First-Born Church of the Foursquare Gospel Church of the Holy Ghost/Spirit Church of the Holy Spirit Church of the Holy Trinity Church of the Kenya Family Church of the Light Church of the Living God Church of the Living God (Pillar & G of T) Church of the Living Waters Church of the Living Word Church of the Lord (Aladura) Church of the Lord (Ghana) Church of the Lord JC of Apostolic Faith Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Church of the Lutheran Brethren Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Amer Church of the Lutheran Confession Church of the Messiah Church of the Nations Church of the Nazarene Church of the Nazarene in Malawi Church of the Nazarene of Bharat Church of the New Testament Church of the Order of Ethiopia Church of the Province of Myanmar Church of the Province of Southern Africa Church of the Province of Tanzania Church of the Redeemed Church of the Resurrected Christ Church of the Spirit (Foot-washing) Church of the Spirit (Infant-baptizing) Church of the Torres Strait Church of the Twelve Apostles Church of the United Brethren in Christ Church of the Virgin Mary & Mar Gaura Church of the Watch Tower Church of the Watch Tower/Mikael Ch Church of the Way Church of Time (Daku Community) Church of Tonga Church of Uganda Church of United Brethren Church of United Brethren in Christ Church of United Brethren in Christ in S Church of Varna Churches of Christ Churches of Christ (Instrumental) Churches of Christ (New Testament) Churches of Christ (Non-Instrumental) Churches of Christ (NZ) Churches of Christ (Oneness) Churches of Christ (USA) Churches of Christ in Australia Churches of Christ in Canada Churches of Christ in Christian Union Churches of Christ in GB & Ireland Churches of Christ in Vanuatu Churches of Christ in Western India Churches of Christ New Zealand Churches of Christ Philippine Mission Churches of God Churches of God (Holiness) Churches of God General Conference Churches of God in Ireland Churches of God in the British I & Overseas Churches of Nepal Churches on the Rock International Chuuk Church Citadel Ministries International City Gates International Fellowship City Harvest CMS Anglican Church of India CNEC Churches Comité Baptiste Comm des Eglises de Pentecôte au B Commandments Church Commonwealth Covenant Church Communauté des Chrétiens Communauté des Protestants CECA Communauté Protestante Anglaise Communautés et Assemblées Ev de F Communautés Ev Nazaréennes Communautés Evangéliques Libres Communautés Judéo-Chrétiennes Communidad Mis Cris Puerto de Fe Communion of Ev Episcopal Churches Communione delle Church Cris Libere Community Christian Church Community Christian Church of Kabul Community of Evangelical Brethren Community Resources Compañerismo Bautista Mundial Comunidad Cristiana El Agua Viva Comunidad Cristiano Comunidad Ev Metodista del P Comunión Bautista Independiente Comunión Cristiana del Espiritu Santo Comunión de Iglesias Misiones Ev Comunità Catt dei SS Andrea Ap e di C Comunità Religiosa Serbo-Ortodossa Comunitat Cristiana d'Andorra Con Bras des Ig dos Irmãos Menonitas Concilio Bautista Maranata Concilio Latino-Americana de Igls Cris Concilio Latinoamericano Conf de Igls Bautistas de D M y G Conf of Mennonites in Canada Confédération Baptiste du Cameroun Confédération des Egls Reformées Conference of Fundamental Churches Conference of Mennonite Churches in HK Confessional Lutheran Church of Finland Cong Crist de Goya Congr Cristiana Católica Apostólica Congr Ev de la Fe Apostólica del SD Congreg Ev Lut de habla Alemana Congregação Cristã do Brasil Congregação Cristã em Portugal Congregação dos Missionários DSTS Congregación Cristiana Congregacion del Paraguay Congregación Escandinava en México Congregación Ev Luterana (Misurí) Congregacion Iglesia Ev Menonitas Congregaciones Ev Neotestamentarias Congregaciones Luteranas Congregaciónes Messianicas Congrégation Baptiste du Cameroun Congregation of God Congregation of God at Vegardshei Congregation of Jesus Christ Congregation of the Lamb Congregation of the Living God Congregation of the Nazarenes Congregational Bible Churches Congregational Chr Church of Samoa in NZ Congregational Christian Church Congregational Christian Church in S Congregational Christian Church in Samoa Congregational Christian Churches Congregational Christian Churches of C Congregational Church Congregational Church in Bulgaria Congregational Church of Jesus C in S Congregational Church of Jesus Christ Congregational Federation Congregational Holiness Church Congregational Methodist Church Congregational Union of Ireland Congregational Union of New Zealand Congregational Union of Scotland Congregations Messianiques Congregazioni Cristiane Pentecostal Conseil Mennonite Belge Consejo de Congs Hermanos Menonitas Consejo de Igls Luteranas en CA & P Consejo Nacional de Iglesias Luteranas Conservative Bapt Assoc of America Conservative Baptist Assoc of Churches Conservative Baptist Assoc of the P Conservative Baptist Association Conservative Baptist Churches Conservative Baptist Fellowship of K Conservative Congr Christian Conf Conservative Lutheran Association Conservative Mennonite Conference Constitutional Korean Presbyterian Ch Conv Bautista Nac de Misión Chilena Conv das Igs Ev Batistas Independent do B Conv Evangélica Centroamericana Conv Nacional Bautista de México Conv Nacional Bautista de Nicaragua Conv Nacional de Igs Mision Cristiana Conv of Bapt Churches of Northern Circars Conv of Baptist Churches of Maharashtra Conv of Indonesian Baptist Churches Conv of Krishna-Godvari Baptist Churches Convenção Baptista de Angola Convenção Baptista de Moçambique Convenção Batista Brasileira Convenção Batista Nacional Convenção Batista Portuguesa Convenção das Ig Ev Livres Convención Bautista Boliviana Convención Bautista Colombiana Convención Bautista de Cuba Oriental Convención Bautista de Guatemala Convención Bautista de Panamá Convención Bautista de Puerto Rico Convención Bautista Dominicana Convencion Bautista en el Ecuador Convención Bautista Libre de Cuba Convención Bautista Nacional Convencion de Igs La Gran Comision Convención Ev Bautista de Chile Convención Evangélica Bautista de A Convención Evangélica Bautista del P Convención Evangélica Bautista del U Convencion Menonite de CR Convención Nac Bautista Hondureña Convención Nacional Bautista de V Convention Baptiste Convention Baptiste d’Haïti Convention Baptiste Togolaise Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches Convention of Regular Baptists of BC Converted Jehovah's Witnesses Cook Islands Christian Church Cooneyites (Go Preachers) Cooneyites (Tramp Preachers) Cooneyites (Tramp-Preachers) Cooneyites (Two-by-Twos) Cooneyites (Two-by-Two's) Coptic Evangelical Church Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Evangelistic Ministry Cornerstone Resources Corporación Evangélica de Vitacura Corporación Evangélica Pentecostal Corporación Iglesia del Señor Corporación Pro-Cultural Corpus Cristi Community Foundation Costa Rica para Cristo Council of Baptist Churches in NE India Council of Churches of Ev Chr-Baptists Council of Churches of Ev Christians-Baptists Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion Courage for Christian Living Ch Courants de Puissance Covenant Ministries International Covenant of Free Ev Congs in N Creek Independent Indian Bapt Churches Crenshaw Christian Center Criancas do Deus Cristo Viene Croisade Evangélique Cross Church of East Africa Crusaders Church Crusaders for Christ of India Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ Cruzada de Evangelização do Acre e Am Cruzada Evangelistica Mundial Cruzada Hispanoamericana Cruzada Interamericana do Brasil Cruzada Nacional de Evangelização Cumberland Presbyterian Church Czech Apostolic Church Czechoslovak Bapt Conv of USA/Can Czechoslovak Hussite Church
Damascus Christian Church Damascus Church Danish Moravian Church Danish Pathan Mission Davao Fell of Fundamental Baptist Churches Deeper Christian Life Ministry Deeper Life Bible Church Deeper Life Bible Church of Nigeria Deeper Life Christian Ch Deeper Life Christian Church Defenders of the Christian Faith Defensores de la Fe Delhi Gospel Outreach Deliverance Church Deliverance Evangelistic Church Deliverance Ministries International Deutsche Spätregenmission Deutschen Spätregen Gemeinden Dhulia Nandurbar Church Dipesalema Church of Botswana Dipti Mission Disciples of Christ Disciples of Christ in Jamaica Disciples of Christ India Church Council Disciples of Jesus Discipleship Church Discipulos de Cristo Divine Fellowship Divine Healer's Church Divine Healing Church of Christ Divine Healing Church of Israel Divine Love Gospel Church Divine Prayer Society 1944 Dohnavur Fellowship Dong Church Door of Faith Churches of Hawaii Dove Christian Fellowship Int Duck River & Kindred As of Baptists Dutch Evangelical Churches Dutch Ref Church in SWA (Coloured Ch) Dutch Reformed Church Dutch Reformed Church (Mother Ch) Dutch Reformed Church (Mother Church) Dutch Reformed Church (Reformed) Dutch Reformed Church in Africa Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana Dutch Reformed Church in N Dutch Reformed Church in SA (NHK)
E du Réveil
des Disciples du Seigneur
Eagle's Nest Ministries East Africa Pentecostal Churches East Africa Yearly Meeting of Friends East Java Christian Church Ecclesiastical Soc of Gospel Outreach Ecumenical Prot Church of Tanjung Enim EdeJC sur la Terre par le Prophète SK EdeJC sur la Terre par le St-Esprit Eden Revival Church Edified Church of Jesus Christ Edo National Church of God Egl Anglicane (D Gambia & Rio Pongas) Egl Déliverance de Foi Apostolique Egl Episcopale Prot Libre (D W Africa) Egl Ev Chrétienne de l’Ouest-Africain Egl Evangélique Luthérienne de France Egl Fraternelle Luthérienne au Tchad Egl Protestante Episcopale du Burundi Egl Réformée d’Alsace et de Lorraine Eglise Adaïste Eglise Adv du SJ Mouv de Réforme Eglise Adventiste du Septième Jour Eglise Alleluia Eglise Anglicane Eglise Anglicane (D Egypt) Eglise Anglicane (D Europe) Eglise Anglicane (D Guyana) Eglise Anglicane (D New Hebrides) Eglise Anglicane (D Singapore) Eglise Anglicane au Suisse Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda Eglise Anglicane du Zaire Eglise Apostolic Africaine de J Maranke Eglise Apostolique Eglise Apostolique de Déliverance Eglise Apostolique de Madagascar Eglise Apostolique du Nigérie Eglise Apostolique du Togo et Bénin Eglise Apostolique en BF Eglise Apostolique Unie en Afrique Eglise Autonome Eglise Baptiste Eglise Baptiste Biblique à Madagascar Eglise Baptiste de l'Ouest RCA Eglise Baptiste du Congo Populaire Eglise Baptiste du Sénégal Eglise Baptiste du Septième Jour Eglise Baptiste Evangélique Eglise Baptiste Indépendante Eglise Baptistê Indépendente Eglise Baptiste Internationale Eglise Baptiste Libre Eglise Baptiste Suédoise Eglise Bethany Eglise Biblique de Vie Profunde Eglise Centrafricaine Eglise Charismatique de Brazzaville Eglise Charismatique Independent de Paris Eglise Chrétienne de Réveil Eglise Chrétienne Ev du Mali Eglise Chrétienne Ev en Afrique Eglise Chrétienne Evangélique en BF Eglise Chrétienne Réformée Eglise Chrétienne Universelle Eglise Christique Primitive Eglise Cooperation Ev Centrafricaine Eglise de Dieu Eglise de Dieu (Anderson) Eglise de Dieu (Cleveland) Eglise de Dieu au Burundi Eglise de Dieu de Prophétie Eglise de Dieu en Christ Eglise de Dieu en France Eglise de Dieu Pentecôtiste Eglise de Jésus-Christ à Madagascar Eglise de Jésus-Christ aux Comores Eglise de l’Alliance Chrétienne du G Eglise de la Bible Ouverte Eglise de la CA d'Alsace et de Lorraine Eglise de la Foi par Messie JC Eglise de la Guérison Divine du Togo Eglise de la Mission Apostolique Eglise de la Pleine Evangile Eglise de la Porte Ouverte Eglise de l'Africa Inland Mission Eglise de l'Evangile et Foi Eglise de Pentecôte Apostolique Eglise de Pentecôte Primitive Eglise d'Ecosse Eglise Déimatiste Eglise des Banzie (Bwiti) Eglise des Douze Apôtres Eglise des Noirs en Afrique Centrale Eglise des Oeuvres et Missions Eglise Dieu (Anderson) Eglise Dieu (Cleveland) Eglise Dieu-Donné au Congo Eglise Dieu-Donné au Zaire Eglise Dissidente du Tchad Eglise du Christ Eglise du Christ Apostolique Eglise du Christ au Congo-Zaire: Eglise du Christ Unie de l'Angola Eglise du Christanisme Céleste Eglise du Christianisme Celeste Eglise du Christianisme Céleste Eglise du Christianisme Céleste du B Eglise du Christ-Roi Rénovée Eglise du Nazarene Eglise du Nazarène Eglise du Pentecôte du Togo Eglise du Réveil Spirituelle Malgache Eglise du Seigneur (Aladura) Eglise du Seigneur Vivant Eglise du Zaire Sankuru à Kondji Eglise Elim Pentecôtiste Eglise Emmanuel Eglise Episcopale d’Haïti Eglise Episcopale de Madagascar Eglise Episcopale Méthodiste Chrétienne Eglise Ev Allemande en Belgique Eglise Ev Baptiste en CI Eglise Ev Calvaire d'Afrique du R Eglise Ev du Renouveau au Z Eglise Ev Libre du Canton de Vaud Eglise Ev Luthérienne Belge Eglise Ev Luthérienne de la RCA Eglise Ev Luthérienne du Cameroun Eglise Ev Protestante au Mali Eglise Ev Protestante Luthérienne de B Eglise Ev Vie Nouvelle en JC Eglise Ev Zairoise au Mayombe Eglise Evangélique Eglise Evangélique Africaine Eglise Evangélique au Maroc Eglise Evangélique Baptiste Eglise Evangélique Centrafricaine Eglise Evangélique Copte Eglise Evangelique d’Haïti Eglise Evangélique de Futuna Eglise Evangélique de la Bible Eglise Evangélique de la Guadeloupe Eglise Evangélique de la Likouala Eglise Evangélique de la Réunion Eglise Evangélique de Pentecôte Eglise Evangélique de Polynésie Fr Eglise Evangélique des Amis Eglise Evangélique des Frères Eglise Evangélique des Sacrificateurs Eglise Evangélique du Cameroun Eglise Evangélique du Congo Eglise Evangélique du Gabon Eglise Evangélique du Haut-Uélé Eglise Evangélique du Laos Eglise Evangélique du Réveil Eglise Evangelique du Reveill Eglise Evangélique du Tchad Eglise Evangélique du Togo Eglise Evangélique Episcopale Eglise Evangélique Hinschiste Eglise Evangélique Libre Eglise Evangélique Lutherienne Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne Libre Eglise Evangélique Peniel Eglise Evangélique Protestante Eglise Evangélique Reformée du BF Eglise Evangélique Shekina Eglise Fraternelle Luthérienne au C Eglise FSSM Eglise Harriste Eglise Internationale Quadrangular Eglise Jésus Sauveur Eglise Kimbanguist Eglise Kimbanguiste Eglise Kitawala Eglise l'Amour de Dieu Eglise Libre de Polynésie Eglise Libre Méthodiste au Rwanda Eglise Libre Pentecôtiste Eglise Lumpa Eglise Luthérienne Eglise Luthérienne au Rwanda Eglise Luthérienne au Togo Eglise Luthérienne Charismatique Eglise Luthérienne d’Haiti Eglise Luthérienne Malgache Eglise Malgache du Réveil Eglise Malgache Luthérienne Evangile Eglise Matsouaniste Eglise Mennonite Eglise Mennonite en BF Eglise Méthodiste Eglise Méthodiste Africaine (Eledja) Eglise Méthodiste d’Haïti Eglise Méthodiste en Afrique du Nord Eglise Méthodiste Episcopale Africaine Eglise Methodiste Libre Eglise Méthodiste Libre Eglise Methodiste Unie Eglise Missionnaire Eglise Morave Eglise Morave du Zaire Eglise Neo-Apostolique Eglise Néo-Apostolique Eglise Pentecostale d’Sainteté Eglise Pentecostale Elim Eglise Pentecostale Foursquare Eglise Pentecostale Unie Eglise Pentecôtiste Eglise Pentecôtiste Alleluia Eglise Pentecotiste de Zaire Eglise Pentecôtiste en Madagascar Eglise Pentecôtiste Sanctité Eglise Pentecotiste Unie Eglise Pentecôtiste Unie Eglise pour la Victoire Eglise Presb Camerounaise Orthodoxe Eglise Presbyterienne Eglise Presbytérienne au Rwanda Eglise Presbytérienne Camerounaise Eglise Presbytérienne du Senegal Eglise Prot du Grand-Duché de L Eglise Prot Méthodiste au Togo Eglise Protestante Africaine Eglise Protestante d’Algérie Eglise Protestante de Djibouti Eglise Protestante de Kayes Eglise Protestante du Canton d'Esch Eglise Protestante du Christ-Roi Eglise Protestante du Sénégal Eglise Protestante Européenne Eglise Protestante Ev du Centre Eglise Protestante Evangélique Eglise Protestante Libre Eglise Protestante Malgache TA Eglise Protestante Méthodiste au Benin Eglise Protestante Méthodiste en CI Eglise Protestante Néerlandaise Eglise Protestante Témoin à Jésus Eglise Protestante Unie de Belgique Eglise Quadrangular Eglise radiophoniques isolées Eglise Réformée Eglise Reformée Chrétienne Eglise Réformée de Belgique Eglise Réformée de France Eglise Réformée de la Réunion Eglise Réformée de Monaco Eglise Réformée en Tunisie Eglise Réformée Evangélique de M Eglise Rosicrucienne Apostolique Eglise Sabbatique du Saint-Esprit Eglise Unie du Saint-Esprit Eglise Union Africaine Eglise Union du Septième Jour Eglise Vie Profonde Eglise Vivante Eglise Wesleyenne d’Haïti Eglises Apostoliques Suisses Eglises Baptistes de la RCA Eglises Baptistes du Tchad Eglises Baptistes Indépendantes Eglises Baptistes Internationales Eglises Chrétiennes Eglises de Dieu du Congo Eglises du Christ Eglises Ebenezer Eglises Ethniques Eglises Ev Méthodistes de France Eglises Evangéliques au Tchad Eglises Evangéliques du Niger Eglises Evangéliques en N-C Eglises Fondamentales Baptistes Eglises Independentes Ghanaiennes Eglises Luthériennes Ethniques Eglises Nouveaux Tribus Eglises Pentecostales Polynésiennes Eglises Pentecôtistes Eglises radiophoniques isolées Egls Ev Espagnoles en Suisse Egls Mennonites de Langue Francaise Egls Réformées Ev Indépendantes de F Egyptian Baptist Convention Ejercito de Salvacion Ejército de Salvación Ejército de Salvación en el Paraguay Ejército Evangélico de Chile Ejército Evangélico Nacional Ekklesia Bolivia El Aposento Alto El Pueblo de Dios El Shaddai El-Bethel Church (Mt Silloh) Elim Assemblies Fellowship Elim Church Elim Church International Elim Churches of India Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance Elim Full Gospel Church Elim Igreja Crista Elim Pentecostal Church Elim Pentecostal Church of New Zealand Elim Pentecostal Churches Elim Pentecostal Fellowship of Uganda Embajadores Cristianos de Colombia Embassy Christian Churches Emissaries of Divine Light Emmanuel Assemblies Emmanuel Baptist Church Emmanuel Church Emmanuel Church Mission of Nigeria Emmanuel Holiness Church Emmanuel Ministries Emmanuel Wesleyan Church Enfants de Dieu Enfants du Dieu English Episcopal Church English Methodist Church Epiphany Lay Missionary Movement Epis Church in Jerus & ME: D Jerusalem Epis Church in Jerusalem & ME (D Jerusalem) Epis Holy Temple & Tabernacle Mission Episcopal Apostolic Church in Zion of SA Episcopal Church in Jer & ME(D Jerusalem) Episcopal Church in Jeru & ME: D Jerusalem Episcopal Church in Jerus & ME: D Egypt Episcopal Church in Jerus & Middle East Episcopal Church in Jerus & the M East Episcopal Church in Jerus & the MEast Episcopal Church in Korea Episcopal Church in the Sudan Episcopal Church in the USA Episcopal Church of Africa Episcopal Church of Iran Episcopal Church of Liberia Episcopal Church: D Virgin Islands Episcopal Missionary Church Episcopal Praisers Equifrilibricum World Religion Esercito della Salvezza Estonia Charismatic Episcopal Ch Estonian Christian Pentecostal Church Estonian Ev Lutheran Church Estonian Ev Lutheran Church in Exile Estonian Ev Moravian Brethren Estonian Evangelical Alliance Church Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Ch Eternal Life Church Eternal Light Ministries Eternal Sacred Order of C&S Mt Zion Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim & S Eternal Sacred Order of Morning Star Ethiopia Gospel Deliverance Church Ethiopian National Church Nigeria Ethiopian Protestant Churches Ev Christian Catholic Apostolic Ch Ev Christian Church in Bolaang-Mongondow Ev Christian Church in Halmahera Ev Christian Church in Irian Jaya Ev Christian Church in Java Ev Christian Church in Sanghir-Talaud Ev Christian Fellowship of Nepal Ev Christian Pentecostal Zionists Ev Christians in the Apostolic Spirit Ev Church in Croatia & B-H Ev Church in Croatia & Bosnia-Herzegovina Ev Church of Egypt Synod of the Nile Ev Church of the Augsburg Confession Ev Church of the Augsburg Confession in P Ev Congregational Church of Christ Ev Fellowship of Congregational Churches Ev Gesellschaft des Kantons Bern Ev Luth Church in America (Eielsen Synod) Ev Luth Church in SA (Western Diocese) Ev Lutheran Church in Malawi Ev Lutheran Church in Malaysia Ev Lutheran Church in Southern Africa: Ev Lutheran Church in Thailand Ev Lutheran Church of Estonia Ev Lutheran Church of Finland Ev Lutheran Church of Latvia in Exile Ev Lutheran Church of Lithuania Ev Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea Ev Lutheran Church of Russia & OS Ev Lutheran Church of U Ev Lutheran Congs of the Reformation Ev Lutheran Free Churches of Iceland Ev Lutheran Synodal Presbyterial Ch Ev Mennonite Brethren Conference Ev Mennonite Mission Conference Ev Missionary Society in Mayurbhanj Ev Presbyterian Church in England & Wales Ev Reformed Church in Lithuania Ev Religious Protestant Unity Ch Ev Tschechisch-Brüderische Kirche Evang Christian Church of Indonesia Evangel Baptist Church Evangel Christian Alliance Evangel Fell of Ministers & Churches Int Evangelical Alliance Church Evangelical Alliance Churches Evangelical Alliance Mission Evangelical Alliance Mission in Korea Evangelical Alliance of Churches Evangelical Assembly Evangelical autonomous churches Evangelical Baptist Church Evangelical Baptist Church of Malawi Evangelical Baptist Churches Evangelical Believers Conference Evangelical Bible Church Evangelical Bible Churches Evangelical Bible Mission Evangelical Brethren Evangelical Christian Alliance of Nepal Evangelical Christian Baptist Union Evangelical Christian Brethren Evangelical Christian Church Evangelical Christian Church in Slovenia Evangelical Christian Church of India Evangelical Christian Churches Evangelical Church Evangelical Church Association in Hokkaido Evangelical Church in Aruba Evangelical Church in Baghdad Evangelical Church in Bosnia-H Evangelical Church in Croatia (Lutheran) Evangelical Church in Damascus Evangelical Church in Germany Evangelical Church in Indonesia Evangelical Church in Kalimantan Evangelical Church in Macedonia Evangelical Church in PR of Serbia Evangelical Church in South Africa Evangelical Church in Varna Evangelical Church in Zambia Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Evangelical Church of Bangladesh Evangelical Church of Borneo Evangelical Church of Christ Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren Evangelical Church of England Evangelical Church of Eritrea Evangelical Church of Germany Evangelical Church of Ghana Evangelical Church of God Evangelical Church of Indonesia Evangelical Church of Iran Evangelical Church of Malawi Evangelical Church of Mauritius Evangelical Church of North America Evangelical Church of Papua New Guinea Evangelical Church of South Sumatra Evangelical Church of Swaziland Evangelical Church of the Brethren Evangelical Church of the CMA Evangelical Church of the Gambia Evangelical Church of the Nazarene Evangelical Church of the West Indies Evangelical Church of Viet Nam Evangelical Church of Zimbabwe Evangelical Churches of West Africa Evangelical Community Church Evangelical Congregational Church Evangelical Convention Church Evangelical Covenant Church Evangelical Covenant Church of America Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada Evangelical Covenant Church of Japan Evangelical Fellowship Deaconry Ch Evangelical Free Church Evangelical Free Church in Uganda Evangelical Free Church of America Evangelical Free Church of Canada Evangelical Free Church of China Evangelical Free Church of Finland Evangelical Free Church of India Evangelical Free Church of Japan Evangelical Free Church of Malaysia Evangelical Free Church of Myanmar Evangelical Free Church of Singapore Evangelical Free Church/Interact Evangelical Free Philippine Church Evangelical Friends Church Evangelical Friends International Evangelical Friends Mission Evangelical Full Gospel Revival Center Evangelical Gospel Church of Thailand Evangelical Hakka Church Evangelical Healing Church of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church (SE Diocese) Evangelical Lutheran Church Community Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church in Moldova Evangelical Lutheran Church in Myanmar Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nepal Evangelical Lutheran Church in Surinam Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Rep of N Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe Evangelical Lutheran Church of C Evangelical Lutheran Church of England Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Evangelical Lutheran Church of Georgia Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kazakstan Evangelical Lutheran Church of L Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of D Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of N Evangelical Lutheran Synod Evangelical Mennonite Ch Evangelical Mennonite Church Evangelical Mennonite Conference Evangelical Methodist Church in America Evangelical Methodist Church in Guiana Evangelical Methodist Church in Guyana Evangelical Methodist Church in the P Evangelical Missionary Church Evangelical Missionary Church of C Evangelical Orient Mission Evangelical Presbyterian Church Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Japan Evangelical Presbyterian Church in SA Evangelical Presbyterian Church of A Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ireland Evangelical Presbyterian Reformed Ch Evangelical Reformed Church in Africa Evangelical Reformed Church of SA Evangelical Revival Church Evangelische Brüder-Unität Evangelische Gemeinschaft Evangelische Kirche AB in Österreich Evangelische Kirche HB Evangelische Kirche im Furstentum L Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland: Evangelische-Methodistenkirche Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche in D Evangelised Friends Church Evangelistic Church of Christ Evangelistic Messengers Association Evangelistic Ministries Church Intern Evangelistic Missionary Fellowship Evangelistic Tabernacle of Jesus Evangelize China Fellowship Ev-Luth (Altlutherische) Kirche Ev-luth Kirche Lettlands in Exil Ev-lutherische Bekenntniskirche Ev-Lutherische Kirche Estlands in Exil Ev-Lutherische Kirche im Schweiz & L Ev-lutherische Kirche in Baden Ev-Lutherische Kirche von Dänemark Exclusive Brethren Exército de Salvação
Faith Bible
Faith Christian Fellowship Faith Christian Fellowship Intern Faith Church Faith Church of Christ Faith Community Baptist Church Faith Free Church Faith Gospel After Christ Ch Faith Gospel Ministry Faith Ministries Faith Ministries Christian Church Faith Mission Faith Tabernacle Faith Tabernacle Council of Churches Faith Temple Pentecostal Assemblies Faithful Church of Christ Family of God Christian Church Far East Apostolic Mission Far Eastern Gospel Crusade Father Divine Peace Mission Fed de Ig Ev Libre Pent Fed de Iglesia Ev Luterana Alemana Fed de Igs Apostolic Pentecostales de E Féd des E et C Bap Charismatiques Fed Igs Pente Emmanuel Federação Ev Japonesa do Brasil Federación de Iglesias Ev Independent de E Federación de Igs Ev Pentecostales de E Federal Council of Dutch Ref Churches in SA: Fédérat des Egls Prot de la Suisse: Federation Bautista de El Salvador Féderation des Eglises Baptistes Fédération des Eglises de Réveil Fédération des Eglises Ev Baptistes Fédération des Eglises Ev Libres Fédération des Egls Ev Baptistes de F Fédération Ev Libre de Pentecôte de F Fédération Evangélique Libre Fédération Parole Vivante Federazione delle Church Pente Fell of Charismatic Churches & Ministries Fell of Ev Churches in North Bihar Fell of Free Baptist Churches in North India Fell of Indig Fundamental Churches of the P Fell of Pentecostal Churches of God India Fellowship churches Fellowship of Baptist Churches of Irian Jaya Fellowship of Brethren Churches Fellowship of Chinese Covenant Churches Fellowship of Christian Assemblies Fellowship of Christians & Churches United Fellowship of Churches and Ministers Int Fellowship of Churches of Christ of Nigeria Fellowship of Congregational Churches Fellowship of Connected Churches Fellowship of Ev Baptist Churches Fellowship of Ev Baptist Churches in C Fellowship of Ev Bible Churches Fellowship of Evangelical Churches in A Fellowship of Evangelical Friends Fellowship of Evangelical Pentecostals Fellowship of Free Baptist Churches Fellowship of Free Churches Fellowship of Full Gospel Churches Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches Fellowship of Gospel Churches Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches Fellowship of Independent Christian Churches Fellowship of Independent Ev Churches Fellowship of Indigenous Gospel Churches Fellowship of International Churches Fellowship of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan Fellowship of Messianic Congs Fellowship of Missionary Churches Fellowship of Pentecostal Churches Fellowship of Preaching Gosp of Christ Fellowship of Vineyard Harvester Churches Fellowship Word of Life Fiji Gospel Churches Filadelfia Assemblies Filadelphia Fellowship Filipino Assemblies of the Firstborn Filipino Baptist Churches Filipino Christian Church Filipino Christian Fellowship Fill the Gap Healing Centres Fill the Gap Ministries Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church Finnish Free Mission Churches Finnish Mission Church Fire-Baptized Holiness Church (Wesleyan) Fire-Baptized Holiness CoG of Africa First Apostolic Church of St John First Church of Jesus Christ First Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic First Congregational Methodist Ch First Ethiopian Church First Glorious Temple Apostolic First Miracle Healing Church First United Church of Jesus Christ (Apost) Fisherman of Christ Church Followers of Innocent Followers of Jesus Followers of Jesus Church Followers of John Formosa Christian Mission Forward in Faith Forward in Faith UK Foundation of Praise Foursquare Gospel Church Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada Foursquare Gospel Church of Great Britain Fourth Watch France pour Christ France-Mission Fraternidad Cristiana de ES Fraternidad Cristiana de Guatemala Fraternidad Cristiana Int de M Fraternidad de Iglesias Bautista de Cuba Fraternidad de Iglesias Ev Fraternidad de Igs Ev Menonita de N Fraternité Chrétienne Fraternité de la Communauté de Christ Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost Free Assoc of Ev Luth Congregations Free Baptist Church Free Baptist Churches (New Life) Free Brethren Congregations Free Christian Brethren Free Christian Zion Church of Christ Free Church in Southern Africa Free Church of Botswana Free Church of England Free Church of God Free Church of Scotland Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) Free Church of Tonga Free Constitutional Church Free Episcopal Church Free Evangelical Assemblies Free Evangelical Assemblies Church Free Evangelical Church Free Evangelical Churches Free Evangelical Churches of Greece Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in SA Free Gospel Church Free Gospel Mission Free Lutheran Congregations Free Methodist Church Free Methodist Church in Canada Free Methodist Church in South Africa Free Methodist Church in the Philippines Free Methodist Church in the UK Free Methodist Church of India Free Methodist Church of Indonesia Free Methodist Church of Japan Free Methodist Church of N Free Methodist Church of North America Free Mission Covenant Church Free Pentecostal Church Free Pentecostal Church of Christ Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya Free Pentecostal Friends Free Pentecostal Mission Free Pentecostal Revival of Finland Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Free Prot Episcopal Church (D West Africa) Free Prot Episcopal Church: D West Africa Free Protestant Episcopal Church Free Reformed Church in SA Free Reformed Church of North America Free Reformed Churches of Australia Free Union of Holy Scripture Seekers Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga Free Will Baptist Conference of India Freie Baptistenkirch in Österreichs Freie Christengemeinden der Schweiz Freie Christengemeinden in Österreich Freie Pfingstgemeinde Freier Brüderkreis Freier Evangelische Gemeinden French Evangelical Church Frères Larges Frères Larges Mission Evangélique Frères Larges Pentecôtisants Friday Religion Friends Friends General Conference Friends Missionary Prayer Band Friends of the Holy Spirit Friends United Meeting Friends Yearly Meetings (unaffiliated) Full Counsel Christian Fell of Churches Full Faith Churches of Love Full Gospel Assemblies Full Gospel Assemblies International Full Gospel Assemblies of Pakistan Full Gospel Assembly Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Full Gospel Believers Church Full Gospel Bible Fellowship Full Gospel Christian Church Full Gospel Church Full Gospel Church Association Full Gospel Church Fellowship of India Full Gospel Church Foundation Full Gospel Church in Australia Full Gospel Church in Christ Full Gospel Church in Ghana Full Gospel Church in Japan Full Gospel Church of Eritrea Full Gospel Church of God Full Gospel Church of God in Southern A Full Gospel Church of Lutsk Full Gospel Churches Full Gospel Churches International Full Gospel Churches of Kenya Full Gospel Churches of Malaysia Full Gospel Churches of Uganda Full Gospel Evangelistic Association Full Gospel Fell of Churches & Ministries Full Gospel Fellowship Full Gospel International General Mtg Full Gospel Ministers Association Full Gospel Ministries Full Gospel Mission in Hawaii Fullness/Praise Network of Churches Fundacion Cristiana Ev de Santa Fe Fundamental Baptist Church Fundamental Baptist Churches Fundamental Methodist Church Fundamental Presbyterian Church
Church in Zion
Galilean Mission Church Garo Baptist Convention Gate Fellowship of Churches Gateway Worship Centers Gemeinde Christi Gemeinde der Christen Ecclesia Gemeinde Entschiedener Christen Gemeinde für Urchristentum Gemeinde Gottes Gemeinde Gottes (Anderson) Gemeinde Gottes (Cleveland) Gemeinde Gottes der Prophezeiung Gemeinde Jesu Christi in Deutschland Gemeinde Lokale Gemeinschaft Entschiedener Christen Gemeinschaft Evangelisch Taufgesinnter Gemeinschaft Evangelisch-Taufgesinnter Gen As of Pr Churches (Bo-Su Hap-Tong) IV Gen As of Pr Churches (Haptong Chungang) Gen As of Pres Church in K (BoSu) I Gen As of Pres Churches (Hap-tong Bo-Su) II Gen As of Pres Churches (Haptong Bo-Su) III Gen As of Pres Churches (Hap-tong Ho-hun) Gen As of Pres Churches (Haptong Janseen) Gen Assemb of Pres Church in K (Taesin) Gen Assemb of Pres Churches (Bokeun) Gen Assemb of Pres Churches (Ho Hun) Gen Conf Mennonite Brethren Churches General Apostolic Church General Assoc of General Baptists General Assoc of Regular Baptist Churches General Baptist Church General Baptist Church of the Philippines General Baptist Mission General Conf Church of God (7th-day) General Conf of Mennonite Brethren General Conference Mennonite Ch General Ev (Reformed) Church of North VN German Alliance Mission German Ev Lutheran Church German Ev Lutheran Church in Namibia German Evangelical Church German Evangelical Church in Beirut German Evangelical Church in Iran German Evangelical Lutheran Ch German Evangelical Lutheran Church German Protestant Church German-speaking Protestant Church Gethsemane Church of Liberia Gethsemane Gospel Prayer Centre Ghana Baptist Convention Ghana Mennonite Church Glad Tidings Church Glad Tidings Churches Glad Tidings Fellowship Global Frontier Church Global Network of Christian Ministries Global Strategy Christian Assoc Global Strategy Christian Association Glorious Church of God in Christ Apostolic Glorious Seventh-day Adventist Mission Go Ye Fellowship Churches God is Our Light Church God Mysterious Mother God of the Universe Church God of the World Association God's All Times Association God's Bazuin God's Church of Visible Salvation God's Kingdom Society God's Missionary Church Golden Harvest Fellowship Golgotha Prayer Team Good News Christian Church Good News Church of Africa Good News Churches Good News Mission Good Shepherd Internat Fellowship Good Shepherd's Fold Gospel Assemblies of Kenya Gospel Assemblies of Nigeria Gospel Association of India Gospel Baptist Church Gospel Baptist Churches of Myanmar Gospel Baptist Convention Gospel Crusade Ministerial Fellowship Gospel Echoing Missionary Society Gospel Faith Mission Gospel Fellowship Association Gospel Flock of Jesus Christ Gospel Furthering Bible Church Gospel Furthering Fellowship Gospel Harvester Churches Gospel Ministers & Churches Intern Gospel Mission Gospel Mission Church Gospel Missionary Association Gospel of God Church Gospel of God Church in Zimbabwe Gospel of Jesus Church Gospel Outreach Ministries Gospel Preaching Church Gospel Preaching Churches Gospel Quakers Gospel Seventh-day Church of Zambia Gospel Standard Strict Baptist Societies Gospel Tabernacle Church Gospelaires Missionary Church Grace & Truth Tabernacle Grace and Truth Church Grace Baptist Assembly Grace Evangel Mission Grace Gospel Church of Christ Grace Gospel Church of Manila Grace Gospel Fell (Network of Ministers) Grace Gospel Fellowship Grace Korean Church & Missions Grace Presbytery Grain of Wheat Gran Comisíon Greater Emmanuel Int Fell of Churches & Min Greater Grace Churches Greater Helsinki Church Greek Bible Centre Greek Evangelical Church Ground Level Ministries Groupes du Christ Grupos de Cristo Gulf States Pastors & Churches Fellowship Guyana Congregational Union Gypsy Evangelical Movement
Welfare Society
Hallelujah Church Han Chinese Three-Self Churches Han house churches Handsome Lake Long House Religion Hani Churches Hanoverian Ev Luth Free Church Mission Harbour Mission Harrist Church Harvest Harvest Christian Fellowship Harvest International Ministries Harvest Network Harvesttime Ministries Head Mountain of God Ap Church in Zion Healing Church in Botswana Healing Church of God in Christ UK Heap Gay Churches Heavenly Gospel Tabernacle Church Hebrew-Christian communities Hebron Gospel Fellowship Hebron Missionary Fellowship Heilsarmee Heilsarmee (Armée du Salut) Heralds of Christ Herero Church Hermanos Hermanos de Ig Cr Carismaticos Hermanos en Cristo Hermanos Libres Hermanos Libres Nacionales Hermanos Menonitas Hermanos Menonitas (Iglesia Ev Unida) Hermanos Unidos Hermanos Unidos en Cristo Hermon Church Hidden Buddhist believers in Christ Hidden Christians Hidden Hindu believers in Christ Hidden Muslim believers in Christ Hidden nonreligious believers in Christ High-caste Hindu believers in Christ Higher Dimensions Churches Network Highland Park Baptist Churches Highway Christian Church of Christ Hijos de Dios Hill Tracts Presbyterian Church of Bangladesh Himalaya Crusade Himalaya Evangelical Mission Himalayan Free Church Hindustani Covenant Church His People Christian Ministries HK & Macao Lutheran Church Holiness Christian Church Holiness Church Holiness Churches of God Holiness Evangelical Mission Holiness Methodist Churches Holiness Union Church Holiness Union Church of Botswana Holiness Union Church of South Africa Holy Apostles Community (Aiyetoro) Holy Apostolic Church in Christ Mission Holy Assembly of Christ Church Holy Church of Evangelistic Apostles Faith Holy Ecclesia of Jesus Holy Flock of Christ Holy Full Gospel Ap Church in Zion of SA Holy Ghost Church of East Africa Holy Ghost Coptic Church of Africa Holy Gospel Church Holy Jesus Church Holy Order of Cherubim & Seraphim Holy Order of Cherubim & Seraphim Ch Holy Saviour's Church Holy Spirit Church of East Africa Holy Spirit Church of Indonesia Holy Spirit Church of Zayun Holy Spirit Ministries International Holy Spring Church Holy Stone of Cath Apostolic Church of Spirit Holy Temple Church of Christ Holy Trinity Church in Africa Holy Trinity Healing Church Holy Word Christian Church Holy Zion Church in Botswana Home of Christ Church Hong Kong Evangelical Churches Hong Kong Methodist Church Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican Ch) Hope of God International Hope of God International Church Hopi Independent Indian Churches Hosanna Christian Fellowship House church movement House churches House of God Church of the Living God House of God Ground of Truth House of Prayer Fellowship House-Church Movement/Restoration Household of God Fellowship Hungarian Baptist Union Hungarian Free Christian Church Hungarian Latter Rain Church Hungarian Methodist Church Hungarian Protestant Congregations Hungarian Reformed Church in America Hungarian Reformed Church in S Hussite Church of Slovakia Hussite Church of the Czech Republic Hutterian Brethren
Christian Fellowship
Icthus Fellowship Icthus Internacional IEvMP Reunida en el Nombre de Jesús Ig Bautista Mis Haitiana y VEE Ig Bautistas Fund Independentes Ig Bíblica del Señor Jesus Cristo Ig Crist Casa de Misericordia Ig Crist Evang de Quilmes Ig Cristiana Pentecostal de CR Ig Cristiano Evang Bautista Eslava Ig de Cristo de la Misión Pentecostal Ig de JC por Profeta SK in S Ig Dios es Amor Brasilena Ig Ev Misionera de los Herm Menonitas Ig Evang Pent Cruzada Misionera Ig Evangelica Bautista Independiente Ig Menonita Balvarte de la Verdad Ig Univ do Reino de Deus Ig Universal del Reino de Dios Igelsia Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Igl Adventista Movimiento de Reforma Igl Aliancista Nacional de Sostén y GP Igl Alianza Cristiana y Misionera de B Igl Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesus Igl Apostólica Pentecostal Nacional Igl Apostólica Venezolana y Misionera Igl Bautista Independiente Maranatha Igl Cristiana Fundamental de M Igl Cristiana Nacional de las AdD Igl de Dios de la Profecía Universal Igl de Dios en la República Mexicana Igl de los Hermanos Unidos en Cristo Igl Ev Asambleas de Dios Misionera Igl Ev Congregacionalista en la Rep A Igl Ev del Consejo Espiritual Mexicano Igl Ev el Pesebre Humilde de Cristo Igl Ev Menonita de los Mesa Central Igl Ev Metodista Nat Primitiva de G Igl Ev Valdense del Río de la Plata Igl Evangélica de los Hermanos Libres Igl Independiente Universal de Cristo Igl Nacional Presbiteriana de México Igl Presbiteriana Asociada Reformada Igl Presbiteriana Independiente de M Iglesia Adventista de Séptimo Día Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Dia Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Iglesia Adventista Reformada Iglesia Africana Metodista Episcopal Iglesia Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Iglesia Alianza Cristiana y Missioners Iglesia Alleluia Iglesia Anglicana Iglesia Anglicana (D Argentina & ESA) Iglesia Anglicana (D Chile & Bolivia) Iglesia Anglicana (D Europe) Iglesia Anglicana de Venezuela Iglesia Anglicana Ortodoxa Iglesia Anglicana Paraguaya Iglesia Anglicana: D Chile & Bolivia Iglesia Anglicana: D Peru Iglesia Após de los Apóstoles y Profetas Iglesia Apostolica Aposento Iglesia Apostolica de Dios en Cristo Iglesia Apostólica de España Iglesia Apostolica de Jesucristo Iglesia Apostólica de Jesucristo Iglesia Apostólica de la Fe en CJ Iglesia Apostolica de Neuva Jerusalem Iglesia Apostolica Libre Iglesia Apostolica Nicaragua Iglesia Asamblea de Dios Boliviana Iglesia Autonoma Pentecostal del Perú Iglesia Bando Evangelistico Gedeon Iglesia Batista de la Misión Chilena Iglesia Bautista Iglesia Bautista Americana Iglesia Bautista Bethel Iglesia Bautista Biblica Iglesia Bautista del Séptimo Día Iglesia Bautista El Buen Samaritano Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Iglesia Bautista Haitiana Iglesia Bautista Immanuel Iglesia Bautista Independiente Iglesia Bautista Independiente San Miguel Iglesia Bautista Internacional Iglesia Bautista Libre Iglesia Bautista Mid-Mission Iglesia Bautista Nacional Iglesia Betania Iglesia Biblica Bautista Independiente Iglesia Biblica de Colombia Iglesia Biblica Misionera Iglesia Biblicas Iglesia Centroamericana Iglesia Congregacional Pentecostal Iglesia Congregationalista de Santidad Iglesia Cristiana Adventista del 7 Día Iglesia Cristiana Apostólica Iglesia Cristiana Apostolica de Madrid Iglesia Cristiana Bethel Iglesia Cristiana Biblica Iglesia Cristiana Cruzada Iglesia Cristiana de Cristo Iglesia Cristiana de la Fe Apostólica Iglesia Cristiana del Norte Iglesia Cristiana Elim Iglesia Cristiana Ev de Pentecostés Iglesia Cristiana Interdenominacional Iglesia Cristiana Luterana de Honduras Iglesia Cristiana Metodista Pentecostal Iglesia Cristiana Misionera Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal de Cuba Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostés Iglesia Cristiana Reformada Iglesia Cristiana Reformada de C Iglesia Cristiana Reformada de H Iglesia Cristiana Unida Iglesia Cristo la Unica Espíritu Iglesia Cruzada Evangélica Colombiana Iglesia de Biblia Abierta Iglesia de Biblia Abíerta Iglesia de Cristo Iglesia de Cristo en Bolivia Iglesia de Cristo en las Antillas Iglesia de Cristo en Melilla Iglesia de Cristo Evangélica Nacional Iglesia de Cristo Jesús Mision Ev Iglesia de Cristo Misionera Iglesia de Cristo Pentecostal Iglesia de Dios Iglesia de Dios (Anderson) Iglesia de Dios (Bethesda) Iglesia de Dios (Cleveland) Iglesia de Dios (Evangelio Completo) Iglesia de Dios (Universal) Iglesia de Dios an la Argentina Iglesia de Dios Boliviana Iglesia de Dios Cristiana Pentecostal Iglesia de Dios de CR (Anderson) Iglesia de Dios de CR (Cleveland) Iglesia de Dios de España Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Universal Iglesia de Dios de la Profetie Zion Iglesia de Dios del Evangelio Completo Iglesia de Dios del Perú Iglesia de Dios del Séptimo Día Iglesia de Dios en Chile Iglesia de Dios en Colombia Iglesia de Dios en Cristo Iglesia de Dios en Cristo por El ES Iglesia de Dios en Cuba Iglesia de Dios en el Paraguay Iglesia de Dios en el Perú Iglesia de Dios en México Iglesia de Dios Galilea Iglesia de Dios Independiente Iglesia de Dios Misión Boliviana Iglesia de Dios Misionera Iglesia de Dios Nueva Jerusalém Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal de CR Iglesia de la Biblia Abierta Iglesia de la Cristianizacion Iglesia de La Cruz Iglesia de la Nazareno Iglesia de la Puerta Abierta Iglesia de la Roca Iglesia de los Amigos Iglesia de los Banzie (Bwiti) Iglesia de los Hermanos Iglesia de los Hermanos (Ashland) Iglesia de los Hermanos (Grace) Iglesia de los Hermanos en Cristo Iglesia de los Hermanos Libres Iglesia de los Marineros Escandinavos Iglesia de Misiones Pente Libres de C Iglesia de Nazareno Iglesia Defensores de la Fe Iglesia del Biblia Abierta Iglesia del Biblia Abierto Iglesia del Espíritu Santo Iglesia del Evangelio Cuadrangular Iglesia del Evangelizacion Mundial Iglesia del Nazareno Iglesia del Nazareno en México Iglesia del Pacto Ev en el Ecuador Iglesia del Principe de Paz Iglesia del Príncipe de Paz Iglesia del Señor Iglesia di Peregrinos (Wesleyan) Iglesia Dios Manantiales Vida Eterna Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo del P Iglesia Dominicana Fronterizo Iglesia Ebenezer y Maranatha Iglesia El Buen Pastor Iglesia Emanuel (Jalapa) Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana Iglesia Episcopal Hondureña Iglesia Episcopal Mexicana Iglesia Episcopal: D Colombia Iglesia Episcopal: D Costa Rica Iglesia Episcopal: D Ecuador Iglesia Episcopal: D El Salvador Iglesia Episcopal: D Guatemala Iglesia Episcopal: D Nicaragua Iglesia Episcopal: D Panama Iglesia Episcopal: D Puerto Rico Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal Iglesia Ev Armenia de los Hermanos Iglesia Ev Asamblea de Dios Iglesia Ev Asambleas de Dios en el P Iglesia Ev Autonoma Pentecostal Iglesia Ev Centroamericana en G Iglesia Ev Congregacionalista Armenia Iglesia Ev Cristiana Calvario Iglesia Ev Cristiana Casa de Oración Iglesia Ev Cristiana Independiente Iglesia Ev Cristiana Saron Iglesia Ev Cuadrangular Iglesia Ev de Dios Boliviana Iglesia Ev de la Nueva Jerusalem Iglesia Ev de los Peregrinos Iglesia Ev de los Peregrinos del Perú Iglesia Ev del Nazareno de Guatemala Iglesia Ev Discipulos de Cristo Iglesia Ev Filadelfia de Asunción Iglesia Ev Filadelfia de la Incamación Iglesia Ev Israelita del Nuevo Pacto Iglesia Ev Luterana Boliviana Iglesia Ev Luterana Confessional Iglesia Ev Luterana de Costa Rica Iglesia Ev Luterana de CRESHNP Iglesia Ev Luterana Sinodo de Colombia Iglesia Ev Menonita Boliviana Iglesia Ev Menonita de Colombia Iglesia Ev Menonita de Nicaragua Iglesia Ev Menonita del Noroeste de M Iglesia Ev Menonita Hondureña Iglesia Ev Metodista de Costa Rica Iglesia Ev Metodista de Panama Iglesia Ev Metodista en Bolivia Iglesia Ev Pentecostal Argentina Iglesia Ev Pentecostal de Chile Iglesia Ev Pentecostal de Jesu Cristo Iglesia Ev Pentecostal de Las Acacias Iglesia Ev Pentecostal del Perú Iglesia Ev Pentecostal Misionera Iglesia Ev Pentecostal Nacional Iglesia Ev Pentecostal Paraguaya Iglesia Ev Pentecostal Unida Iglesia Evangelica Iglesia Evangélica Anabautista Iglesia Evangélica Armenia Iglesia Evangélica Bereana Iglesia Evangélica Betania Iglesia Evangélica Boliviana Iglesia Evangelica Boliviana de Santidad Iglesia Evangélica Comunitaria Iglesia Evangélica Cristiana Iglesia Evangélica Cristiana Libre Iglesia Evangélica Cristo Rey Iglesia Evangélica Cruzada Iglesia Evangélica de Cristo Iglesia Evangélica de Dios Pentecostal Iglesia Evangelica de la Profetia Iglesia Evangélica del Emanuel Iglesia Evangélica del Nazareno Iglesia Evangélica del Nuevo Pacto Iglesia Evangélica del Principe de Paz Iglesia Evangélica del Río de la Plata Iglesia Evangelica do Nova Vida Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana Iglesia Evangélica Elim Iglesia Evangélica Emmanuel Iglesia Evangélica en la Guinea E Iglesia Evangelica Episcopal Libre Iglesia Evangélica Española Iglesia Evangélica Filadelfia Iglesia Evangélica Gracia y Gloria Iglesia Evangélica Independiente Iglesia Evangélica La Hermosa Iglesia Evangélica Los Amigos Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Alemana Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Argentina Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Chile Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en el Perú Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Venezuela Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida Iglesia Evangelica Menonita Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Argentina Iglesia Evangélica Menonita del E Iglesia Evangélica Menonita en el P Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Argentina Iglesia Evangélica Metodista en el U Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Libre Iglesia Evangélica Metodista Pentecostal Iglesia Evangélica Mision Cristiana Iglesia Evangélica Misionera Iglesia Evangélica Misionera del Pacto Iglesia Evangélica Mundial Iglesia Evangélica Nacional Iglesia Evangélica Nacional Colombiana Iglesia Evangélica National Iglesia Evangélica Paraguaya Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostal Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal de Chile Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal de Cuba Iglesia Evangélica Pentecostal de E Iglesia Evangélica Peruana Iglesia Evangélica Plenitud Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana del P Iglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana en Chile Iglesia Evangélica Profética Peniel Iglesia Evangelica Unida Choco Iglesia Evangélica Unida de Corea Iglesia Evangélica Unida de PR Iglesia Evangélica Unida del Ecuador Iglesia Evangélica Unida Toba Iglesia Evangelica Union Pentecostal Iglesia Evangélica Universal Iglesia Evangélica Universal de Cristo Iglesia Evangélica Valdense Iglesia Evangelista Bautista Iglesia Filadelfia Iglesia Fundacion Iglesia Galesa Iglesia Gethsemane Iglesia Gracia Hermanos Iglesia Hermanidad Pentecostal Iglesia Hermanos en Cristo Iglesia Independiente Iglesia Independiente de Venezuela Iglesia Independiente Nacional Iglesia La Luz del Mundo Iglesia La Luz del Mundo (Aaronistas) Iglesia La Voz de Cristo Iglesia La Voz de Jesucristo Iglesia Luterana (Misuri) Iglesia Luterana Danesa Iglesia Luterana de Cuba (Misurí) Iglesia Luterana de Nicaragua Fe y Esperanza Iglesia Luterana El Redentor Iglesia Luterana en Chile Iglesia Luterana Latinoamericana de B Iglesia Luterana Mexicana Iglesia Luterana Noruega Iglesia Luterana Puertorriqueña Iglesia Maranatha Iglesia Menonita Iglesia Menonita de Guatemala Iglesia Metodista Iglesia Metodista Britanica de las Amer Iglesia Metodista de México Iglesia Metodista del Peru Iglesia Metodista en Colombia Iglesia Metodista en Cuba Iglesia Metodista Independiente Iglesia Metodista Libre Iglesia Metodista Libre Dominicana Iglesia Metodista Libre en el Paraguay Iglesia Metodista Libre Mexicana Iglesia Metodista Nacional de Chile Iglesia Metodista Pentecostal de Chile Iglesia Metodista Unida Iglesia Metodista Wesleyana de C Iglesia Mision Cristiana Pentecostal Iglesia Mision Mundial Iglesia Misión Pentecostal Iglesia Misión San Pablo Iglesia Misionera Iglesia Misionera de Cristo Iglesia Misionera de la Biblia Iglesia Misionera Mexicana Iglesia Misionera Pentecostes Iglesia Misíonero Alianza Iglesia Mita Iglesia Mondial Evangélica Iglesia Monte Sinaí Iglesia Morava de Nicaragua Iglesia Morava: Provincia de Honduras Iglesia Morave Iglesia Nacional Bethesda Iglesia Nacional del Nazareno Iglesia Nacional Ev de Los Amigos Iglesia Nacional Ev Los Amigos Iglesia Nacional Pres Cons de Mexico Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de G Iglesia Nazarena Apostólica Cristiana Iglesia Nueva Apostolica Iglesia Nueva Apostólica Iglesia Ondas de Amor & Paz Iglesia Panamericana de Colombia Iglesia Paraguaya Misionera Iglesia Pentecostal Apostólica Iglesia Pentecostal Apostolica de la Fe Iglesia Pentecostal Apostólica Libre Iglesia Pentecostal Autónoma del Centro Iglesia Pentecostal Brasilera Iglesia Pentecostal de Chile Iglesia Pentecostal de Chile Austral Iglesia Pentecostal de Dios Iglesia Pentecostal de Jesucristo Iglesia Pentecostal de la Trinidad Iglesia Pentecostal Dios y Amor Iglesia Pentecostal Evangélica Mision Iglesia Pentecostal Libre Mission Iglesia Pentecostal Naciente Iglesia Pentecostal Nacional Iglesia Pentecostal Santidad Iglesia Pentecostal Sueca Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Iglesia Pentecostal Unida (USA) Iglesia Pentecostal Unida de Chile Iglesia Pentecostal Unida de Colombia Iglesia Pentecostal Unida de V Iglesia Pentecostal Unida del Ecuador Iglesia Pentecostal y Misionera Iglesia Pentecoste Naciente Iglesia Presb Reformada de M Iglesia Presbiteriana Iglesia Presbiteriana Biblica de G Iglesia Presbiteriana Cumberland Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia Iglesia Presbiteriana de Venezuela Iglesia Presbiteriana en Bolivia Iglesia Presbiteriana en Chile Iglesia Presbiteriana Fundamentalista Iglesia Presbiteriana Nacional del P Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en C Iglesia Puerta al Cielo Iglesia Reformada Ungara del Uruguay Iglesia Santa Pentecostés Iglesia Santa Pentecostés Mexicana Iglesia Santidad Unión Iglesia SIM Iglesia Sionista Iglesia Sueca Iglesia Unida de Cristo Iglesia Unida Methodista Pentecostal Iglesia Unida Mundial Iglesia Unidad Cristiana Iglesia Unión de Bogotá Iglesia Unión de Centros Bíblicos Iglesia Unión de Lima Iglesia Union de San José Iglesia Unión Misionera Ev en el E Iglesia Unión Pentecostal El Templo Iglesia Universal Cristiana Iglesia Universal de Cristo Iglesia Vida Profunda Iglesia Wesleyana Iglesia Wesleyana Nacional Iglesias Avivamiento Iglesias Bautistas Conservadores Iglesias Bautistas Ev del Norte A Iglesias Biblicas Iglesias Biblicas Bautistas Iglesias Biblicas de México Iglesias Buenas Nuevas Iglesias Congregationales de México Iglesias Cristianas Iglesias Cristianas Evangélicas Iglesias de Biblia Abierta Iglesias de Cristo Iglesias de Cristo (Discípulos) Iglesias de Cristo (Instrumental) Iglesias de Cristo de Nicaragua Iglesias de Cristo en España Iglesias de Dios MIPR Iglesias de La Cruzada Mundial Ev Iglesias de la Fe Apostólica Iglesias de la Misión Mundo Unido Iglesias de Santidad Pentecostal Iglesias del Nuevo Testamento Iglesias Elim Iglesias Ev Amigo de Centroamerica Iglesias Ev Amigos de Centroamérica Iglesias Ev Independent y Nacionales de V Iglesias Ev Libres de Venezuela Iglesias Ev Misión Centroamericana Iglesias Evangélicas Buenas Noticias Iglesias Evangelicas Coreanes Iglesias Evangélicas de Hermanos Iglesias Evangélicas Independientes Iglesias Luteranas en Venezuela Iglesias Menonitas Iglesias Metodistas Libres Iglesias Nativas Venezolanas de Apure Iglesias Pente El Buen Samaritano Iglesias Pentecostales Autónomas Iglesias Pentecostales Coreanas Iglesias Pentecostales Emmaus Iglesias Pentecostales Juan 316 Iglesias radiofónicas solitarias Iglesias Unidas Hebrón Iglesias Unión Iglesias WRMF/HCJB Igr Anglicana (D Gambia & Rio Pongas) Igr Cristã Reformada do Brazil Igr Ev da Confissão Luterana no Brasil Igr Ev Pentecostal Assembleia de Deus Igr Evangélica Luterana Portuguesa Igr Evangélica Metodista Portuguesa Igr Lusitana Católica Apostólica Ev Igreja Adventista Igreja Adventista da Promessa Igreja Adventista da Reforma Igreja Adventista do Séptimo Dia Igreja Africana Metodista Episcopal Igreja Aguas Vidas Igreja Anglicana Igreja Anglicana (D Europe) Igreja Anglicana: D Lebombo Igreja Apostolica Igreja Apostólica Igreja Apostolica Africana em Angola Igreja Apostólica de Johane Maranke Igreja Assoc das Igs Ev Menonita do B Igreja Baptista Livre en Angola Igreja Batista do Sétimo Dia do Brasil Igreja Batista Evangélica Restrita Igreja Batista Internacional Igreja Brasileira Igreja CCAP Igreja Congregacional Unida de M Igreja Cristã Apostólica Igreja Cristã Batista Bíblica Igreja Cristã Pentecostal da Bíblia Igreja Cristã Primitiva Igreja Cristiana do Timur Igreja da Biblia Abierto Igreja da Nova Aliança Igreja da Restauração Igreja da Vida Profunda Igreja de Cristianismo Decidido Igreja de Cristo Igreja de Cristo do Angola Igreja de Cristo em Zambezia Igreja de Cristo Jesus Igreja de Cristo Mana Igreja de Cristo Pentecostal do Brasil Igreja de Cristo Unida em M Igreja de Deus Igreja de Deus (Anderson) Igreja de Deus (Cleveland) Igreja de Deus de Profecia Igreja de Deus do Brasil Igreja de Deus do Brasil (Cleveland) Igreja de Deus em Cristo Igreja de Deus Pentecostal Igreja de Deus Pentecostal do Brasil Igreja de Deus Profecia Igreja de Lassy Zepherin Igreja de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Igreja de Nova Vida Igreja de Reavivamento Bíblico Igreja do Arbusto Igreja do Espirito Santo Igreja do Evangelho Completo de Deus Igreja do Nazareno Igreja do Nazareno do Brasil Igreja do Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Igreja do Spirito Jesus Igreja do Vida Profonda do Biblia Igreja dos Irmãos Igreja dos Wesleyanos Igreja Episcopal do Brasil Igreja Ev Apostolica do Brasil Igreja Ev Congregaçional Igreja Ev Congregaçional Cristã Igreja Ev Irmãos Menonita Renovada Igreja Ev Pente 'O Brasil para Cristo' Igreja Ev Reformada de Angola Igreja Evangélica Igreja Evangélica Alfa Igreja Evangélica Arabe do Brasil Igreja Evangélica Baptista Igreja Evangélica Cong em Angola Igreja Evangélica Cuadrangular Igreja Evangélica da Guiné Igreja Evangélica de Cristo em M Igreja Evangélica do Bom Pastor Igreja Evangélica do Sudoeste de A Igreja Evangélica do Sul de Angola Igreja Evangélica dos Irmãos Igreja Evangélica Holiness do Brasil Igreja Evangélica Independente Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil Igreja Evangélica Luterana em M Igreja Evangélica Neo-Testamentaria Igreja Evangélica Pentecostal Elim Igreja Evangélica Pentecostal Unida Igreja Evangélica Portuguesa Igreja Evangélica Presbiteriana de P Igreja Evangélica Reforma Igreja Evangélica Reformada do Brasil Igreja Evangélica Suica Igreja Evangélica Unida Angola Igreja Evangélica YWAM Igreja Filadelfia Igreja Kimbanguista Igreja Luso-Africana Igreja Luterana de Angola Igreja Messiánica Mundial do Brasil Igreja Metodista Igreja Metodista do Brasil Igreja Metodista Livre Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil Igreja Metodista Unida Igreja Metodista Unida de Angola Igreja Metodista Wesleyana Igreja Missionária do Brasil Igreja Nacional Independente do B Igreja Nova Apostolica Igreja Nova Apostólica Igreja Pedra Fundamental Igreja Pentecostal da Nova Vida Igreja Pentecostal da Oração Igreja Pentecostal Deus e Amor Igreja Pentecostal Santidad Igreja Pentecostal Unida Igreja Pentecostal Unida do Brasil Igreja Presb Conservadora do Brasil Igreja Presb Fundamentalista do Brasil Igreja Presb Independente do Brasil Igreja Presbiteriana de Moçambique Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil Igreja Presbiteriana Renovada Igreja Presbiteriana Unida do Brasil Igreja Reformada em Moçambique Igreja União Baptista de Moçambique Igreja Unicista Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus Igreja Universal do Reino do Deus Igrejas Alianca Evangélica Igrejas de Cristo Igrejas de Reavivamento Igrejas do Cristo Igrejas Evangélicas dos Irmãos Igrejas Paz Igrejas radiofónicas isoladas Igs Ev Americanas Indigenas del P Igs Ev Congregacionalista en el Paraguay Immanuel Bible College Immanuel General Mission of Japan Independent African Church Independent AME Church Independent Anglican Church Independent Assemblies Fellowship Independent Assemblies of God Independent Assemblies of God C Independent Assemblies of God Int Independent Assemblies of God Intern Independent Baptist Church Independent Baptist Churches Independent Baptist Churches of EA Independent Baptist Convention Independent Bible Baptist Missions Independent Brethren Assemblies Independent charismatic churches Independent Chr Bible Believers Gospel Fell Independent Christian Churches Intern Independent Christian Missionary Soc Independent Church of Filipino Christians Independent Church of Myanmar Independent Churches of India Independent Churches of the Latter Rain Revival Independent Congregational Churches Independent Evangelical Church Independent Faith Movement Independent Full Gospel Churches of India Independent Fundamental Churches of America Independent Holiness Church Independent home meetings Independent Jamaica Baptist Mission Independent Korean Presbyterian Ch Independent Local Churches of Kerala Independent Lutheran Church of Africa Independent Lutheran Churches Independent Mandarin churches Independent Methodist Church Independent Methodist Church of Myanmar Independent Methodist Church of South A Independent Methodist Connexion Independent Pentecostal Church Independent Pentecostal Churches Independent Pentecostal Churches Fellowship Independent Pentecostal Union Independent Presbyterian Church of EA Independent Presbytery Mission Independent Republican Christian Ch Independent Rhenish Mission of SA India Association of General Baptists India Bible Church Fellowship India Bible Mission Church India Christian Assemblies India Christian Mission Church India Evangelical Church India Evangelistic Association India for Christ Ministries India Gospel Fellowship Mission India Gospel League India Mission India Pentecostal Assemblies India Pentecostal Church India Pentecostal Church of God India United Evangelical Mission Indian Christian Church Indian Church of the Only Saviour Indian Evangelical Team Indian Nat Full Gospel Churches Fed of I Indian National Church Indian National Evangelical Church Indian New Life League Indian Pentecostal Assemblies Indian Pentecostal Church of America Indian Pentecostal Church of God Indian Shaker Church Indigenous cargo cult churches Indigenous cargo-cult churches Indigenous pentecostal congregations Indonesia Missionary Church Indonesia Pentecostal Church Indonesia Protestant Christian Church Indonesian Baptist Gospel Fellowship Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) Indonesian Christian Church (HKI) Indonesian Christian Church in Central Java Indonesian Christian Church in East Java Indonesian Christian Church of West Java Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church Indonesian Ev Christian Church Indonesian Full Gospel Fellowship Indus Christian Fellowship Inner Temple of Christ Int Assoc of Messianic Congs & Syna Int Assoc of Messianic Congs & Synag Int Christian Church & Ministerial Assoc Int Christian Network of Churches Int Church of the Foursquare Gospel Int Convention of Faith Churches & Minis Int Federation of Christian Churches Int Pentecostal Holiness Ch Integrity Leadership Ministries Inter Church of the Foursquare Gospel Interdenominational Church Interdenominational Ministries Intern Intern Church of the Foursquare Gospel Intern Conf of Charismatic Churches Intern Conference of Word Ministries Intern Council of Community Churches Intern Fellowship of Faith Ministries Internat Church of the Foursquare Gospel Internat Ministerial Council of GB Internat Pentecostal Holiness Church of C International Apostolic Fellowship International Assemblies of God International Central Gospel Church International Chapel Ministries International Chapel of Vienna International Christian Body International Christian Church International Christian Churches International Christian Fellowship International Christian University Ch International Church International Church of the Foursquare International Churches of Christ International City Mission International Deliverance Churches International Evangelical Church International Evangelical Churches International Evangelism Church International Evangelism Crusaders International Evangelistic Fellowship International Fell of Charismatic Churches International Fellowship International Fellowship for Christ International Full Gospel Fellowship International Gospel Assemblies International Gospel League International Ministerial Association International Ministerial Fellowship International Ministers Forum International Missions International One Way Outreach International Pentecost Church International Pentecostal Assemblies International Pentecostal Church of Christ International Pentecostal Holiness Ch International Pentecostal Holiness Church International Revival Network Irish Mennonite Movement Irmãos Cristãos Isolated BCC believers Isolated Messianic Jews Isolated radio believers Isolated radio churches Israel Anglican Church Israel Church in Zion Israelite Messianic Tree of Life Isua Krista Kohhran Italian Pentecostal Church of Canada Itarsi Native Missionary Outreach
(Messianic Muslims)
Jamaica Baptist Union Jamaica Pentecostal Union (Apostolic) Jamaica WI Hackney Pente Apostolic Ch Japan Alliance Church Japan Apostolic Mission Japan Assemblies of God Japan Baptist Association Japan Baptist Christian Association Japan Baptist Church Association Japan Baptist Conference Japan Baptist Convention Japan Baptist Union Japan Bible Evangelical Church Japan Christ Society Japan Christian Church Japan Christian Ecclesia Japan Church of God Japan Church of Jesus Christ Japan Church of the Nazarene Japan Covenant Christian Church Japan Evangelical Christian Church Japan Evangelical Church Japan Evangelical Church (Orebro) Japan Evangelical Church Association Japan Evangelical Church of Christ Japan Evangelical Church Union Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church Japan Evangelical Mission Japan Evangelistic Band Japan Free Will Baptist Church Japan Gospel Church Japan Gospel Fellowship Japan Gospel League Church of Christ Japan Gospel Mission Japan Gospel Pentecostal Church Japan Holiness Church Japan Holy Catholic Church Japan Inland Mission Japan Jesus Christ Church Japan Jesus Christ Society Japan Lutheran Brethren Church Japan Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) Japan Mennonite Brethren Conference Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conf Japan New Testament Church Japan Open Bible Church Japan Regular Baptist Church Japan Union Mission of SD Adventists Japan United Pentecostal Church Jehovah Jireh Churches Jemaluang Community Church Mission Jericho Christian Church in Zion Jerusalem Seventh-day Church of God Jesus Assembly of God of Korea Jesus Christ Church Jesus Christ Presbyterian Church in Japan Jesus Divine Healing Church Jesus End of the World Gospel Mis Soc Jesus Family Jesus Fellowship Army Jesus Gospel Church Jesus is Lord Fellowship Jesus is Lord Fellowship/Ministries Jesus Korean Holiness Church Jesus Korean Methodist Church Jesus Lives Jesus Miracle Crusade Jesus Mosques Jesus Nom Temple Apostolique Jesus Presbyterian Church Head Presbytery Johan Maasbach Foundation Johane Church of God John Frum cargo cults Jordan Baptist Convention Jordanites Joy to the World Joyous Word Christian Churches Association Judah Israel Mission
Kampuchea for Christ Karakalpak Full Gospel Chr Ch Karbi-Anglong Baptist Convention Karen Baptist Convention of Thailand Karnataka Baptist Convention Karo Batak Protestant Church Kashmir Evangelical Fellowship Kathmandu Bible College Churches Kein Independence Group Kensington Temple Network Kenya Assemblies of God Kenya Church of Christ Kenya Ev Lutheran Church Kenya Foundation of the Prophets Ch Khmer Evangelical Church Khuzestan Church Council Kinder Gottes Kingdom Faith Ministries Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ Kingsway Fellowship International Kingsway Int Christian Centre Kinki Evangelical Lutheran Church Kirche des Nazareners Kirche Gottes in Christus Kirche Schwedens Kirche Schwedens (AD Uppsala) Kirche von Christ entum himonlische Kirche von Christentum himmlische Kirchenbund Ev-reformierter Gem Kiribati Protestant Church Kodesh Church of Immanuel Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schweiz Korea Assembly of God Korea Baptist Convention Korea Bible Baptist Fellowship Korea Church of Christ (Instrumental) Korea Church of Christ (Non-Instrumental) Korea Church of God Korea Evangelical Church Korea Holiness Evangelical Church Korea Jesus Bible Presbyterian Church Korea Lutheran Church Korea Methodist Ch Korea Peniel Church Korea Presbyterian Church (Conservative) Korea Tabernacle Temple Korean American Presbyterian Ch Korean Assemblies of God Korean Baptist Church Korean Baptist Churches Korean Baptist Convention Korean Baptist Convention (Yunmaeng) Korean Bethel Presbyterian Church Korean Bible Presbyterian Church Korean charismatic churches Korean Christian Church in Japan Korean Christian Federation Korean Christian Pentecostal Church Korean Christian Reformed Presb Ch Korean Church Korean Church in Taiwan Korean Churches Korean Conservative Baptist Church Korean Evangelical Church of Christ Korean Evangelical Movement Korean Free Methodist Church of Jesus Korean Full Gospel Church Korean Full Gospel Churches of America Korean International Presbyterian Ch Korean Methodist Church Korean Nazarene Church Korean Pentecostal Church Korean Pentecostal Churches Korean Presbyterian Church Korean Presbyterian Church in America Korean Presbyterian Church of America Korean Presbyterian Churches Korean Reformed Churches Korean United Pentecostal Church Koror Evangelical Church Kuki Christian Church Kwato Church Kyushu Mennonite Christian Church
La Porte
Ouverte et Associés
La Première Pentecôte Lahore Church Council (ICCC) Lahu Baptist Convention of Thailand Lahu Churches Lakher Independent Evangelical Church Lambs Followers Apostles Church Landmark Baptist Lanka Christian Mission Largo Community Church Last Church of Christ Last Church of God & His Christ Last Ministry Church Latin Ameri Council of Christian Churches Latter Rain Assemblies Latter Rain Assemblies of SA Latter Rain Church of Malaysia Latvian Ev Lutheran Church in America Latvian Ev Lutheran Church in Exile Latvian Ev Lutheran Church Outside Latvia Latvian Lutheran Church in Exile Lavington Church Nairobi Laymen's Evangelical Union/Fellowship Lebanese Baptist Convention Lebanon Evangelical Mission LeSEA Ministries Network Lesotho Evangelical Church Leyte Agape Evangelistic Ministries Liberia Assemblies of God Liberian Baptist Convention Liberian Christian Assemblies of God Liberian Gospel Crusade Church Liberty Baptist Churches Liberty Fellowship of Churches & Ministers Liebenzell Mission Japan Liebenzelle Church Life & Light Fellowship Life Links International Fellowship Life Ministerial Fellowship Intern Light & Spirit of Truth Light of Christ Church Light of Hope Mission of Botswana Light of Indonesia Light of Life Church Light of the Gospel Church Light of the World Church (Aaronistas) Lighthouse Fellowship of Churches Lighthouse Gospel Fellowship Ligue Biblique Française Lilongwe Pentecostal Church Lisu Christian Church Lisu Church Litauische Ev-Lutherische Kirche Live Ministries Africa Living Faith Christian Centers Living Faith World Outreach Centre Living Hope in Christ Living Rock Ministries Living Waters Christian Fellowship Living Waters Church Living Waters Churches Living Way Church Living Way Presbyterian Church Living Witness of the Apostolic Faith Local Church Local Church (Japanese) Local Churches of India Local Ecumenical Project Churches Local Mandarin-speaking Churches London City Mission London Mission Church Looking for Jesus Church Lord Jesus' Disciples Lost Israelites of Kenya Love of God Church Low-caste Hindu believers in Christ Lumpa (Visible Salvation) Church Luo Spirit Church Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod Lutheran Church in America Lutheran Church in Guyana Lutheran Church in Ireland Lutheran Church in Liberia Lutheran Church in Malaysia & Singapore Lutheran Church in Southern Africa Lutheran Church in Thailand Lutheran Church in the Philippines Lutheran Church of Australia Lutheran Church of Belarus Lutheran Church of Bible True Friends in E Lutheran Church of Denmark: D Faeroe Is Lutheran Church of Eritrea Lutheran Church of Greenland Lutheran Church of Nassau Lutheran Church of New Zealand Lutheran Church of Nigeria Lutheran Church of Republic of China Lutheran Church of Southern Africa Lutheran Church: Singapore District Lutheran Church-Canada Lutheran Churches of the Reformation Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Lutheran Council of Great Britain Lutheran Ev Christian Church of Japan Lutheran Ev Church of the Augsburg Conf Lutheran Orient Mission Luzon Conv of Southern Baptist Churches
Pentecostal Assembly Church
Mahon Mission Mahon Mission Churches Mai Chaza Church Makisua's Church Malabar Basel German Mission Church Malabar Independent Syrian Church Malayalee Christian Congregation Malaysia Baptist Convention Mambilla Baptist Convention Mana-Igreja Crista Manantial de Vida Eterna Manchester City Mission Manchira Monthly Meeting Manchu Churches Manipur Baptist Convention Manna Church Manna Full Gospel Churches & Ministries Manus Evangelical Church Maonan Church Maori Evangelical Fellowship Mara Christian Church Mara Independent Evangelical Church Maranatha Baptist Church Maranatha Christian Churches Maranatha Church Maranatha Churches Maranatha Full Gospel Churches Maranatha Pentecostal Church Maranatha Revival Church March of Faith Margaya Fellowship Maria Legio of Africa Mary Sharp Memorial Church Maseru United Church Meeting of Christians Meitei Christian Church Melodyland Christian Center Members in Christ Church Mennonite Associates in Israel Mennonite Brethren Mennonite Brethren (New Mennonites) Mennonite Brotherhood Mennonite Central Committee Mennonite Church Mennonite Church (Canada) Mennonite Church General Assembly Mennonite Church in Belize Mennonite Church in Canada Mennonite Church in India Mennonite Church of Kenya Mennonite Church of Trinidad & Tobago Mennonite Church of Viet Nam Mennonite Missions Now Churches Mennonite Sarodara Sangam Mennonitenbrüder-Gemeinden Mennonites (unaffiliated) Mennonitische Heimatmission Mentawei Protestant Christian Church Messengers for Christ Revival Mvt Messiah Church of the Ten Commandments Messiah Club Messianic Assembly in Israel Messianic Congregations & Synagogues Messianic Congs & Synagogues Messianic Jewish Assmblies Messianic Jewish Congregations Meth Church in Caribbean & Americas Methodist Church Methodist Church Ghana Methodist Church in Aruba Methodist Church in Bulgaria Methodist Church in Carib & Americas Methodist Church in Caribbean & Americas Methodist Church in Curaçao Methodist Church in Denmark Methodist Church in Estonia Methodist Church in Fiji Methodist Church in Finland Methodist Church in India Methodist Church in Indonesia Methodist Church in Ireland Methodist Church in Jamaica Methodist Church in Kathmandu Methodist Church in Kenya Methodist Church in Latvia Methodist Church in Malaysia Methodist Church in Samoa Methodist Church in Serbia Methodist Church in Singapore Methodist Church in Southern Africa Methodist Church in Sweden Methodist Church in the Gambia Methodist Church in the Polish Republic Methodist Church in Ukraine Methodist Church in Zimbabwe Methodist Church Myanmar Methodist Church Nigeria Methodist Church of Australasia Continuing Methodist Church of Ceylon Methodist Church of Great Britain Methodist Church of Macedonia Methodist Church of New Zealand Methodist Church of Norway Methodist Church of Samoa Methodist Church of South Africa Methodist Church of Southern Africa Methodist Church of the Republic of China Methodist Church of the Union of Myanmar Methodist Church Sierra Leone Methodist Church Zimbabwe Synod Methodist Protestant Church Metropolitan Church Association Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of Christ Miao (Meo) Churches Middle East General Mission Mid-India Yearly Meeting of Friends Mid-Liberia Baptist Mission Midwest Cong Christian Fellowship Miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo Mien (Yao) Churches Minahasa Protestant Church Association Mindanao Baptist Conv of SB Churches Ministères Africaines de Reveil Ministères de Calvaire Ministerial Fellowship of USA Ministers Fellowship International Mino Mission Miracle Centre Church Miracle Life Fellowship Miracle Life Gospel Centers Miracle Revival Fellowship Pente Ch Misión a las Tribus Nuevas Misión a los Indios de Sud-América Misión Alemana entre los Nativos del P Misión Alianza Evangélica Misión Bautista Conservador Misión Bautista Conservadora Mision Bautista de Jamaica y CA Misión Bautista Dominicana Misión Bautista Internacional Misión Bautista Leta Misión Biblica Evangelica Misión Biblica Pioneira Misión Bol de Santidad Amigos Misión Carismática Internacional Misión Cr Ev Llubias de Gracia Misión Crist Escudo del Fe Misión Cristiana Apostólica Mision Cristiana Elim Misión Cristiana Elim Misión Cristiana Elim de Guatemala Misión Cristiana Igl Ev Pentecostal Misión Cristiana La Fe Misión Cristiana México Poniente Mision Cristiana Mundial Rosa de Saron Misión de la Fe Evangelica Misión de la Igl Luterana en América Misión del Seminario Biblico Misión Esandarte de la Biblia Abierta Misión Evangélica Bautista Misión Evangélica Bethesda Mision Evangélica de America del Sur Misión Evangélica de Colombia Misión Evangélica de Panamá Misión Evangélica del Espíritu Santo Mision Evangelica do Voz de Dios Misión Evangélica Emmanuel Misíon Evangelica en Villa Real Misión Evangélica Española Misión Evangélica Interdenominacional Misión Evangélica Luterana Misión Evangélica Puerto del Cielo Misión Evangélica Venezuela Misión Evangelico Mundial Misión Evangelistica Mexicana Misión Evangelización Misión Ig del Señor Misión Indigena de Sur América Misión La Luz del Mundo Misión Llamamiento de Medianoche Misión Lut Sudamericana de Noruega Misión Luterana Norvega en Bolivia Misión Mundial de Argentina Misíon Mundo Unida Misión Mundo Unido Misión Nuevas Tribus Misión Nuevas Tribus de Colombia Misión Nuevas Tribus de Venezuela Mision Pentecostes de lg Cr Misión Posible Misión sin Fronteras Misión Suiza de Cooperación Evangélica Misión UFM Misión Vida Misionera Asamblea Cristiana Misiones Cristianas Bolivianas Misiones Mundiales de Bolivia Misiones Mundiales de Colombia Misiónes Mundiales de Guatemala Misiones Mundiales de México Missão Amazonas Missão Baptista Missão Batista Conservadora Missão Batista Livre do Brasil Missão da Fé Apostólica Missão de Evangelização Mundial Missão Ev Independente do Brasil Missão Ev Mâranato de P Missão Ev Pentecostal de Angola Missão Interior do Brasil Missão Mundial Unida Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil Mission Adventiste du Septième Jour Mission Alliance Mission Apostolique du Pentecote Mission Baptiste Mission Baptiste Conservatrice Mission Baptiste Européenne Mission Baptiste Evangélique Mission Baptiste International Mission Baptiste Internationale Mission Biblique de Ghardaia Mission Chrétienne Européenne Mission Chrétienne Ev de Martinique Mission Covenant Church Mission Covenant Church in Japan Mission Covenant Church of Denmark Mission Covenant Church of Norway Mission Covenant Church of Sweden Mission d'Afrique du Nord Mission de Dieu du Bougie Mission de l'Evangile Mission du Monde Arabe Mission Ev Baptiste du Sud-Haïti Mission Ev de l'Afrique Occidentale Mission Ev des Alpes Françaises Mission Evangélique (Américaine) Mission Evangélique au Laos Mission Evangélique au Sahara Mission Evangélique Baptiste Mission Evangélique Baptiste d’Haïti Mission Evangélique de la Foi Mission Evangélique de Médéa Mission Evangélique des Amis Mission Evangélique des Tziganes Mission Evangélique du Sahara Mission Evangélique du Sahel Mission Evangélique Saharienne Mission Foi et Sainteté Mission Foi-Evangile Mission Frontières Mission Intérieure au Luxembourg Mission Israel Mission Lutherienne du Norvège Mission Mondiale Mission Mondiale Unie Mission of Christ's Compassion Mission Pioneers Mission Populaire Ev de France Mission Protestante Norvégienne Mission Rolland Mission Suisse de Pentecôte Mission to the World Mission Tribus Nouveaux Missionary Church Missionary Gospel Church International Missionary Methodist Church of America Missionary Revival Crusade Missione Alleanza Evangelica Missione Italiana per le Vangelo Missions Mondiales Missions to Japan Missions-Allianz Kirche Mizoram Bible Fellowship Modekne Moluccan Protestant Church in the N Mongolian Partnership Montagnard Evangelical Church Moravian Church Moravian Church in America Moravian Church in Curaçao Moravian Church in GB & Ireland Moravian Church in Jamaica Moravian Church in South Africa Moravian Church in Surinam Moravian Church in Tanzania Moravian Church in the Netherlands Morning Star International Moshoeshoe Berean Bible Readers' Ch Mount Olive Gospel Churches Mount Tabor As of Regular Baptists Mouvement Croix-Koma Mouvement Evangélique Tsigane Mov Ev Interden El Tabernaculo de Fe Mov Evangelico Int Fiumi di Potenza Movi Cristiano y Misionero Boliviano Movimento Ev Cigano de Portugal Movimiento Cristiano y Misionero Movimiento del Iglesia de Israel Movimiento Evangelistico Misionero Movimiento Igls Ev Pentecostales Indep Movimiento Misionero Mundial Movimiento Mundial Cris Misionera Mt Sinai Holy Church of North America Muria Christian Church in Indonesia Musanda Holy Ghost Church of EA Myanmar Baptist Convention Myanmar Gospel Outreach
Baptist Church Council
Nagaland Christian Revival Church Nagaland for Jesus Nagaland Missionary Movement Nagriamel (Palm Tree) Church of Christ Nakhi Churches Nardus Church Narraganset Indian Church Nat David Spiritual Temple of Christ National Assoc of Free Will Baptists National Assoc of Independent Churches National Baptist Church of South Africa National Baptist Conv of America National Baptist Convention National Baptist Convention USA National Baptist Ev LSS Assembly National Church of Christ (Aladura) National Church of Denmark National Church of Iceland National Church of Pakistan National Churches Fell of Nepal National Conservative Christian Ch National Ev Christian Alliance Church National Ev Spiritual Baptist Ch National Ev Synod of Syria & Lebanon National Evangelical Church in Kuwait National Evangelical Church of Bahrain National Evangelical Mission National Evangelical Union National Fellowship of Brethren Churches National Independent Church of Africa National Methodist Church of Pakistan National Missionary Baptist Conv of A National Missionary Society of India National Pentecostal Church National Primitive Baptist Convention National Revival Church in NZ National Revival Church Mission National Revival Crusade National Tembu Church National Virgin Church of Pakistan Native American Church of Canada Native American Church of North America Native Baptist Church Native Church (Protestant) Native Church of God Native Evangelical Fellowship of C Native Independent Congregational Ch Native Missionary Movement Nauru Congregational Church Nauru Independent Church Navajeeva Ashram Navajo Native American Church Nazarene Healing Church Nazareth Church of Botswana Nazarite Baptist Church Neo-American Church Nepal Baptist Church Council Nepali Christian Congregation Net of Christ Ministries Netherlands Free Reformed Churches Netherlands Reformed Church Netherlands Reformed Congregations Netherlands Reformed Congs of NA Network International Network Ministries Network of Christian Ministries Network of Kingdom Churches Network of Restoration Churches Neuapostolische Kirche New Apostolic Church New Apostolic Church Community New Apostolic Church in the Netherlands New Apostolic Church in Zion New Apostolic Church India New Apostolic Church Kenya New Apostolic Church of North America New Apostolic Prophets Church New Assembly Christian Church New Beginnings Fellowship New Christ Union Church New Christian Fellowship New Covenant Apostolic Ch New Covenant Assemblies of God New Covenant Church New Covenant Churches of Maryland New Covenant Worship Centre New East African Church New Eden Light of Jesus Christ New Foundation Ap Church of Christ in Jerus New Frontiers International New Guinea Gospel Mission New Israelites New Jerusalem Apostolic Church in Zion New Jerusalem Church New Life Assemblies of God (Chennai) New Life Christian Churches New Life Christian Fellowship New Life Church of Christ in Nigeria New Life Churches New Life Churches of New Zealand New Life Crusaders New Life Fellowship New Life Fellowship (Rajasthan) New Life For All New Life for Turks New Life Ministries International New Life Mission New Life Outreach New Life Presbyterian Church New Life Temple New Promise Community Church New Salem Church (Aladura) New Song Ministries New Testament Apostolic Movement New Testament Assembly (England) New Testament Christian Church New Testament Church Association New Testament Church of Christ the R New Testament Church of God New Testament Church of India New Testament Gospel Church New Testament Holiness Church New Tribes Mission New Tribes Mission Churches New Tribes Mission of the Philippines New World Apostolic Church in Zion New-Christian Union Next Towns Crusade in Japan Nias Christian Protestant Church Nias Christian Protestant Organization Nias Indonesian Christian Association Nicosia Community Church Nigeria Mennonite Church Nigerian Baptist Convention Nigerian Christian Fellowship Nigritian Episcopal Church Niños de Dios Niue Christian Church No-Church Movement No-Church Movement Association of BS Nomiya Luo Church Nomiya Luo Sabbath Non-Subscribing Presb Church of Ireland Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church North American Baptist Conference North American Baptist General Conf North American Catholic Church North American Old Roman Cath Ch North Bank Baptist Christian Assoc Northern Christian Mission Northern Evangelical Lutheran Ch Northern Zhuang Churches Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Norwegian Baptist Union Norwegian Free Evangelical Church Norwegian Free Evangelical Mission Norwegian Lutheran Mission Norwegian Missionary Alliance Norwegian Pentecostal Mission Norwegian Pentecostal Mission in K Norwegian Pentecostal Movement Nuevos Israelitas Nukuono Protestant Church Nung Church Nusantara Evangelical Church
Evangélica Nacional
Oeuvre Missionnaire Okinawa Baptist Convention Okinawa Christian Association Old Apostolic Church (Irvingite split) Old Baptist Union Old Mennonites Old Mennonites (Church Mennonites) Old Order & Wisler Mennonite Church Old Order & Wisler Mennonite Churches Old Order Amish Mennonite Church Old Reformed Churches in the N Olive Tree Church (Evangelical Church) Oman Christian Fellowship Omega Full Gospel Assembly OMS Churches Oneness Ministries Network Intern Open Bible Church of God Open Bible Standard Church Open Bible Standard Churches Open Bible Standard Churches of J Operation Mobilisation Ordre Sacré de Déliverance Org Cristiana El Amor Viviente Organización Venezolana de Igls Cri Ev Oriental Apostolic Church Oriental Boat Mission Oriental Chr Church for Ev of the Deaf Oriental Christian Churches Association Oriental Missionary Crusade Original Church of God Original Glorious Churches of God in Christ Original Gospel (Tabernacle) Movement Original United Holy Church International Orissa Baptist Evangelical Crusade Orissa Follow-up Churches Orissa Missionary Movement Orthodox Baptist Church Orthodox Baptist Churches Orthodox Presbyterian Church other African independent churches other African indigenous chs other African indigenous churches other Afro-Caribbean independent chs other Amerindian indigenous chs other Anglican denominations other Arab indigenous churches other Asian indigenous churches other Bantu indigenous churches other Black indigenous churches other Black Oneness bodies other Black pentecostal churches other Bolivian indigenous churches other charismatic bodies other charismatic churches other charismatic fellowships other charismatic house groups other charismatic networks other Chinese indigenous churches other city missions other Colombian indigenous churches other Egyptian indigenous churches other English-language congregations other Filipino indigenous churches other Full Gospel single congs other Ibero-Hispanic churches other indep charismatic networks other Indepedent local churches other independent Anglican Churches other independent Baptist Churches other independent bodies other independent charismatic chs other independent churches other independent congregations other Independent denominations other independent fellowships other independent indigenous chs other independent Oneness bodies other independent pentecostal chs other independent single churches other independent single congregations other independent tribal chs other Indian indigenous churches other indigenous charismatic chs other indigenous churches other indigenous congregations other indigenous denominations other indigenous nonpentecostal chs other indigenous Oneness bodies other indigenous pentecostal chs other indigenous pentecostal churches other indigenous single congs other indigenous Zionist churches other Indonesian indigenous chs other Japanese indigenous churches other Korean indigenous churches other Latin American indigenous chs other Malagasy churches other Malagasy indigenous churches other megachurches or networks other Melanesian indigenous chs other Melanesian indigenous churches other neocharismatic networks other nondenominational single chs other non-Korean indigenous churches other Non-White indigenous churches other Pakistani indigenous churches other pentecostal bodies other pentecostal churches other pentecostal congregations other pentecostal denominations other pentecostal/charismatic bodies other pentecostal/charismatic chs other Polynesian indigenous chs other Protestant bodies other Protestant churches other Protestant congregations other Protestant denominations other Protestant groups other single congregations other single independent churches other smaller ethnic churches other Third-World indigenous chs other Third-World indigenous churches other White Oneness pentecostals Outpouring Ministries Ovambo Independent Church Overcoming Faith Fellowship Intern Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Ocean Mission
Pakistan Christian Fellowship Palau Evangelical Church Paliau Church Parauk (Va) Churches Pasundan Christian Church Patriotic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Peace Evangelistic Centre Peli (Hawk) Association Pemba Yearly Meeting of Friends Peniel Churches of VOCA Pente Assemblies of Newfoundland Pente Church of God of Andhra Pradesh Pente Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa Pente Holiness Association Mission Pentecost Faith Mission Pentecostal Apostolic Church of God Pentecostal Apostolic Church of God in R Pentecostal Assemb of the W Indies Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Pentecostal Assemblies of God Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Z Pentecostal Assemblies of God of Z Pentecostal Assemblies of Jamaica Pentecostal Assemblies of the AF Pentecostal Assemblies of the W Indies Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Pentecostal Assembly of Churches of JC Pentecostal Bible Way Church Pentecostal Church Pentecostal Church (Sihombing) Pentecostal Church in Sorong Pentecostal Church of Christ in Africa Pentecostal Church of Georgia Pentecostal Church of God Pentecostal Church of God in Japan Pentecostal Church of God of America Pentecostal Church of God of the P Pentecostal Church of Indonesia Pentecostal Church of Latvia Pentecostal Church of Malaya Pentecostal Church of Zambia Pentecostal Churches Pentecostal Churches in Lithuania Pentecostal Churches in Tanzania Pentecostal Churches of Christ Pentecostal Churches of Christ in Serbia Pentecostal Churches of Christ in Yugoslavia Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith Pentecostal Churches of Uganda Pentecostal congregations Pentecostal Ev Assembly of Christ Elect Pentecostal Evangelical Churches Pentecostal Evangelistic Fell of Africa Pentecostal Fellowship Pentecostal Fire-Baptized Holiness Ch Pentecostal Free Churches Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church Pentecostal Friends Pentecostal Holiness Association Pentecostal Holiness Ch Pentecostal Holiness Church Pentecostal Holiness Church in S Africa Pentecostal Holy Church of Ghana Pentecostal Ministerial Association Pentecostal Mission Pentecostal Missionary Church Pentecostal Movement Pentecostal Movement Church Pentecostal Movement in Denmark Pentecostal Movement in Iceland Pentecostal Protestant Church Pentecostal Revival Church Pentecostal Revival Movement of S Pentecostal Revival of Finland Pentecostal Union Pentecostal Union of Bulgaria Pentecostal Union of Moldova Pentecostal Union of United Churches Pentecôtistes des Eaux Vives People of Destiny International People’s Church Movement People's Church of Africa People's Church Toronto People's Churches Peoples Churches (Kwasizabantu) People's Missionary Church Persia Church in Zion of Botswana Petite Eglise (Vendéenne) Philadelphia Pentecostal Church Philadelphia-Verein Philippine Church (Adarnista) Philippine Episcopal Church Philippine Independent Church Philippine Missionary Fellowship Phillipian Church of South Africa Phnom Penh Baptist Church Pilgermission St Chrischona Pilgermission St-Chrischona Pilgrim Baptist Mission Pilgrim Wesleyan Church Pilgrim Wesleyan Holiness Church Pillar of Fire Pioneer Peoples Network of Churches Pioneers Pioneers International of India Place of Paradise Ch Plumbline Ministries Polish Baptist Union Polish Evangelical Lutheran Church Polish Reformed Church in Exile Portuguese Evangelical Church Potter’s Wheel Power of Jesus Around the World Ch Powerline Bible Church Pr C in K (Reunited Anti-Ecumenical) Praising Church Presb Church of Korea (Non-Assembled) Presb Church of Korea (Reformed Faith) Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church (Neutral) Presbyterian Church (Revolutionary Rehab) Presbyterian Church (USA) Presbyterian Church in America Presbyterian Church in America (Canadian) Presbyterian Church in Cameroon Presbyterian Church in Canada Presbyterian Church in India Presbyterian Church in Ireland Presbyterian Church in Kirghizia Presbyterian Church in Korea (Kosin) Presbyterian Church in Korea (Tonghap) Presbyterian Church in Malaysia Presbyterian Church in Pakistan Presbyterian Church in Singapore Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Presbyterian Church in the RoK Presbyterian Church in Trinidad & Grenada Presbyterian Church in Uganda Presbyterian Church in West Cameroon Presbyterian Church of Africa Presbyterian Church of Australia Continuing Presbyterian Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Church of East Africa Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia Presbyterian Church of Ghana Presbyterian Church of Guyana Presbyterian Church of Japan Presbyterian Church of Korea Presbyterian Church of Korea (Hyuksin) Presbyterian Church of Korea (Restored) Presbyterian Church of Mauritius Presbyterian Church of Myanmar Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa Presbyterian Church of the P Presbyterian Church of the Sudan Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu Presbyterian Church of Wales Presbyterian Free Church Presbyterian General Assembly (Koryo) Presbyterian Reformed Church of A Presbytery of Ceylon Presbytery of Guyana Presbytery of Lanka Presbytery of Liberia in West Africa Presbytery of Malaysia & Singapore Primitive Advent Christian Church Primitive Baptist Conf of N Brunswick Primitive Baptists Primitive Methodist Church USA Prince of Peace Church Profecía del Sinai Progressive National Baptist Conv Protestant Church Protestant Church in Indonesia: Protestant Church in Jakarta Protestant Church in Oman Protestant Church in Sabah Protestant Church in South East Sulawesi Protestant Church in the N: Protestant Church of East Truk Protestant Church of the Caroline Islands Protestant Church of West Kalimantan Protestant Conference (Lutheran) Protestant Evangelical Church of England Protestant Internat Church in Kathmandu Protestant Reformed Churches in America Protestant Unity Church Province of the Epis Church of the Sudan Pure Church Pure Presbyterian Church of Korea Puyi Church
Qua Iboe
Quemoy Christian Church of Christ
Baptist Church Union
Rainbow Churches Rajasthan Bible Institute Ramabai Mukti Mission Rancho Christian Center Churches Ras Tafari Melchizedek Orthodox Ch Rassemblement Frat (Ravinistes) Ratana Church Rawang Church Ray of the Gospel Christian Church Reaching Indians Ministries Reconciliation Network of Churches Reconstruction Presbyterian Church Red Sea Mission Team Red Sea Team Redeemed Apostolic Church Redeemed Christian Church of God Redeemed Gospel Church Redeemed Israelites Redeemed People's Mission Ref Methodist Union Episcopal Ch Reformed Apostolic Faith Mission of SA Reformed Apostolic Faith of Botswana Reformed Baptist Church Reformed Baptist Churches Reformed Christian Church Reformed Christian Church in Serbia Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia Reformed Christian Church of C Reformed Church Reformed Church (Liberated) Reformed Church in Africa Reformed Church in America Reformed Church in Aruba Reformed Church in Canada Reformed Church in Carpatho-Ukraine Reformed Church in Hungary Reformed Church in Japan Reformed Church in Latvia Reformed Church in Southern Africa Reformed Church in the United States Reformed Church in Zambia Reformed Church in Zimbabwe Reformed Church of Christ Reformed Church of East Africa Reformed Church of Quebec Reformed Church of Romania Reformed Church Synod in Denmark Reformed Churches (Liberated) Reformed Churches in Namibia Reformed Churches in the N Reformed Churches of Australia Reformed Churches of New Zealand Reformed Congregational Church Reformed Congregations in the N Reformed Covenant Church of Christ Reformed Episcopal Church Reformed Evangelical Church in Poland Reformed Fundamental Church Reformed Mennonite Church Reformed Pentecostal Church Reformed Presb Church Evangelical Synod Reformed Presb Church of Myanmar Reformed Presbyterian Christian Ch Reformed Presbyterian Church Reformed Presbyterian Church (Gaehyuk) Reformed Presbyterian Church Ev Synod Reformed Presbyterian Church in Uganda Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland Reformed Presbyterian Church of North A Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland Reformed True Methodist Church Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Ch Reformiert-Apostolische Gemeindebund Reformierte Kirche von Niederlande Regional Brothers Fellowship Religion of the Ancestral Spirits Religiose Gesellschaft der Freunde Religiöse Gesellschaft der Freunde Religious S of Friends (Conservative) Religious Soc of Friends in Ireland Religious Society of Friends Religious Society of Friends in A Religious Society of Friends in SA Remnant Church Remnant Church of Israel Remonstrant Brotherhood Renascer em Cristo Republic of Taiwan Lutheran Church Restored Apostolic Church Restored Apostolic Missionary Church Resurrected Church of God Resurrection Churches & Ministries Reunited Brethren Revelation Blessed Peace Church of B Revival Centres International Revival Fellowship Assemblies Revival Prayer Fellowship Revival Tabernacle Revival Zion Rewa Wesleyan Mission Rhema Bible Church Rhema Bible Churches Rhema Church Rhenish Evangelical Lutheran Ch Ringatu Church River of Life Rock Church & Ministerial Fellowship Romanian Baptist Union Romanian Evangelical Church Russia/Ukraine Ev Baptist Union Ruwe Holy Ghost Church of East Africa
Action Church
Sacred Cherubim & Seraphim Church of G Sacred Church of the Race Sacred Order of the Silent Brotherhood Sacred Philippine Church of the 5 Vowels Sainte Eglise Apostolique Salt & Light Ministries Salvation Army Salvation Army Finland Territory Salvation Army in Canada Salvation Army in Curaçao Salvation Army in Georgia Salvation Army in Japan Salvation Army in Malaya Salvation Army Korea Territory Salvation Army of South Africa Salvation Army: Zimbabwe Territory Salvation Church Samaria Iglesia Evangélica Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches Samoan Full Gospel Church Samoan SDA Church Santa Iglesia Católica Apostolic Ortodoxa Saora Association of Baptist Churches Saudi Arab house churches Savior Church of Ghana Saviour's Apostolic Church of Nigeria Saviour's Evangelical Church of N Scandinavian Independent Baptist Union Scandinavian Seamen's Church Scandinavian Seamen's Churches Schweizerische Pfingstmission Schwenkfelder Church in the USA Scottish Episcopal Church SDA Church Reform Movement SDA Reform Movement of Australia Seamen's Churches Second Cumberland Presb Church in A Selbständige Ev-Lutherische Kirche Self-Supporting Karen Baptist Miss Soc Self-Supporting Rhenish Church Seminole Independent Indian Church Separate Baptists in Christ Seventh Day Baptist Church Seventh Day Baptist Church of NZ Seventh Day Baptist General Conf Seventh-day Adv Reform Movement Seventh-day Advent Church Greek Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fiji Seventh-day Adventist Church of Finland Seventh-Day Baptist Church Seventh-day Christians Shaftesbury Society Sharon Pentecostal Fellowship Church Shield of Faith Fellowship Shiloh Apostolic Temple Shiloh Pentecostal Fellowship (UK) Shiloh United Church of Christ Apostolic WW Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in D Sierra Leone Baptist Union Sierra Leone Church Sierra Leone Missionary Church Sign of the Apostles Church Silesian Ev Church of Augsburg Confession Siloam Baptist Brethren Fellowship Siloam Pentecostal Church SIM Church Simalungun Protestant Christian Ch Sinai Church of East Africa Singapore Baptist Convention Sinodo Evangélico Luterano Sinodo Evangelico y Reformada Sinodo Luterano de México Sino-Mauritian Evangelical Church Slovak Calvinist Church Slovak Ev Church of Augsburg Confession Slovak Evangelical Christian Church Smyrna Church Soc Mis Cubana Hermanos en Cristo Social Brethren Sociedad de Amigos Sociedad Fraternal Hutterianá Sociedad Noruega de Evangelización Sociedad Protestante del Sud Sociedade Betânia do Brasil Sociedade Cristã Missionaria Sociedade Evangelizadora Biblica Société de la Croix Blanche Société des Amis Société des Antoinistes Société Religieuse des Amis Société Révélation Apostolique Society of the One Almighty God Soldiers of God Solomons Baptist Association Somalia Believers Fellowship Somalia Mennonite Mission South African Evangelistic Mission South China Foursquare Gospel Church South Pacific Churches South Pacific Evangelical Fellowship South Sea Evangelical Church Southern Baptist Convention Southern Harvest Ministries Southern Methodist Church Southern Zhuang Churches Sovereign Grace Baptist Mission Sovereign Grace Baptists Spanish Christian Churches Spirit Church of God of Israel Spirit of Jesus Church Spiritual Baptist Churches Spiritual Christians (Whippers) Spiritual Food Church Spiritual Food Church of Indonesia Spiritual Food Worldwide Ev Mission Spiritual Healing Church Spiritual Life Concepts Sri Lanka Baptist Union Sri Lanka Lutheran Church Council St Engenas Zion Christian Ch St Faith Holy Church St Gabriel’s Church Union CIB St John's Apostolic Faith Church St John's Apostolic Faith Mission St John's Apostolic Faith Mission of B St John's Apostolic Faith Mission of SA St John's Mission St Joseph’s Indian Reform Church St Mark's Service Church St Matthew's Apostolic Faith Mission St Paul's Apostolic Church of SA St Paul's Apostolic Faith Mission St Paul's Apostolic Faith Mission of SA St Paul's Church of Africa St Peter’s World Outreach Center St Peter's Apostolic Faith Healing Ch St Philip's Faith Healing Church St Thomas Evangelical Ch St Thomas Evangelical Church St Thomas Evangelical Church of India Standard Churches of America Star of Bethlehem Church Ste Egl Ap Orth Celtique en Brétagne Strategic Christian Services Streams of Power Streams of Power Movement Strict & Particular Baptist Churches Strome der Kraft Subba Rao Movement Sudan Interior Church Sudan Pentecostal Church Sudan Presbyterian Ev Church Sudanese Church of Christ Supreme Healing Home Surabaya Pentecostal Church Swatow Christian Church Swazi Christian Church in Zion of SA Swedish Alliance Mission Swedish Alliance Mission in Japan Swedish Baptist Church of Finland Swedish Evangelical Mission Swedish Evangelical Mission in Japan Swedish Evangelical Orient Mission Swedish Free Mission Swedish Free Mission Churches Swedish Mission Covenant Church Swedish Salvation Army Swiss Church in London Swiss Evangelical Brotherhood Mission Sydney City Mission Sylhet Presbyterian Church Synagogue Church of All Nations Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches Syria Baptist Convention
Church and Missions
Tabernacle Evangélistique de Jésus Tabernaculo Cristo Tabernaculo Evangelistica Taipei Truth Church Taiwan (Tao Seng) Presbyterian Ch Taiwan Assembly of God Taiwan Church of God (Anderson) Taiwan Congregational Association Taiwan Episcopal Church: D Taiwan Taiwan Fellowship Deaconry Mission Taiwan Foursquare Church of Christ Taiwan Friends Church Taiwan Gospel Church Taiwan Holiness Church Taiwan Lutheran Church Taiwan Reformed Presbyterian Church Tamil Baptist Churches Tamil Christian Churches Tamil Christian Fellowship Tanganyika Mennonite Church Tanzania African Church Tanzania Assemblies of God Tanzania Free Methodist Ch Teachings of God the Father Team Networks International Team Spirit Ministries Teamwork Ministries Tehran Bible Church Tehran Community Church Tehran Lutheran Church Telugu Baptist Churches Templo de Fe Templo de Renacimiento Templo Evangelico Cristiana Templos de Avivamiento Thai Ezra Churches Thai Full Gospel Fellowship Church Thailand Baptist Churches Association Thailand Covenant Church The Church the Body of Christ The Cross Pentecostal Fellowship The Family (Children of God) The King's Churches The Rock Christ Jesus The Vine Fellowship of Churches The Way Christian Fellowship The Way International Things To Come Mission Tibetan Churches Tioga River Christian Conference Tokaikolo Christian Fellowship Tokyo Mennonite Church Tongan Fellowship for Revival Toraja Christian Church Toraja Church in Mamasa Total Christian Church Traditional Anglican Communion Traditional Church of England Traditionalist Christian Church Transcea Tree of Life Tree of Life Churches Tribal Baptist Church Tribal Gospel Mission Trinity Bible Centre Trinity Church Gaborone Trinity Church Network Trinity Fellowship Association of Churches Trinity Presbyterian Church of Sudan Tripura Baptist Christian Union Triumph the Church & KoG in Christ Triumphant Church of God True Assemblies of God Church of N True Church of Christ (New Bethlehem) True Faith Church True Friends of the Bible True Jesus Church True Jesus Church in Japan True Jesus Church in Taiwan True Jesus Church Korea Assembly True Jesus Church of India True Spiritual Church of the Holy Spirit True Vine Pentecostal Churches of Jesus Trumpet Sound Full Gospel Ch Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Tujia Church Tulang Church Turkish indigenous churches Turkmen Union Tuvalu Christian Church Tuvalu Church Twelve Apostles Church in Christ
Ev Baptist Convention
Ukrainische Ev-Baptistische Kirche Unaffiliated fundamentalist chapels Undenominational Church of the Lord in India Undenominational Church of the Lord in N Unevangelized Fields Mission Ungarisch-Lutherische Exilkirche Ungarisch-Reformierte Kirche União Batista Evangélica União de Igrejas Ev Congregacionales União Missionaria Evanhelo Unificación Evangélica de Pentecostés Unified Pentecostal Local Churches Union American Meth Episcopal Ch Union Apostolic Church Union Baptiste Camerounaise Unión Bautista Boliviana Unión Bautista del Sur del Peru Unión Biblica Union Church of Istanbul Union Church of Tripoli Union Churches Unión Cristiana Evangélica Unión Cristiana Libre Union d’Eglise Ev Méthodiste Unión de Iglesias Apostólicas Unión de Iglesias Ev Independientes Unión de Iglesias Ev Mexicanas Union de Igs Ev Pentecostales Union de l’Eglise Evangélique Union de los Hermanos Union des Chrétiens Apostoliques Union des Eg Ev des Freres Union des Eglises Baptistes au Rwanda Union des Eglises Baptistes du Burundi Union des Eglises Ev au Nord C Union des Eglises Ev Baptistes Union des Eglises Ev Baptistes de B Union des Eglises Ev Chrischona Union des Eglises Ev de Réveil Union des Eglises Ev Elim Union des Eglises Ev Libres de B Union des Eglises Ev Libres de France Union des Eglises Méthodistes Union des Eglises Nazarenes Union des Egls Bap Ev en BF Union des Egls Bap Pr en BF Union des Egls Chrétiennes Bibliques Union des Egls Ev du Côte d’Ivoire Union des Egls Ev du Sud Ouest de CI Union des Egls Evangéliques Baptistes Union des Sociétés Evangéliques Union Ev d'Egls Bap de Suisse Romande Unión Ev Pentecostal Venezolana Union Evangelica Union Evangélica Bautista Española Unión Evangélica Bautista Española Unión Evangélica de Sud America Unión Evangelica Misionera Union Evangélique Missionnaire Unión Evangelistica Mundial Union Fraternelle des Eg Baptistes Unión Menonita de Mexico Unión Misionera Evangélica Unión Misionera Evangélica de Panamá Unión Misionera Neotestamentaria Unión Nac de las Asambleas de Dios Union Nacional Igs Bautistas de CR Union Nat des Eg Ev Arméniennes Union of Apostolic Churches of Russia Union of Armenian Ev Churches in Near East Union of Baptist Churches in Latvia Union of Baptist Churches in Serbia Union of Baptist Churches in Slovenia Union of Baptist Churches in the N Union of Baptist Churches in Yugoslavia Union of Estonian Chr Free Congs Union of Estonian Full Gospel Congs Union of Ev Charismatic Churches of E Union of Ev Chr-Baptists of the RF Union of Ev Christian Baptists of Armenia Union of Ev Christian Baptists of Azerbaijan Union of Ev Christian Baptists of B Union of Ev Christian Baptists of K Union of Ev Christians-Baptists of K Union of Evangelical Churches Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches Union of Latvian Baptists in America Union of Messianic Jewish Congs Union of Welsh Independents Unión Pent del Chubut Unión Pentecostes de Iglesias Locales Union pour le Réveil Union Public Christian Apos Church in Zion Unione Cristiana Ev Battista d'Italia United Aborigines Mission of Australia United African Methodist Church United Apostolic Faith Church United Assemblies of God United Baptist Church United Baptist Churches of Zimbabwe United Basel Mission Church United Brethren in Christ United Brethren in Christ in Canada United Christian Church United Christian Church & Minist Assoc United Christian Church of Africa United Christian Churches Brotherhood United Christians Church United Church in Jamaica & the Cayman Is United Church in NA & the Territories United Church in Pakistan: Lahore Church C United Church in Papua New Guinea United Church in PNG & the Solomon Is United Church in the Solomon Islands United Church of Canada United Church of Christ United Church of Christ in Japan United Church of Christ in the Marshall Is United Church of Christ in the P United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe United Church of Ethiopia South Africa United Church of God United Church of Jam & Grand Cayman United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) United Church of the Cherubim & Seraphim United Church of the OFS Goldfields United Church of Zambia United Churches of Christ in Pohnpe United Churches of Jesus (Apostolic) United Congr Church in Southern Africa United Congr Church of Southern Africa United Crusade Fellowship Conf United Episcopal Church of N America United Evangelical Church United Evangelical Church (Reformed) United Evangelical Church of Christ United Evangelical Church of the Gospel United Evangelical Churches United Evangelical Lutheran Church of SA United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India United Filipino Church United Free Church of Scotland United Free Church of the Falkland Is United Free Will Baptist Church United Full Gospel Churches United Fundamentalist Church United Gospel Apostolic Church United Gospel Fell Covenant Ministries United Holy Church of America United Holy Church of God United House of Prayer for All People United Liberia Inland Church United Methodist Church United Methodist Church in Cambodia United Methodist Church in the P United Methodist Church of Liberia United Mission Church of Christ United Missionary Church of Africa United Missionary Church of India United Native African Church United Network of Christian Min & Churches United Pentecostal Church United Pentecostal Church in Canada United Pentecostal Church in India United Pentecostal Church International United Pentecostal Church of Ethiopia United Pentecostal Church of GB & I United Pentecostal Church of Ghana United Pentecostal Church of God United Pentecostal Church of Liberia United Pentecostal Church of Myanmar United Pentecostal Church of S United Pentecostal Church of Thailand United Pentecostal Churches Int Union United Presbyterian Church in Pakistan United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan United Protestant Church United Protestant Church of Aruba United Protestant Church of Curaçao United Reformed Church United States (USA) Episcopal Church United Way of the Cross Churches of Christ United World Mission United Zion Church Uniting Church Uniting Church in Australia Uniting Church of Christ in Japan Uniting Presbyterian Church in SA Uniting Reformed Church in Southern A Uniting Reformed Church of Southern A Unity of African Apostolic Faith Ch Unity of Brethren Unity of Brethren (Unitas Fratrum) Unity of the Brethren Univ Pente Church (Ghana & Overseas) Universal Christian Spiritual Faith Universal Church Universal Church of Christ Universal Church of God Universal Evangelical Church Universal Family of Yahweh of the FB Universal Fell of Metro Comm Churches Universal Fell of Metropolitan Com Churches Universal Fellowship of MCCs Universal Pentecostal Church Universal Prayer Group Universal Prayer Group Ministries Universal World Church Unregistered house churches
B-W-B Mennonitengemeinden
Vereinigte Pfingstkirche Vereinigung Apostolischer Christen Vereinigung der D Mennonitengemeinden Vereinigung Freier Missionsgemeinden Victorious Church of God Victory Christian Centers Victory Churches of Africa Inter Victory Fellowship Victory Fellowship of Ministries Victory Protestant Church Viet Nam Baptist Church Vietnam Christ's Church Vietnamese Church Viña del Señor Visayan Associated Gospel Churches of the P Visión del Futuro Voice of Daniel Voice of Deliverance Church Voice of Prophecy Church Voice of Salvation & Healing Church Voice of the Nazarene Assoc of ICs Volksmission Volksmission Entschiedener Christen Volunteers of America Voz de Aclamación Voz de Deserto Vrai Eglise Catholique
Wa Churches
Wabag (Gudnius/Good News) Luth Ch Warriors of Christ Church Watchman Healing Mission Way of Salvation Church of the P Way of the Cross Church of Christ Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church Wesleyan Church Wesleyan Church in Guyana Wesleyan Church of India Wesleyan Church of Indonesia Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone Wesleyan Church of the Philippines Wesleyan Holiness Assoc of Churches Wesleyan Holiness Church Wesleyan Methodist Church of America in C Wesleyan Methodist Church of India Wesleyan Reform Union West African Methodist Church West African Mission Church West China Evangelistic Band West Indian C I Apostolic Fellowship West Indies Inland Missions West Indies Spiritual Baptist Churches West Japan Evangelical Lutheran Ch West Kalimantan Christian Church White Cross Society Willow Creek Association of Churches Wisconsin Ev Lutheran Synod Wokofu (Salvation) African Church Word Fellowship of Ministers Word of Faith Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Word of Faith Fellowship/Ministries Word of Faith Ministries Word of Life Word of Life Church Word of Life Evangelical Church World Baptist Fellowship World Bible Way Fellowship World Christian Soldiers Church World Council of Independent Christian Churches World Evangelical Crusaders in Christ World Evangelical Mission of Korea World Evangelism Fellowship World Gospel Mission World Harvest Church Min Assoc World Harvest Ministerial Association World Ministries Fellowship World Mission Fellowship World Missionary Association World Missionary Church World Missionary Evangelism World Missions World Outreach Fellowship World Outreach Team Action World Salt World Wide Pentecostal Church of Christ Worldwide Church of God Worldwide Churches of Deliverance Worldwide European Fellowship Worldwide Evangelization Crusade Worldwide Missionary Evangelism World-Wide Missions World-Wide Missions of Barbados World-Wide Missions of Bermuda World-Wide Missions of Ghana World-Wide Missions of India World-Wide Missions of Indonesia World-Wide Missions of Jamaica World-Wide Missions of Korea World-Wide Missions of Liberia World-Wide Missions of Malaysia World-Wide Missions of Nigeria World-Wide Missions of Thailand Worldwide/Last Churches Worship Centre
(Zama) Christian Church
Yaqui Church Yi Churches Yoido Full Gospel Church of Korea Yoruba independent churches
Evangelical Church
Zeme Baptist Church Council Zigeunerische Kirche Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa Zimbabwe Christian Fellowship Zion Apostolic Church of South Africa Zion Apostolic Churches Zion Apostolic Faith Mission Zion Apostolic in Jerusalem Church Zion Christian Church Zion Christian Church of South Africa Zion Christian Church South Africa Zion Christian Church Zimbabwe Zion Christian Community Church Zion Church in South Africa Zion City Apostolic Church of South Africa Zion Evangelistic Fellowship Zion Foundation Church of Lesotho Zion Methodist Church in Nigeria Zion Mission Church of South Africa Zion Presbyterian Church of Christ Ziwezano Church Zo Christian Church Zoe Bible Church Zulu Congregational Church Zulu Jerusalem Church in South Africa
Monsignor Gabriel Osu of Lagos Archdiocese was once asked by
concerned journalists: “What has the Church done to curb indecent dressing?”
And he answered: “In the Catholic Church, for example, there is a circular from the Archdiocese of Lagos and I am sure
other churches, not just the Catholic Church, have circulars and some may even
be unwritten about their members dressing properly and with modesty.”
Here we have it! He was asked just a simple question on indecent dressing, then he quickly began to teach that apart from the Catholic Church, other “churches” also exist! When we say that today’s apostate clergy do encourage and authenticate anti-Catholic Protestant or “Pentecostal” mushroom “churches,” this is just an example of how they do it, and it sets the tune of all we wish to discuss here.
As for the claim that the various liturgical actions of the separated bodies that St. Peter calls “sects of perdition” (2 Peter 2:1) can aptly give access to the communion of salvation—its unorthodoxy is too blatant to require analysis. Only for a tiny minority of cases can there be any appearance of truth in it—this writer is only aware of the case of validly baptised infants. By grossly exceeding these narrow limits and turning the exception into a general rule applicable, in some measure, even to Protestants, the Council has abandoned any pretence to be Catholic! And above all, the word ‘aptly’ should be noted; for if a few ignorant but devout Greek peasants are able to receive the salutary effects of Holy Communion—on account of their being innocently unaware that their reception of it is grossly illicit and objectively displeasing to God, since they receive it at the hands, not of His servants, but of His enemies—one thing that is quite certain is that this is anything but an apt way to go about working out one’s salvation.
Again, the Pope wrote:
[28] Joseph
Ratzinger Principles of Catholic Theology.
Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1987, pp. 381-382.
Here we have it! He was asked just a simple question on indecent dressing, then he quickly began to teach that apart from the Catholic Church, other “churches” also exist! When we say that today’s apostate clergy do encourage and authenticate anti-Catholic Protestant or “Pentecostal” mushroom “churches,” this is just an example of how they do it, and it sets the tune of all we wish to discuss here.
The list here—5157 different Protestant denominations
worldwide—was compiled by But this figure is in no way
accurate. For instance, in Nigeria, while “churches” like Deeper Life Bible
Church, Synagogue of All Nations, and the Redeemed Christian Church of God are
featured on the list, other popular ones like Winners’ Chapel, Mountain of Fire
and Miracles, Christ Embassy, etc.,—let alone thousands of other smaller ones
scattered nationwide—do not appear on the list. In fact, statistics show that
the number of Protestant (particularly “Pentecostal”) denominations in Nigeria
alone is simply greater than this 5157 on the list!—and you will see something
similar in many other countries as well. I did read a book in 2012—borrowed
from a friend—in which the names of some of these Nigerian “churches”—thousands
of them—are listed, but I don’t have access to that book right now. So what actually did was to select
some of these “churches” from different countries, certainly the ones it
considers—in its fallible judgement!—to be the most popular ones.
There are questions conscious Catholics do ask about this
unfortunate situation. Here, I have tried answering some of them, below:
Question: Today there are thousands of
churches worldwide. But many modern Catholic leaders say—or at least give the
impression—that members of these churches serve the same one God with
Catholics. Is this true?
Answer: No. It is erroneous to say that non-Catholic “Christians”
serve the same one God that Catholics serve. There is only one God, namely the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This one God, in the person of Jesus
Christ, established only one Church here on earth, and made St.
Peter the head of this one Church (Matt. 16: 17-19). From the time of St. Peter
till now we have had 265 popes—excluding "Pope" Francis erroneously featured on this list. This
one Church was later called “catholic”—a word derived from the Greek καθολικός (catholikos) meaning “universal”—when
it began to spread throughout the world. It was called “catholic” in the fourth
century AD on the fourfold ground of its worldwide extension, its doctrinal
completeness, its adaptation to the needs of men of every kind, and its moral
and spiritual perfection.
Apart from the Catholic Church, what we see today being
referred to as “churches”—all separated from the Catholic Church—were invented
by men and they all stand against the Catholic Church because they separated
from her. Because they separated from the Catholic Church which was founded by
Jesus Christ—Jesus Christ who said in Matthew 16:18: “...I will build my Church,” NOT “I will build my churches,” just as St. Paul said, “One Lord, One
Faith (meaning “one Church”) One Baptism” (Eph. 4: 4-5)—members of these “churches”
no longer serve Jesus Christ but the devil, father of division.
St. Jude, an apostle of Jesus Christ, prophesied about the
coming of these false teachers and false prophets (those who despise the authority of the Catholic Church, who “separate themselves,” speak
against the saints, make profit out of religion, etc.), and warned against the
danger which awaits them and their blind followers:
Dearly beloved, taking
all care to write unto you concerning your common salvation, I was under a
necessity to write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith
once delivered to the saints. For certain men are secretly entered in (who were
written of long ago unto this judgment), ungodly men, turning the grace of our Lord
God into riotousness, and denying the only sovereign Ruler, and our Lord Jesus
I will therefore
admonish you, though ye once knew all things, that Jesus, having saved the
people out of the land of Egypt, did afterwards destroyed them that believed
not: And the angels who kept not their principality, but forsook their own
habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains, unto the
judgment of the great day.
As Sodom and Gomorrha,
and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to
fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the
punishment of eternal fire.
In like manner these
men also defile the flesh, and despise authority, and blaspheme majesty. When
Michael the archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of
Moses, he durst not bring against him the judgment of railing speech, but said:
The Lord command thee. But these men blaspheme whatever things they know not:
and what things soever they naturally know, like dumb beasts, in these they are
Woe unto them, for they
have gone in the way of Cain: and after the error of Balaam they have for
reward poured out themselves, and have perished in the contradiction of Core.
These are spots in
their banquets, feasting together without fear, feeding themselves, clouds
without water, which are carried about by winds, trees of the autumn,
unfruitful, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Raging waves of the sea,
foaming out their own confusion; wandering stars, to whom the storm of darkness
is reserved forever.
Now of these Enoch
also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying: Behold, the Lord cometh with
thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to reprove all the
ungodly for all the works of their ungodliness, whereby they have done ungodly,
and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against God.
These are murmurers,
full of complaints, walking according to their own desires, and their mouth
speaketh proud things, admiring persons for gain’s sake.
But you, my dearly
beloved, be mindful of the words which have been spoken before by the apostles
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who told you, that in the last time there should come
mockers, walking according to their own desires in ungodliness. These are they,
who separate themselves, sensual men, having not the spirit. (Jude 1:1-19).
St. Peter, the first pope, also prophesied about the coming
of these false prophets, these lying teachers, these prosperity preachers:
But there were also
false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying
teachers, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought
them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
And many shall follow their
riotousness, through whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through
covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. Whose
judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their perdition slumbereth not. (2Peter 2: 1-3).
Question: What is ecumenism? Aren’t Vatican
II popes striving to convert these non-Catholics and bring the unity of all
Christians through ecumenism?
Answer: No. The Vatican II popes, by ecumenism, are in no way
striving to convert non-Catholics and bring a true unity of all Christians
under the Catholic Faith. On the contrary, today, in the name of ecumenism, not
only are apostate Catholic leaders unconcerned about the worldwide spread of
these false churches, they support and encourage them to continue spreading.
The Vatican itself, not only currently under “Pope” Francis but also during the
era of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, has been forbidding Catholics from
attempting to convert members of these false churches to the Catholic Faith. For
instance, in 2007, during the unfortunate pontificate of Benedict XVI,
“Cardinal” Walter Kasper, who for so many years was the President of the
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, “practically led a crusade
against the 400, 000 Anglicans who were trying desperately to get aboard the
Barque of Peter after their leaky Anglican “boat” had sunk to the bottom of the
sea.” In 2007, Catholic Herald
interviewed “Cardinal” Kasper on the issue. “It is not our policy to bring that
many Anglicans to Rome”, said the “Cardinal”. “We are on good terms with the Archbishop of Canterbury, and as much as
we can we are helping him to keep the Anglican community together.” It was
the same “Cardinal” who declared: “Today
we no longer understand ecumenism in the sense of a return, by which the others
would be “converted” and return to being “Catholics.” This was expressly
abandoned by Vatican II.”[1]
On the contrary, even before the Second Vatican Council, in
1958 to be precise, Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, one of the greatest American
theologians of the twentieth century, warned: “In every age of the Church there has been one portion of the Christian
doctrine which men have been especially tempted to misconstrue or to deny. In
our own times, it is the part of Catholic truth which was brought out with a
special force and clarity by St. Peter in his first missionary sermon in
Jerusalem. It is somewhat unfashionable today to insist, as St. Peter did, that
those who are outside the true Church of Christ stand in need of being saved by
leaving their own positions and entering the ecclesia [Catholic Church].
Nevertheless, this remains a part of God’s own revealed message.”[2]
What is ecumenism? The Greek word for ecumenism is oiko-menos which literally means “that
which belongs to the house.” The “house” of course is what St. Paul calls the
“household of faith” (Gal. 6:10), that is, the Roman Catholic Church. Thus
ecumenical council, from the Catholic perspective, is simply “a council of
those who belong to the house”—that is, a council of the whole Catholic Bishops
worldwide. At every single ecumenical council up until Vatican II, only the
Catholic Bishops of the world—that is, “those who belonged to the
house”—participated in the proceedings. This is precisely what ecumenism
means—an expression of true Catholic unity between the Pope and his bishops—and
thus why the councils are called ecumenical. At Vatican II, however, as part of
the Vatican-Moscow Agreement otherwise known as the Metz Pact, John XXIII of
unfortunate memory, after burying the Third Secret of Fatima, invited two
Russian Orthodox “ministers” (that is, two formal heretics and schismatics) to
attend the Council, and these formal heretics and schismatics all contributed
to formulate the doctrines of the Second Vatican Council. Paul VI who succeeded
John XXIII also did something similar by inviting six Protestant ministers to
help draft the documents of the New Mass. Since then, Modernist Priests,
Bishops, Cardinals and Popes have simply polluted—and are still polluting—the minds
of the faithful with the new doctrine that ecumenism is for both Catholics and
their worst enemies, the Protestant heretics and the Schismatics—teaching that
these heretics are true Christians and hence forbidding Catholics from
converting them even though these
heretics are converting poor Catholics to their false churches on daily basis.
Question: What about Vatican II? Doesn’t the
Council go against this attitude of “no-more-conversion”?
Answer: No. Vatican II, on the contrary, is the very foundation of
all these errors. Vatican II’s heresies on ecumenism are mostly found in the
document Unitatis Redintegratio. In no 1 of the
document we read:
“The restoration of unity among all
Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Synod.”[3]
This assertion is simply
unbelievable: Unity of all Christians does not need to be restored because all
Christians are already united in the Catholic Church. There is no such thing as
a non-Catholic Christian, but by “all Christians” the Council was of course
referring to heretics, that is, the enemies of Catholicism who are outside the
Catholic Church. Pope Pius IX, on November 21, 1873, wrote:
the holy martyr Cyprian, writing about schism, denied to the pseudo-bishop
Novatian even the title of bishop, on the grounds that he was cut off and
separated from the Church of Christ. “Whoever he is”, he says, “and whatever
sort he is, he is not a Christian who is not in the Church of Christ.””
To say that the unity of Christians needs
to be restored, as Vatican II does, is to say that non-Catholics are
Christians, which is heretical.
Question: Can
we show any example of how churchmen teach this heresy?
Answer: YES. Nigerian priests and bishops, for example, are seriously promoting
this heresy, as we see in the case of their championing the course of the
heretical ‘Christian Association of Nigeria’ (CAN). What is CAN? CAN is simply an association of famous Nigerian heretics.
For instance, one “Rev.” Steve Adegbite, their Lagos State chapter Vice
President, once said, in 2014 when they gathered in Yaba to pray for Chibok
girls (girls who were abducted by Muslim militants in Chibok, Borno State on
April 4, 2014): “...There is no Baptist,
Pentecostal, Catholic or any other denomination in the sight of God. We
have to be at the fore by praying for the country. Things are happening in
Lagos and Nigeria because Christians have gone to sleep.”[4]
Now any Nigerian Catholic who thinks
that only Protestant members of CAN believe that “there is no Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic or any other denomination in
the sight of God” is only deceiving himself. It’s simply their fundamental belief. All prominent “Catholic”
leaders in the country—priests, bishops and cardinals—believe the same and
that’s why they are members. (And you will see something similar in other
countries also). Let us not be fooled by their recent action of “pulling out”
of CAN because the reason for that action has nothing to do with protecting the
integrity of the Catholic Faith. They are far from thinking along that line. On
the contrary, they remain members of CAN—at least in their hearts, and by so doing
the aim of these priests, bishops and cardinals is not really to convert these
non-Catholics to the Catholic Church, but simply to promote “Christian unity”—as
recommended by heretical Vatican II. They are merely helping heretics to keep
their heretical communities together. It is unfortunately important to note
that all religious leaders in the world—including the Protestants—aim at
converting “unbelievers” to their religions. Only the current leaders of the
“Catholic Church”—and Catholic Church is the only true religion in the
world—encourage unbelievers to stay put! And I must add that what terrifies me
personally is that here in Nigeria—quite unlike Europe and America—there are
simply no Catholic intellectuals who stand to resist all these errors and
heresies. Since I started this blog, for instance, not one “Catholic
intellectual” from Nigeria has identified with me—whereas many from Europe and
America have. Nigerian Catholics are simply not interested. But if I start
talking about money now, they will definitely show interest.
Question: Can
you show any more example of Vatican II’s false teaching regarding ecumenism?
Answer: YES. A more terrible heresy is found in the same number one of Vatican
II’s Unitatis Redintegratio:
“Yet almost all, though in different
ways, long for the one visible Church of God, that truly universal Church whose
mission is to convert the whole world to the gospel, so that the world may be
saved, to the glory of God.”[5]
This is an amazing assertion! The evil
Council here declares that almost all human beings long for the “one visible
church of God”, a “universal church” which would “convert the whole world to
the gospel, so that the world may be saved.” This implies that almost all men
and women in this world long for the Catholic Church—which, in turn, implies
that the Catholic Church does not yet exist. This is confirmed by John Paul II
of unfortunate memory, who, speaking of non-Catholics, in his December 6, 1996
homily, interpreted the text as follows: “When we pray together, we do so with
the longing ‘that there may be one visible church of God, a Church truly
universal’…” Here, Ladies and Gentlemen, we see that John Paul II confirms that
the longing for the “one visible Church of God” is a longing on both sides:
Catholics and non-Catholics, which means that Vatican II was indeed longing for
the one visible Church of Christ. Vatican II was therefore implicitly denying
that the Holy Catholic Church is the one visible Church of Christ.
More terrible still, in Unitatis
Redintegratio, we read:
“Nevertheless, the divisions among
Christians prevent the Church from realizing in practice the fullness of
Catholicity proper to her, in those of her sons and daughters who, though
attached to her by baptism, are yet separated from full communion with her.
Furthermore, the Church herself finds it more difficult to express in actual
life her full Catholicity in all its bearings.” [6]
In fact, as Michael Dimond, a
Sedevacantist, rightly stated in a video, this statement is so heretical that
anyone who believes it cannot simply say the Apostles’ Creed. He cannot say “I
believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church”, rather, he would have
to say, “I believe in the not-fully Catholic Church”![7]
In response to this erroneous
assertion, late Father John Hardon, S.J., a professor of Fundamental Theology
and Comparative Religion, writes,
“…Catholicity also means unity amidst
diversity on several counts. The Church has never been a respecter of persons.
Poor and rich alike, the learned and unlearned are equally welcome. All
cultures and every stratum of the society belong to the Church, and where this
is not verified, the fault lies with those who have failed to combine “both the
universality of the Church and the diversity of the world’s nations” in their
preaching of the gospel.”[8]
Again, in Unitatis Redintegratio, we read:
“Moreover some, and even most, of the
significant elements and endowments which together go to built up and give life
to the Church herself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic
Church: the written word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope and charity,
with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, and visible elements too.”[9]
Here we have a more terrible
heresy—the Council Fathers teaching that the life of grace can be found outside
the Catholic Church! This is directly contrary to the solemn teaching of Pope
Boniface VIII:
“…We firmly believe and simply
confess this Church outside of which there is no salvation nor remission of
Vatican II has rejected the dogma
that there is no remission of sins outside the Catholic Church, by asserting
that one can possess the life of grace, which includes a remission of sins,
outside the Catholic Church.
Furthermore, we read (Unitatis Redintegratio):
“It follows that these separated
Churches and communities as such, though we believe them to be deficient in
some respects, have by no means been deprived of significance and importance in
the mystery of salvation. For the spirit of Christ has not refrained from using
them as means of salvation…”[11]
This is one of the worst heresies of
Vatican II. It totally rejects the solemnly and infallibly defined dogma that
there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, as again we see in the
teaching of Pope Clement V:
“Since however there is for both
regulars and seculars, for superiors and subjects, for exempts and non-exempts,
one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation…”[12]
Another heresy we see frequently in
Vatican II documents and particularly in Unitatis
Redintegratio is the idea that the Catholic Church looks upon heretics “with respect.”
The Catholic Church does not look upon those who reject her doctrines with
respect. On the contrary, the Church reproves, condemns and anathematizes them.
We see this in the teaching of Pope Eugene IV (1441):
“Therefore the Holy Roman Church
condemns, reproves, anathematizes and declares to be outside the Body of
Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views.”
Again, Vatican II teaches that
non-Catholics can witness for Christ by shedding their blood, as we read:
“On the other hand, Catholics must
gladly acknowledge and esteem the truly Christian endowments which derive from
our common heritage and which are to be found among our separated brothers and
sisters...who bear witness to Christ, even at times to the shedding of their
We recall here that, following this
heresy, some of the non-Catholics who lost their lives to the dreaded Islamic
militants—the so-called Boko Haram—have been declared martyrs by some
Nigerian priests and bishops. The Catholic Church teaches that there are no
martyrs outside the Catholic Church. We see this in the teaching of Pope Eugene
“No one, let his almsgiving be as
great as it may, no one, even if he pours out his blood for the name of Christ,
can be saved, unless he has remained within the bosom and unity of the Catholic
Also, Pope Pelagius II taught:
“Those who were not willing to be at
agreement in the Church of God, cannot remain with God; although given over to
flames and fires, they burn, or thrown to wild beasts, they lay down their
lives, there will not be for them that crown of faith, but the punishment of
faithlessness, not a glorious result (of religious virtue) but the ruin of
despair. Such a one can be slain, he cannot be crowned.”[15]
Catholics are taught by the evil Council that the liturgical services of
Protestants engender the life of grace and aptly give access to the Communion
of Salvation, as we read in Unitatis
“The brethren divided from us also use many liturgical
actions of the Christian religion. These most certainly can truly engender a
life of grace in ways that vary according to the condition of each Church or
Community. These liturgical actions must be regarded as capable of giving
access to the community of salvation”[16]
Comment is scarcely needed. In
relation to the words, “these liturgical actions most certainly can truly
engender a life of grace”, we simply ask the following questions:
1. Given that the “liturgy” in
Protestant services, and of course the general body of Protestant belief,
teaches that all that is required for the forgiveness of sins is the “general
confession”, how can it be imagined that this can engender a life of grace?
Most Protestants, after all, do not go to confession and do not even claim that
their ministers can give absolution. And since Protestant ministers cannot give
absolution, the only possible means of entering the state of grace would be by
an act of perfect contrition. And the Catechism of the Council of Trent teaches that an act of
perfect contrition (which Protestants neither know they ought to make nor know
how to make) is very difficult even for Catholics to make. If it is exceedingly
difficult for instructed Catholics, notwithstanding the fact that they know
what is necessary, what chance can Protestants have (even in the rare cases
when they are invincibly ignorant in their theological errors and sufficiently
respectful of tradition to possess supernatural faith) when they are under the
illusion that no effort is required at all?
2. Given that the overwhelming
majority of the “brethren divided from us” belong to sects which have no
priesthood, Mass or absolution, and whose principal worship is objectively
sacrilegious, how can it be alleged that their “liturgical” actions can be of
the slightest benefit whatever to those who participate in them? (It should be
noted that the actual graces received by a non-Catholic who is still in good
faith in his errors, when he goes to church and prays, are not
engendered by the liturgical charade enacted there, but result purely
from God’s acceptance of his interior dispositions.)
As for the claim that the various liturgical actions of the separated bodies that St. Peter calls “sects of perdition” (2 Peter 2:1) can aptly give access to the communion of salvation—its unorthodoxy is too blatant to require analysis. Only for a tiny minority of cases can there be any appearance of truth in it—this writer is only aware of the case of validly baptised infants. By grossly exceeding these narrow limits and turning the exception into a general rule applicable, in some measure, even to Protestants, the Council has abandoned any pretence to be Catholic! And above all, the word ‘aptly’ should be noted; for if a few ignorant but devout Greek peasants are able to receive the salutary effects of Holy Communion—on account of their being innocently unaware that their reception of it is grossly illicit and objectively displeasing to God, since they receive it at the hands, not of His servants, but of His enemies—one thing that is quite certain is that this is anything but an apt way to go about working out one’s salvation.
We are not certain what theological censure is applicable,
but evidently the passage is at least erroneous,
and, insofar as the text implies that invalid sacrilegious rituals can directly
confer sanctifying grace, we think it inescapably
Again, Catholics are taught that
their Church has a high regard for doctrines which differ from her own, as we
read in Nostra Aetate:
“The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true and holy
in these [non-Christian] religions. She has a high regard for the manner of
life and conduct, the precepts and doctrines which, although differing in many
ways from her own teaching, nevertheless often reflect a ray of that truth
which enlightens all men.”[17]
Putting aside the scandalous reference to life, conduct and
precepts, let us concentrate on the statement that the Church has “a high
regard” for the “doctrines” of false religions, not only those doctrines which,
fortuitously, may be true, but even those which “differ...from her own
teaching.” Now since the teaching of the Catholic Church is true, it is a
logical necessity that any doctrine which differs from it must be false.
The Fathers of Vatican II, therefore, have firmly declared that the Church “has
a high regard” for false doctrines. Of course, this is perfectly true of the
Conciliar Sect; but the attitude of the Catholic Church towards false doctrines
has always been the same as that of her Divine founder: unrestrained loathing.
Again, Catholics are taught that everybody is free to live
his or her life the way he or she wants—that it is his or her conscience that
matters to God, as we read in Dignitatis
“The Vatican Council declares that the human person has a
right to religious freedom. Freedom of this kind means that all men should be
immune from coercion on the part of individuals, social groups and every human
power, so that, within due limits, nobody is forced to act against his
convictions in religious matters, in private or in public, alone or in
association with others.”[18]
“It is through his conscience that man sees and recognizes
the demands of the Divine Law. He is bound to follow this conscience faithfully
in all his activity so that he may come to God, who is his last end. Therefore,
he must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience, nor must he be
prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in matters
The above teaching is simply terrible. We ask: if one’s
conscience and his religion teach him that it is all right to commit murder (as
various pagan religions do, teaching their adherents cannibalism, etc.), does
that help him to “come to God” or should he “be prevented from acting”
according to this conscience and this perverse religion by the local police
For instance, from 2009 till date, the Nigerian Islamic
militants—Boko Haram members—have wasted over 12,000 lives of innocent
Nigerians. Abubakah Shekau, the leader of the group, stated that “Islam is
nothing but killing, killings and killings.” By making this statement he was
simply acting in accordance with his “good” conscience and, according to
Vatican II, “He is bound to follow this conscience faithfully in all his activity…”and must not “be
prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in matters
religious.” Thus Vatican II—logically—supports this killing of innocent
Nigerians by the Muslims.
Again, currently there is one Allen Parker, a “Pastor” of the
White Tail Chapel (a “church” not
also included in the list below!), Southampton County, Virginia, United States,
whose conscience tells him that it is proper and indeed “the will of God” that
men and women should come to church naked. “Pastor” Parker stunned the world
and even his congregation in 2014 when he requested that members of his
“church” come to service nude. And Parker himself, being a leader that leads by example, was the first to come to “church”
completely naked. Parker argues that many of the Bible’s most defining moments
occurred when people were nude and that these include the crucifixion and
resurrection of “jesus” (that is, his own jesus). “When he was born he was
naked”, he said. “When he was crucified, he was naked and when he arose, he
left his clothes in the tomb and was naked. If God made us that way, how can
that be wrong?” asked Parker during an interview.[20]
Today, as I write, “Pastor” Parker still appears nude in
“church” and preaches nude. Standing on the pulpit, with his big tummy and
dark-haired, bushy manhood freely
viewed by all the members of his “church”, both male and female, some of whom
have been “converted” and hence also come to “church” naked, he preaches to the
congregation. It is his conscience at work, the type advocated by Vatican II
“That it is right for each individual to follow with tranquil
soul what is acceptable to his own religious creed makes the divine
establishment of the Church of no consequence”, writes Pope Pius IX. “The true
Church of Jesus Christ was established by divine authority and is known by a
four-fold Mark which must be believed. No other Church is Catholic except the
one founded on Peter and on his successors in the Chair of Rome. Especially
fatal to the salvation of souls is that erroneous opinion that Liberty of Conscience
and Liberty of Worship is the proper right of every man. By Our Apostolic authority, we reject, proscribe, and condemn this evil
Another error is the idea that theological meetings and discussions on an equal footing between
Catholics and non-Catholics are commendable. We read, in the decree on
ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio:
“Catholics who already have a proper grounding need to
acquire a more adequate understanding of the respective doctrines of our
separated brethren, their history, their spiritual and liturgical life, their
religious psychology and cultural background. Most valuable for this purpose
are meetings of the two sides—especially for discussion of theological
problems—where each can treat with the other on an equal footing,
providing that those who take part in them under the guidance of the
authorities are truly competent.”[22]
Whatever anyone may say in attempting to defend the
“orthodoxy” of this doctrine, it is an inescapable fact that, by entering into
a discussion with anyone else on an equal
footing—as, for example, we see Catholic Bishops of Nigeria doing in their
relation to the heretical CAN—one renounces any claim to authority superior to
the authority of the other party. Otherwise the footing simply would not be
equal. Consider: how can the Church recommend Catholics, even the most
competent, to engage in theological discussion with Protestants unless the
Protestants are open-minded and ready to acknowledge that their religious opinions
are at least doubtful and to change them if they discover clear evidence to the
contrary? And yet, for a Catholic to enter into dialogue with such a Protestant
on an equal footing, it would be necessary for the Catholic to have the
same attitude towards his own religious convictions—in other words, to regard
them as provisional opinions rather than Divinely guaranteed, unshakably
certain, and something he would gladly die a thousand deaths rather than call
into doubt the minutest detail of any of them for a fleeting instant.
Hence the Council encourages Catholics to conceal the Divine
obligation of all persons to acknowledge the Catholic Faith, to conceal the
impossibility for any Catholic—without horrendous mortal sin—of questioning the
tiniest detail of his Faith, and to conceal the necessity for all heretics to
submit to the Church. It encourages Catholics to evince the attitude that
theological issues disputed between Catholics and non-Catholics—serious issues
that, if not properly studied and understood by the latter, can lead to their
eternal damnation—are a matter of open
debate: opinion versus opinion. There
is no other way of reading those words of the Council. And the behaviour
commended by Vatican II was expressly condemned in Pope Pius XI's Mortalium Animos:
“…while you may hear many non-Catholics loudly preaching
brotherly communion in Christ Jesus, yet not one will you find to whom it even occurs to obey the Vicar of
Jesus Christ with devout submission in his capacity of teacher or ruler. Meanwhile,
they assert their readiness to treat with the Church of Rome, but on equal
terms, as equals with equal. But even if they could so treat, there seems
little doubt that they would do so only on condition that no pact into which
they might enter should compel them to retract those opinions which still keep
them outside the one true fold of Christ.”[23]
The Pope goes on:
“This being so, it is clear that the Apostolic See can by no
means take part in these assemblies, nor
is it in any way lawful for Catholics
to give to such enterprises their encouragement or support…”[24]
The Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, taught that “Catholics” who
support such enterprises—that is, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul
II, Benedict XVI, Francis I, and their colleagues—are indeed practising another
religion altogether—and here we should understand one of the reasons why the Sedevacantists
maintain that the present church, headed by a Vatican II pope, is not a
Catholic Church:
“If they do so”, writes Pope Pius XI, “they would be giving
countenance to a false Christianity quite alien to the one Church of Christ.
Shall we commit the iniquity of suffering the truth, the truth revealed by God,
to be made a subject for compromise?”[25]
Vatican II asserts that meetings of the two
sides—especially for discussion of theological problems and where each can
treat with the other on an equal footing—are “most valuable”. Pope Pius XI says that they may not
be entertained and that the theories, which would defend such meetings as
good, are equivalent to apostasy. The doctrine then, is heretical against
ecclesiastical faith.
In Unitatis
Redintegratio, no. 15, we see yet another heresy, the teaching that the
heretical and schismatic Eastern sects could built the church of God. Heretics
cannot build the Church of God. On the contrary, heretics, as the Church
teaches, are “the gates of hell.” Pope Virgilius (II Council of Constantinople,
553) stated:
“…we bear in mind what was promised about the Holy Church,
and Him who said, ‘the gates of Hell will not prevail against it’ (by this we
understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics).”
The Catholic Church has defined that heretics are the Gates
of Hell. This is why there can never be a heretic in the Catholic Church,
whether he be a pope, bishop or priest, because the Church of Christ and the
Gates of Hell cannot co-exist, and because the sin of heresy—ipso facto—cuts
one off from the Church of Christ, although
such a one may claim to be a member and may indeed appear to the world to be so.
Pope Innocent III (December 1208) wrote:
“By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess the one
Church, not of heretics, but the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church,
outside of which we believe that no one is saved.”
Question: What about groups like the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal? Aren’t church leaders using such groups to convert the
Protestants to the Catholic Faith?
Answer: Far from that! On the contrary, the
Vatican officially consecrated the Charismatic
Movement in the 1970s in order to
bring ecumenism to the door-steps of every Catholic. The Charismatic Movement,
a demonic group of heretics who advocate a “baptism of the Holy Spirit”, and
see as signs of this baptism such spiritual gifts as speaking in tongues, or
glossolalia, prophecy, healing, interpretation of tongues, and discernment of
spirits—a complete misinterpretation of 1 Corinthians 12:8-10—is usually
considered to have begun in 1960, with a group of Episcopalians in Van Nuys,
California. Distinct charismatic networks and organizations soon arose within
the Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and other Protestant
denominations. A small element also exists within Eastern “Orthodoxy.” “Catholic
Charismatic Renewal” started in 1967 on university campuses in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; South Bend, Indiana; and East Lansing, Michigan. At first, the
movement was known as Pentecostal
Movement in the Catholic Church, but about 1970 the name was changed to Charismatic Renewal. In 1969 the U.S.
bishops’ conference issued a cautiously favourable statement regarding the
movement, and in 1975 Paul VI of unfortunate memory gave an appreciative speech
at a special audience for 10,000 charismatics attending a Rome conference. Leon
Joseph Cardinal Suenens of Belgium, a progressive at the Second Vatican Council
and one of the most notorious apostates of the twentieth century, became the
movement’s sponsor within the Roman hierarchy, but many important leaders were
lay people.
As has “Pentecostalism,” the Charismatic Movement has
produced myriad groups, independent “preachers” and “healers”, and a few
near-cultic offshoots. Some Charismatics even claim to be “orthodox” in
doctrine and emphasize activity within their own “denominations”. They are
ecstatic in worship, although generally more subdued than the “Pentecostals”,
and they align themselves with other “Evangelicals” in their emphasis on
“evangelism” and personal faith in “christ”. They are purely demonic.
Tragically, today in Nigeria, it is no longer the lay people
only who champion the cause of “charismatism.” The demonic spirits who are in
control of the movement have not been satisfied with only what the lay people
can offer, hence they have recruited the “priests” themselves—“priests” such as
“Fr.” Mbaka in eastern Nigeria—into the movement. The tragic result is simply
that currently, Nigerian “Catholics” have lost the ability of knowing the
difference between professing Protestantism or Pentecostalism and Catholicism—they
believe that all are the same, since all,
Catholics and Protestants, are serving the same God. But typical
Protestants with whom they claim to be serving the same God do not in any way
share this belief—typical Protestants believe that all Catholics are heading to
hell fire and therefore must be redeemed. (See: PURGATORY AND HOLY COMMUNION: CATHOLIC ANSWERS TO “REV.”
Question: Any more example of pre-Vatican II popes warning the faithful to have
nothing to do with false ecumenism?
Answer: Yes. It should be well noted that
Roman Catholic Popes of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had issued
several warnings about this type of ecumenism, championed by today’s Satanic
Vatican. These popes were inspired by God and they spoke prophetically about
the period we are living in now. For
instance in 1928 Pope Pius XI wrote:
“These pan-Christians
who strive for the unity of the churches would appear to pursue the noblest of
ideals in promoting charity among all Christians. But how should charity tend
to the detriment of faith? Everyone knows that John himself, the Apostle of
love, who seems in his Gospel to have revealed the secrets of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus and who never ceased to impress upon the memory of his disciples the
new commandment “to love one another,” nevertheless strictly forbade any
intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt form of Christ’s
teaching: “If any man comes to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him
not into the house, nor say to him, God speed you.” (2 John 1: 10).”[26]
Again, the Pope wrote:
“Therefore, since the
foundation of charity is faith pure and inviolate, it is chiefly by the bond of
one faith that the disciples of Christ are to be united. A federation of
Christians, then, is inconceivable in which each member retains his own opinions
and private judgment in matters of faith, even though they differ from the
opinions of all the rest. How can men with opposite convictions belong to one
and the same federation of the faithful: those who accept sacred Tradition as a
source of revelation and those who reject it; those who recognize as divinely
constituted the hierarchy of bishops, priests and ministers in the Church, and
those who regard it as gradually introduced to suit the conditions of the time;
those who adore Christ really present in the Most Holy Eucharist through that
wonderful conversion of the bread and wine, Transubstantiation, and those who
assert that the body of Christ is there only by faith or by the signification
and virtue of the Sacrament; those who in the Eucharist recognize both
Sacrament and Sacrifice, and those who say that it is nothing more than the
memorial of the Lord’s Supper; those who think it right and useful to pray to
the Saints reigning with Christ, especially to Mary the Mother of God, and to
venerate their images, and those who refuse such veneration as derogatory to
the honour due Jesus Christ, “the one mediator of God and men.”? (Cf. 1 Tim.
All Vatican II heretical popes—John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul
I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis I—are perfectly aware of these
warnings, but they simply ignore them, to their doom. In fact, some of them
have even dared to openly make a mockery of these true Catholic popes. For
example, Pope Pius IX had declared in the nineteenth century that “The pontiff neither can be nor ought to
reconcile with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.” Here Pope
Pius IX had condemned the principal errors of the modern world, not because
they were modern, but because these new ideas were rooted in pantheistic
naturalism and, therefore, were incompatible with Catholic doctrine, as well as
being destructive to society. But years after the Second Vatican Council,
Benedict XVI (as Cardinal Ratzinger) rejoiced that at last, Gaudium et Spes of Vatican II, which advocates
a religious freedom (a freedom without limit), has become a sort of
“Counter-Syllabus” of Pius IX, that is, that Gaudium et Spes has “replaced” Pius IX’s Syllabus just cited above, and he audaciously describes Popes Pius
IX and Pius X—two of the greatest popes in the entire history of the Church—as
being “one-sided.” He writes:
“If it is desirable to offer a diagnosis of the text (Gaudium et Spes) as a whole, we
might say that (in conjunction with the text on religious liberty, and world
religions), it is a revision of the Syllabus
of Pius IX, a kind of counter-Syllabus…Let
us be content here to say that the text serves as a counter-syllabus and, as such, represents on the part of the
Church, an attempt at an official
reconciliation with the new era inaugurated in 1789…the one-sidedness of the position adopted by
the Church under Pius IX and Pius X in response to the situation created by the
new phase of history inaugurated by the French Revolution was, to a large
extent, corrected via facti…”[28]
Now it should be noted that the proposition “The Roman Pontiff can and ought to reconcile
himself and come to terms with progress, liberalism and modern civilization”
(condemned Proposition #80) was the very goal of the Permanent Instruction, Masonry’s blueprint for the subversion of
the Catholic Church. This was precisely why Pope Pius IX condemned it in
the famous Syllabus of Errors. But
according to Joseph Ratzinger, “There can
be no return to the Syllabus”—and indeed, for all Vatican II popes, there can be no return to the Syllabus!
In a most diabolical manner, Vatican II popes, instead of condemning modern
errors, instead of seeking the conversion of heretics and unbelievers to the
one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ, teach—unanimously, in
the name of Dialogue and Ecumenism—that no Catholic should try to convert a
pagan or any non-Catholic to the Catholic Church. And why? Because God is in every religion. This is their central heresy,
which they teach very subtly, and today we can see the devastating effects of
this doctrine worldwide. Dialogue is now a means for all religions to work
together in harmony—to make a “Christian” a better “Christian”, a pagan a
better pagan, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Jew a better Jew, and so on. For
these bad popes, in fact, truth is simply a lie and lie is simply a “truth”.
Thus some have rightly described these bad popes as the greatest frauds in
human history.
As Pope Pius XI teaches above, St Paul writes: ‘‘There is one
body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; One
Lord, one Faith, one Baptism’’ (Eph. 4: 4-5). But Vatican II popes teach that
there are many bodies (“churches”), many faiths and many baptisms. Again,
Christ says: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the
Father but through Me.” Again they contradict this saying, teaching rather that
all religions can equally save. Jewish religion can save, Islam can save,
Protestantism can save, Hinduism can save, Buddhism and all world religions can
save—that is what they teach!
Catholics must, therefore, beware of these men, and strive to
drive them out of our Churches—no matter their ranks. As St John puts it, (2 John 1:10): “If
any man comes to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the
house nor say to him, God speed you. For he that sayeth unto him, God
speed you, communicateth with his wicked works.” Again, St Paul admonishes: (2 Cor. 6:14-16): “Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what
participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with
darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the
faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with
idols? For you are the temple of the living God: as God saith: I will dwell in
them and walk among them. And I will be their God: and they shall be my
people. Wherefore: Go out from among them and be ye separate, saith the
Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.”
Carefully note that the number of “churches” in the world started
multiplying with alarming frequency mainly since Vatican II. As you glance
through this list, try asking yourself the following questions: If God is one, His
Church certainly must be one as well: why then are modern people believing and
teaching that His Church can’t be one? Christ actually founded only One
Church—which is the Catholic Church—and prayed for the unity of all Christians
under the pope (John 17:11; 21-22), the first pope being St. Peter (Matthew
16:18). Note: Christ said—in Matthew 16:18 just cited: “...I will build my Church,” NOT “I will build my churches”! So why these thousands of “churches”
today, each with a radically different doctrine? Again, St. Paul said: “One
Lord, One Faith (meaning “one Church”) One Baptism” (Eph. 4: 4-5). So why these
thousands of “churches” today?
[1] Quoted by Michael Matt in his
article, Listen to Your Mother,
published in The Fatima Crusader,
Autumn 2012, pp. 14-15.
[2] Quoted by Mr. John Vennari in The Fatima Crusader, Autumn 2010, p.20.
[3] Second
Vatican Council, Unitatis Redintegratio, no.
[4] Daily Sun, June 11, 2014, p. 17.
[5] Unitatis Redintegratio: Part 1, no. 1.
[6] Ibid.,
no. 4.
[7] Michael Dimond’s video, Vatican II: Council of Apostasy, is an excellent expository of
these errors. It should be watched by every Catholic, without bias—ignoring
their conclusions.
[8] John A. Hardon, The Catholic Catechism. London: Geoffrey Chapman, n. d., p. 218.
[9] Unitatis
Redintegratio: no. 3.
[10] His
ex cathedra bull Unam Sanctam, November 18, 1302.
[11] Ibid.
Quoted by Michael Dimond in his
video: Vatican II: Council of Apostasy.
[13] Unitatis Redintegratio, no. 4.
[14] The Bull Cantate Domino, 1442.
[15] Epistle, 585.
[16] Unitatis Redintegratio, no. 3.
[17] Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions Nostra
Aetate, paragraph 2.
[18] Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae, 2, December 12, 1965.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Tell,
June 2, 2014, p. 12. A nude picture of “Pastor” Allen Parker preaching from the
pulpit of his White Tail Chapel was
published by Tell magazine on this
[21] Quoted by (
[22] Unitatis
Redintegratio, 9.
[24] Ibid.
par. 9.
[25] Ibid.
par. 8
[26] Mortalium
Animos, par. 10.
[27] Ibid.
par. 11.
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