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Francis 1 and “Archbishop” Antje Jackelén |
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“Archbishop” Antje Jackelén |
By Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi
“As Francis continues to do whatever he pleases and to say whatever he feels like saying, even when he is aware that “it may sound… heretical,” the sense that the Church has “lost its compass” and is now “a rudderless ship,” as noted by Cardinal Burke, continues to spread among the faithful and a growing number of priests, bishops and cardinals,” writes Christopher A. Ferrara.
The Vatican made history early last month when “Pope” Francis welcomed a
woman “archbishop” to an official audience at the Apostolic Palace
for the first time, according to
Vatican Radio. “Archbishop” Antje Jackelén, the first female head of
the Lutheran “Church” of Sweden, tweeted her gratitude for the meeting to the “pope”, with
a photograph of the two religious leaders
chatting. Francis 1 addressed
this absurd female pretender to the episcopacy as “esteemed Mrs.
Jackelén, my esteemed sister…”
The positively satanic “Church of
Sweden” performs same-sex “marriages” between sodomites, condones
abortion, contraception and divorce, and supports the ordination of women as
“priests,” so that in the “Church” of Sweden today 45
per cent of “priests” are women, and women make up the majority of those
studying to become “priests.”
During his friendly meeting with the fake lady bishop,
Francis 1, in his unique characteristic as a perfect deceiver, pretended not to
notice that she is a fake lady bishop presiding over a pro-abortion
pseudo-Church that diabolically mocks the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Holy
Matrimony. Instead, he shared with his “esteemed sister” fond expectations for
the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of “the start of
the Reformation,” meaning the start of Luther’s rebellion in 1517—in
which commemoration the Vatican, quite insanely, will participate. Francis 1 declared
his hope that the “commemoration” of the Protestant Revolt “may encourage
Lutherans and Catholics to take further steps towards full unity of sacramental
life and ecclesial ministry.”
Now those who do not know the deceiver may
think he is talking about conversion here. Far from it! Francis 1, in an
interview with Argentine magazine “Viva” in 2014, gave his top 10 suggestions on how people could
have a “happier and more fulfilled life”. Two of his pieces of advice bear
closer examination. Suggestion #9, however, was a real doozy: “Don’t proselytize; respect others’
beliefs. We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in
communicating. But the worst thing
of all is religious proselytism, which paralyses: ‘I am talking with
you in order to persuade you,’ No. Each person dialogues, starting with his and
her own identity. The church grows by
attraction, not proselytizing,” Francis 1 said.
What is proselytizing? Put simply, to proselytise someone is
to try to convert him. Synonyms for “proselytize”— evangelize,
convert, save, redeem, win over, act as a missionary, advocate. So the “Pope”
is clearly against believers doing any of these things!
The bible, on the other hand, has this to say in regards to
Bergoglios’ opinion on converting lost sinners: “Preach the word; be instant in
season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and
doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having
itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the
truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
Commenting on the
above malady, Christopher A. Ferrara writes: “Further steps toward unity?
Is this a joke? The followers of Luther have been moving ever further from any
possibility of unity with Catholics precisely in proportion to the length of
time the disastrous “ecumenical venture” continues to confirm them in their
multiplying errors.
“What is it but sheer madness that confronts
us now? Where are the cardinals and bishops with the courage to stand up in
open opposition to this Pope and defend the Church against his almost daily
abuses and scandals? Merely for delivering a series of sermons that argued
against the immediacy of beatitude for the blessed departed even after
Purgatory, John XXII was publicly denounced by prelates and theologians, and
there were calls for a council to condemn him on account
of heresy.
“As members of the laity, we can do nothing
but protest the words and deeds of Francis, which we certainly must do in
keeping with our Confirmation vow to be soldiers of Christ. But only concerted,
direct opposition by members of the upper hierarchy has any chance of reining
in this clearly out-of-control pontificate and limiting further damage to the
commonwealth of the Church. To the prelates who know the gravity of
our situation and are admitting it privately, I must ask: What are you waiting
What is most amazing, however, is the fact that despite his innumerable
heresies and blasphemies, this man is still being addressed by millions as “His
Holiness”. Despite his approval and ordering published to the world a document
praising homosexual orientation and the “precious support” to be had in
sodomite unions, despite telephoning women to advise them to receive Holy
Communion in a state of adultery, despite receiving and embracing a transsexual
couple, despite describing women who heroically bear many children via
C-section as "irresponsible" rabbits, despite rehabilitating the Liberation
theologian D'Escoto, despite approving the beatification cause for the very
icon of Liberation Theology, Helder Camara, "the Red Archbishop", or
appointing as a papal consultant the most radically pro-homosexual prelate in
all of Europe, Timothy Radcliffe, this man is still being addressed as “His
Holiness”. But what is holy about Francis 1?
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