21 Nov 2016

Benedict XVI supporting Francis and his disastrous “pontificate”

by Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi

Francis I and Benedict XVI

Two days ago, one of Father Paul Kramer’s Facebook friends, Rosangela Alves, asked:

Francis and Benedict XVI
“Padre , Francis e Bento abençoaram JUNTOS os novos cardeais! Estao JUNTOS ! Roma tem dois Papas? Bento apoia francis! Caso contrario teria tomado atitude de ir contra tais ensinamentos hereticos de francis. Apocalipse 13 deixa muito bem esclarecido. Cego e aquele que nao quer ver,surdo e aquele que nao quer ouvir!”

Roughly translated from Portuguese:

“Father, Francis and Benedict have blessed together the new Cardinals! They're together! Rome has two popes? Benedict Supports Francis! Otherwise he would have taken action to go against such heretical teachings of Francis. Revelation 13 makes it very clear. Blind is he who does not want to see, and deaf is he who does not want to hear!

And Father Kramer answered:

“Rasangela Alves: Bento XVI deve responder a Deus por sua dissimulação: não renunciou ao munus petrino como é necessário para uma renúncia válida do papado.”

“Rosangela Alves, Benedict XVI must answer to God for his deception: he did not renounce the Petrine munus as is necessary for a valid renunciation of the papacy.”

Again, said Father Kramer:

Francis and Benedict XVI
“A Canon 332 s.2 exige uma renúncia correta do "munus" como condição de validade. Bento XVI não renunciou ao munus, mas apenas ao "ministério". O munus eo ministério são duas coisas distintas.”


Canon 332 (2) requires a correct renunciation of the "munus" as a condition of validity. Benedict XVI did not renounce the munus, but only the "ministry." The munus and the ministry are two distinct things.”


“O Papa Bento XVI enganou os cardeais e a Igreja para pensar que ele havia renunciado ao cargo pontifício; Enquanto ele só tentou "ampliá-lo" para incluir dois membros, o que é teologicamente impossível.”


Pope Benedict XVI fooled the Cardinals and the Church to think that he had renounced the pontifical office; while he only tried to “enlarge” it to include two members, which is theologically impossible.”  

According to Father Kramer, “Benedict XVI tempted God by allowing what is in reality the election of an anti-pope. He provoked the wrath of God, who, in his wisdom and Providence, allowed a manifestly heretical anti-pope to usurp the pontifical throne.

Father went on: 

“Como o Papa Honório, que não era ele mesmo um herege formal, mas foi condenado por favorecer a heresia Monothelita, Benedict XVI favorece publicamente a heresia de Bergoglio, reconhecendo-o como um papa válido e permanecendo em silêncio. É dever de seu cargo condenar os erros de Bergoglio e rejeitá-lo como um antipapa. 


“Like Pope Honorius, who was not himself a formal heretic, but was condemned for favouring the Monothelite heresy, Benedict XVI publicly favours the heresy of Bergoglio, recognising him as a valid Pope and remaining silent. It is his duty to condemn the errors of Bergoglio and reject him as an anti-pope.”

This is true. On Saturday, September 19, Benedict XVI once again manifested clearly his support of Bergoglio and his heresies. After the consistory, Francis and his 17 new “cardinals” visited Benedict XVI at his home at Mater Ecclesiae monastery in the Vatican. Benedict received them with a smiling face, and greeted them one by one. After that, he wished Francis’ cardinals luck for their new appointment as cardinals. "My prayers are always with you, he said.

Pope Benedict XVI then asked Pope Francis if they could give them their blessing together, and so they did! Then Pope Francis said a warm farewell to Pope Benedict XVI, who is in good shape despite his advanced age, and he encouraged him to keep on taking good care of himself. 

"Make sure to eat well! said Francis, and they both parted happily!

Francis I and Benedict XVI
Thus Benedict XVI is showing his open support of Francis and his disastrous “pontificate” even at a time when some cardinals are raising serious issues against the anti-pope. This indeed speaks volumes about this man called Joseph Ratzinger! Of course, by all these gestures he is saying clearly to all who still have eyes to see: “HEY! I LOVE POPE FRANCIS AND ALL HE STANDS FOR!”

For the video of the mess, see: New Cardinals get blessing from Benedict XVI.

However, hopefully it seems some bishops and cardinals are just beginning to reason with the four cardinals. See, for example: POLISH BISHOP: FOUR CARDINALS EXERCISED “A DUTY”; “IT IS ONLY JUST TO ANSWER THEM”.

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