8 Apr 2020

COVID-19: This monster “priest” is reporting a fellow priest for saying mass!

By Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi
Today I received a report about one Novus Ordo priest, “Fr” Eric Onyeoziri, who is reporting a fellow priest (Fr Joseph Onuora) for going to people’s houses and saying masses for them during this period—as all the Catholic Churches in Nigeria have been closed by the wicked bishops and priests following Covid-19. I don’t know and have never met the priest in question, neither have I met the priest he is reporting. I just got the report, which “Fr” Eric Onyeoziri is circulating to everybody in his locality. Then I searched for Onyeoziri and located him here!

His report against Fr Joseph Onuora is attached below:

Ladies and Gentlemen, how do we explain this situation? That all the Catholic Churches are locked even during Lent—we are now in the Holy Week!—then a faithful priest who cannot bear it any longer is going to houses to say mass for Catholics only to be “fished out” by a fellow “priest” and reported to the Chancery? How does it sound?

I think it sounds like what we see recorded in Sacred Scripture—when the apostles were being monitored by the “authorities” of the day; when they were ordered to stop preaching in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
In Kansas, (a state in the USA with 1,046 cases of the coronavirus and 38 deaths) Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, had signed an executive order banning gatherings of 10 or more people at religious institutions, warning that Kansas was approaching its projected peak infection rate in the coming weeks and “the risk for a spike in Covid-19 cases through church gatherings is especially dangerous.”

In response to that, now, days before Easter, Kansas legislators have overturned that order. Republican legislators in Kansas on Wednesday rescinded an order intended to slow the spread of the coronavirus by limiting the size of church services, even as the number of cases in that state continued to rise. The senate president, Susan Wagle (pictured above), a Republican, said most people were aware that the virus was highly contagious and wanted to limit its spread, “but don’t tell us we can’t practice our religious freedoms,” she said.

Nigeria parades itself as a “deeply religious” country, yet now people like Susan Wagle are nowhere to be found! 
Athanasius Schneider, the auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Mary Most Holy in Astana, Kazakhstan, describing the COVID-19 pandemic as a chastisement and purification, has stated that a priest, using discretion and following the necessary health precautions, “has not to obey the directives of his bishop or the government to suspend Mass for the faithful.”

Directives cancelling all public Masses “are a pure human law; however, the supreme law in the Church is the salvation of souls,” he said. 

“Priests in such a situation have to be extremely creative in order to provide for the faithful, even for a small group, the celebration of Holy Mass and the reception of the sacraments. Such was the pastoral behaviour of all confessor and martyr priests in the time of persecution,” he added.

Being prohibited by ecclesial authority from visiting the sick and the dying would also be a reason for a priest to disobey, Schneider explained. “Such a prohibition is an abuse of power. Christ did not give a bishop the power to forbid visiting the sick and dying. A true priest will do everything he can to visit a dying person.”

Schneider also called out “the prevailing majority of bishops” for having reacted “precipitously and out of panic in prohibiting all public Masses and – what is even more incomprehensible – in closing churches.”

“Such bishops,” he said, “reacted more like civil bureaucrats than shepherds. In focusing too exclusively on all the hygienic protective measures, they have lost a supernatural vision and have abandoned the primacy of the eternal good of souls.”
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“A quasi-pathological fear has overcome common reason and a supernatural vision,” Schneider exclaimed.

The bishop calls for more Eucharistic processions, even if the priest cannot be accompanied by any faithful. “A worldwide chain of monstrances carrying the Eucharistic Lord through the streets of this world could be launched,” Schneider said. “Such mini-Eucharistic processions, even if carried out only by a bishop or a priest alone, will implore graces of physical and spiritual healing and conversion.”
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It is a known fact that, since the Second Vatican Council, bad priests and bishops have put aside the laws and teachings of the Church and implemented their own man-made laws and teachings which they enforce on the unsuspecting Catholic people. Banning the celebration of the Mass—even during Lent!—is just their latest!

Well, if I am not mistaken, Monsignor Anthony Obanla is still the head of the Chancery in the Archdiocese of Lagos. He—and His Eminence Anthony Cardinal Okogie—used to be my “Spiritual Fathers” some years back and they were indeed kind and caring to me then. Sure, Monsignor Obanla, just like every other V2 priest, is entangled in the Vatican II mess, but he is not a bad man—neither is he “anti-Mass”. I wait to see his response (or that of the Archbishop) to “Fr” Eric Onyeoziri’s foolish report.

As I stated in my last article, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s “lockdown” order—and now comes the Federal Government!—is indeed a very stupid one. For your information, so far, despite the so-called “Lockdown” order in Lagos State, social distancing has failed woefully in the state. The Muslims still gather to pray every morning and nothing happens to them. People defy the stupid order and still gather in groups to do so many things. As Daily Trust reported today:

Except the public vehicles - the popular yellow buses and the mass transit buses - that are out of sight on major roads and highways in Lagos, everything seems to be normal despite the lockdown in the state. Are Lagosians now defying the lockdown and the social distancing regulations? Our correspondents report!

“From Lagos Mainland to the Island, Lagosians seem to be tired of the directive just one week after the Federal Government ordered the lockdown of Lagos, FCT and Ogun State.

“Last week when the regulations took effect, the compliance was very appreciable though pedestrian movements remained conspicuous prompting many people to wonder where people were heading to. Some of them claimed to be factory workers who needed to get to their places of work.

“However, this week especially with the relaxation by the government ordering markets to open from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Lagos highways are getting busy.

“Yesterday, a trending video on social media showed heavy traffic around Jakande-Agunji axis of the Lekki-Epe Expressway.

“Similarly, residents of the state have turned major highways to fitness centres where early morning drills and workouts are conducted.

“This, according to observers, has defeated the essence of the social distancing measure.

“Also our correspondents observed movements of some Okada riders at Ikeja axis, Alausa on the stretch of Lagos-Ibadan expressway, and Ojodu-Berger despite the lockdown.

“Also, many malls were open and customers were allowed to go in for shopping amidst the lockdown.

“Already, thousands of youths in the state are struggling to conquer the boredom of staying at home days into the lockdown.

“To keep themselves busy, scores of youths in Ajegunle, Olodi, Amukoko, Ijora-Badia and Agege converted the ever-busy roads into football pitches to play against the best team in the area.

“Driving through the city of Lagos on Monday and Tuesday, many were sighted around Surulere axis doing their early morning fitness exercise. Some tried to avoid one another in deference to the social distancing appeal.

“With the allowance granted for markets to open, many people usually rush to the markets near their area, not minding the social distancing regulations.” (See: Nigeria: Coronavirus - Despite Lockdown, Social Distancing Fails in Lagos).

“Fr” Eric Onyeoziri resides in Lagos and is certainly aware of all these. Why then, is he after a priest who knows what his vocation entails and is trying to be faithful by celebrating mass for Catholics despite the stupid “lockdown” order? 

Anyone who knows this monster “priest” should warn him now.

As I have always pointed out in my articles, there are hardly Catholic priests and bishops in Nigeria. What we rather have are business men whose only concern is how to exploit the Church, how to commercialise the Church, how to make money. That is why we see that priests and bishops in several countries have kicked against this stupid idea of closing Churches but in Nigeria—with the exception of an insignificant few, mainly those thirsting for tradition, like Fr Joseph Onuora—no one cares. These men are blind and wicked! All they are after is maintaining their positions! Any other thing does not concern them! They are misleading their poor victims!

In my last article, I pointed out that Covid-19 is a punishment from God to our irreligious and wicked world as well as showed that the idea of closing churches—originated by Anti-pope Francis and his gang of heretics in Rome in collaboration with the atheistic Italian government—is purely demonic. 

Early this month, Martin Bürger reported the Italian priest and theologian Monsignor Nicola Bux saying something similar in his Lifesitenews article. Bux, who has also denounced the Anti-pope's idea of "sharing communion" with the Protestants, calling it "blasphemous and sacrilegious" (See: Theologian: Shared Communion With Protestants Would be Blasphemy and Sacrilegeidentified both the sins within the Church as well as the sins of the world as the root of the current pandemic and its effects on the daily life of Catholics. Like Archbishop Viganò and Bishop Schneider, Bux, former consulter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, characterised COVID-19 as a chastisement from God.

In a lengthy statement published as a video on YouTube on March 24, as well as by Chiesa e post concilio in written form, Bux said “we can read this virus as ‘a sign of the times,’ in the sense above all of a warning to the world.”

“We must now abstain, as a punishment,” he explained, “from so many embraces and so many relationships, even against nature. We have defied natural law and committed ‘sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance.’”

“What about infidelity and indifference, of those who live in practical atheism, and postulate a nature emancipated from God?” Bux asked. “And then adultery, abortions, divorces. We have violated the rights of God and put in their place those of man.”

Last year, Anti-pope Francis brought idols—including the image of a naked woman named Pachamama—to the Vatican and they were worshipped in St. Peter’s Basilica before his face. While various Catholic newspapers around the world reported and indeed decried the event, not a single Catholic newspaper in Nigeria mentioned it!

Anti-pope Francis receives Pachamama statue in Vatican gardens during indigenous ceremony, Rome, Oct. 4, 2019.Vatican News / video screen grab
Specifically talking about the sins within the Church, promoted by Anti-pope Francis, Bux began by mentioning the event—this idolatry, which he called “the gravest sin.”

“We gave in to idolatry … by kneeling before heaps of earth and worshipping idolatrous statues even in St. Peter’s Basilica. We turned churches into shelters and inns when we had much better facilities to accommodate the poor and migrants. We have forgotten what a church is for and why it is dedicated with solemn rite. We have committed abuses, profanations in the sacred liturgy and unbearable deformations, insults and irreverence; we have gone so far as to say that the grace of God can coexist with a situation of habitual sin, authorising sacrilegious Communions given to unrepentant sinners.”

He continued:

“We sowed confusion among God’s people, with the coexistence of the two popes and encouraged the handing over of the faithful to the civil authorities of atheistic states such as China. ...Have atheism and the loss of faith taken root among the men of the Church?”

As such, he said, the COVID-19 pandemic is “a warning to the men of the Church, who, in the name of ‘paradigm shift,’ subordinate Christ’s teaching to the reality of the world.”

“They say they do not understand non-negotiable principles. They consider inequality and not sin as the root of social evils. They have allowed the gnostic and neo-pagan scene on the facade of St. Peter’s. They have abandoned the mission of the Gospel and the need for conversion; in favour of complacent dialogue with religions … They have presented Luther as medicine for the Church. They have endorsed situation ethics instead of moral principles.”

He continued:

“Now the Pope, so worried about the ‘pueblo,’ has remained without people. Priests, so intoxicated with participation, are without the faithful. The faithful, so accustomed to community liturgies, suffer abandonment.”

Most Catholics, Bux explained, “have not been trained in adoration, recollection on their knees, personal prayer done in secret, where the Father alone sees us.”

“The churches are desolate, faithful and pastors are now as exiles,” the theologian said.

As I pointed out in my last article, “In the ancient times, or rather in pre-democracy days, leaders would summon their subjects and proclaim a day of fasting and prayer when something like this happens. We have seen quite the opposite. So far, no government has mentioned God—let alone asking its subjects to pray to Him—in this fight against the coronavirus. They rather face the crisis trusting only in themselves and their devices.” 

Similarly, I quoted Church historian Father Johannes Grohe of Rome’s Santa Croce University telling Crux that this has “never happened before.” “Up until the 20th century, viruses weren’t understood and when diseases broke out, people gathered to pray in churches, or, for example in Spain, in processions,” Grohe said.

Bux, who sees coronavirus as God’s “wrath of judgement”, said something similar. He pointed out the difficulty many people have with the idea of a God who punishes. Up until the previous century, processions took place and vows were made in order for chastisements to stop, Bux recalled.

“Today, the word ‘chastisement’ arouses scandal even among churchmen, because they have forgotten that, at the beginning of world history, after love, there is sin, anger, and judgement.”

“It is true that, in Jesus Christ, we adore the mystery of divine love which, with patience and mercy, obtains the conversion of the sinner,” Bux said. However, “ignorance, plague, hunger, war, suffering, and death reveal to man his situation as a sinner.” 

Indeed, Monsignor Bux talks as if he has read the 1987-88 messages of Our Lord Jesus Christ to late Rev. Sister Ana Ali of Kenya (published by Rev. Fr Jude Mbukanma, O.P.). 

Ana Ali, who even took a photograph of Jesus with her camera! (see the photo below), was given serious messages in which Our Lord stated, among other issues, that God will punish Godless Italy, and He specifically mentioned “contagious diseases” among God’s punishments the world would experience in the nearest future if men refuse to be converted.
This TRUE PICTURE of Jesus Christ was taken by Rev. Sister Anna Ali of Kenya in the parlour at Porta Angelica, Rome, in August, 1987. On why he allowed Himself to be photographed Jesus, who, as Catholicism teaches, is "true God and true man", said:
  • "Listen to me. I am above this earth. I allow myself to be seen after many warnings"
  • "I make myself visible in order to bring back souls."
  • "I love mankind and I make myself visible in order to give my warnings of mercy"
  • "Many do not listen to me because they do not believe in my reality"
In the message of November 22, 1987, we read:

“My daughter, I am the Lord of Revelation. Listen to Me. Unite yourself to My suffering Heart. Pray for atonement and detain the anger of My Eternal Father. The world advances towards the precipice from one day to the next. Reflect upon what is happening...There is too much hatred; there are too many enemies of My Eternal Father. The Freemasons and all the other devil worshippers want to obliterate fraternal love in the world, substituting it with division and bloody wound. I tell you, My daughter, make My Word echo throughout the whole world. I am calling everyone to do penance and pray. Do not be afraid. The cross borne with love, My daughter, will give you the way to Paradise. Pray and do penance to save humanity and you will obtain My Eternal Father’s predilection. I also assure you of this too. Pray. My Eternal Father and I will crush the infernal dragon’s head. If only mankind would return to My Heart of love and mercy!

“On the contrary, flames will be cast down from heaven which will destroy all sinners and the work of the evil one: abysses, mountains and flaming lava will swallow up entire villages. Earthquakes, floods, electrocutions, tempestuous seas, suicides, drugs and illnesses of all kinds.

“What a great desolation—children who rebel against their parents, innocent souls who are killed, divorce, communists and all sinners. A great rigour weighs down on them. ...”  

Again, the message of September 18, 1987, reads:

“My daughter, I want everybody to know that the first blow is drawing near. An unforeseen fire will descend over the whole earth. A great part of humanity will be destroyed. There will come a fearful moment, when I will speak with My Judge’s voice. My Eternal Father is offended so much! If I were to tell you the number of sins which are committed each day, you would die of pain. The forces of evil are prepared to lash out against the whole world with heavy violence. ...Good people will suffer; those who are persecuted by injustice and the just souls have nothing to fear, because they will be separated from the impious and obstinate—they will be saved. ...”

The message of September 24, 1987, reads:

“My daughter, pray a great deal. I listen to you. Humanity does not know how to return to God by means of rectifying its ways. Pray for the Church. The time for great trials will come. Cardinals will oppose cardinals, bishops against bishops. Satan will work amid their ranks like avid wolves. There will be changes. What is corrupt will fall and will never rise again.”

The message of October 5, 1987, reads:

“My daughter, put yourself always in My Presence. I am pleased to accept any sacrifice that you offer for humanity. The work you have to do is very important. My Word is a command. It serves to save humanity. Men have lost God’s life. They are dominated by the spirit of Satan. God’s justice weighs over a slime-splattered humanity. The Godless will be destroyed.

“My daughter, pray a great deal. Italy will suffer great upheavals and will be purified by a great revolution; only a part of it will be saved. Obstinate sinners do not want to have anything to do with God, My Eternal Father. His wrath is upon them. There will be calamities—earthquakes, contagious diseases, hurricanes (which will swell the seas and rivers to the point of overflowing), mountains will be swallowed by the earth.

“My daughter, almost all humanity abuse Me in My Divine Sacrament, despising Me, not believing in Me. The dictators of the earth, truly infernal monsters, will destroy Churches and My sacred tabernacles. In this sacrilegious struggle, do not be afraid. Continue to speak to everyone. These are hours of terrible abandonment.”

The message of October 8, 1987, reads:

“My daughter, listen to what I tell you. Pray a great deal. Do not be frightened, neither presume to know the dates, nor look to know how much it will take. Humanity has divorced itself completely from Me. In My Divine Body, the Eucharist, I am abused and blasphemed. I need your consolation, sacrifices and atonement. Treasure My Blood together with your sufferings. Offer it to My Eternal Father to implore His Mercy for mankind.

“If there is no prayer and My afflicted Word is not headed, continuous kidnappings will take place. There will be bloodshed and streets covered with corpses. The souls are allied with Satan. If ministers do not listen to My anguished call, they will lead humanity to great sufferings. If magistrates do not do penance and fulfil their responsibility, they will perish one after the other. A diabolical hand threatens the whole world. The time of great trial will come for the Church. Everyone must pray and do penance with Holy Masses and confessions. No sacrilegious communion! I have given messages in all parts of the world with tears of blood and yet humanity is not conscious of the terrible reality.”

Again, the message of October 12, 1987, reads:

“My daughter, listen attentively to what I tell you. The times demand accelerated action. My pain is immense! Humanity has not become aware of the scourge that threatens it...Pray a great deal. Freemasonry hurls itself against the Church. ...I would like to save all mankind and I would not want anyone to be condemned through his own fault. How many at such an early age are approaching damnation, no longer wanting to be concerned with their Creator...The Church, My sacrament and God must be respected. ...”

Again, the message of October 20, 1987, reads:

“...My daughter, humanity has united itself completely to the devil. The priests are tranquil and worriless. They step all over Me and permit everything. I now ask them to open their eyes before it is too late. Let them know that My hand falls inexorably and I only grant them time to reflect and repent. ...”

Again, the message of October 21, 1987, reads:

“My daughter, pray especially in this secret hour. The Freemasons, led by the Red Lucifer, their master, are trying to plan all the evil, so that they do harm. But I tell you, I AM ALL-POWERFUL ENOUGH TO CARRY OUT MY PURPOSE BEYOND HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. All their evil will be in vain. ...”

The messages are much and quoting all of them here is just impossible. Now these modern clergy reject all these and that is why the world is suffering now. Take it or leave it, Our Lord has made it very clear that the world must be converted “through the sacraments”—sacraments which V2 churchmen are confusing with the Protestants’ “sacraments”!

What people need to do now is to pray to God to forgive their massive sinsnot to "distance"! Distancing in the form of closing the Churches will only escalate the problem. It will increase God's anger. It will worsen the situation. Serving God is not only in good times, when things are okay and normal. No. We serve Him better in bad times. As I asked last week, if the European Christian missionaries who brought Christianity to Africa (who died in frightening numbers because of malaria but were never deterred) were like today's Vatican II gang of heretics, do you think Africa will be Christian today?

Once again, I repeat: Anyone who knows this monster “priest”—“Fr” Eric Onyeoziri—should warn him now.

Related: Closing the Churches due to Covid-19: Beware of faithless Archbishop Martins and Governor Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State!

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