By Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi
Francis I and Obama. |
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Mo Rocca (middle), a famous open homosexual who served as lector during Francis' “Mass”. |
Paul Kramer posted the following about two weeks ago:
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Father Paul Kramer |
thing that really makes my mouth drop is the incredible lack of foresight on
the part of semi-trad indult types. They watch the great pendulum swing in one
direction for so long, that they are clueless that it is about to change
direction (and smack them in the back of their heads).
great schism & apostasy will be triggered by events that will begin next
month. The pope (not Jorge) will reverse the direction of the Church when it
will be almost too late; while Jorge's Newchurch will stampede into full blown
apostasy. I knew this was coming 40 years ago from Catholic prophecy, and I see
it unfolding now. No true Catholic, no matter how ignorant, will identify with
Jorge's Newchurch, which will be as outlandish as the most liberal of Anglican
fringe communities. The majority of bishops & priests will go along and
follow their leader into apostasy.
“My only
question is that when the apostasy is consummated, will all these pseudo-trads
still feel the need to be in communion with (apostate) "Rome"? Will
they still think their leader is (as one of them calls him), "a silly
man", but still the "pope"? Or will the penny finally drop, so
that they will be able to see plainly that their "Holy Father" is not
a "silly man", but a ravenous wolf. If they still refuse to admit the
obvious, even after their "silly" "Holy Father" destroys
the last vestiges of the Catholicism of tradition, then these pseudo-trads will
have become pseudo-Catholics -- and apostates as well.
Third Secret of Fatima reveals, as Cardinal Ciappi wrote, "[T]he great
apostasy in the Church will begin at the top." The Secret speaks of a
"pope" who will be under the power of the devil. John XXIII read the
text, and then had it translated into Italian by Mons. Tavares. He had
understood the difficult passage correctly. John Paul II read the Secret, and
the same difficult expression confronted him -- so he had Mons. Carreira
translate it again. A wrong interpretation of the difficult passage would
appear to contradict the dogma of the indefectibility of the Church. However,
Mons. Tavares had indeed translated it correctly. There was no escaping the
problematic expression.
“Now that
the Secret is being fulfilled in real time, as the invalidly elected "Pope
Francis" leads the stampede into apostasy, many who are knowledgeable
about the message of Fatima blindly insist that Bergoglio is the pope, and that
Catholics must remain in communion with him -- in spite of the fact that his
words and actions demonstrate him to be an apostate infidel. Yet the great
apostasy in the Church is foretold in the Secret of Fatima; but many authors on
Fatima blindly deny that the apostasy led from the top is even happening -- the
blind leading the blind into the pit.”
Meissner, a professor of psychology, made the following interesting observations
on Francis’
last week speech before the Congress in the United States:
CONGRESS (In numbers):
“Number of times Francis referred to
himself: 43
Number of times Francis attacked the death penalty: 2
Number of times Francis condemned the Christian Holocaust in the Middle East: ZERO!
Number of times Francis condemned the crime of abortion: ZERO!
Number of times Francis condemned the crime of adoption of abandoned and orphaned by homosexuals: ZERO!
Number of times Francis mentioned Marriage as the union of a husband and a wife: ZERO!
Number of times Francis attacked the death penalty: 2
Number of times Francis condemned the Christian Holocaust in the Middle East: ZERO!
Number of times Francis condemned the crime of abortion: ZERO!
Number of times Francis condemned the crime of adoption of abandoned and orphaned by homosexuals: ZERO!
Number of times Francis mentioned Marriage as the union of a husband and a wife: ZERO!
“Now for the REAL CLINCHER: Number of
times Francis mentioned Jesus Christ: ZERO! Whose Vicar is he? Am I missing
Pope” began his speech this way: "I am most grateful for your invitation
to address this Joint Session of Congress in 'the land of the free and the home
of the brave.'”
referring to the Americans as “the free”, “the pope” was giving his nod of approval
to their atheistic democracy. But of course, America is not a free land and
Americans are in no way free people, because freedom is not a natural endowment
for every human being but something to be won by the acceptance of truth (John
8: 32). On the contrary, Americans, with the exception of those who faithfully
believe in Christ and are ready to face the consequences of their Faith, are
slaves, and their fatherland—though unknown to them—has equally become the land
of slaves. A society where any kind of nonsense (such as gay “marriage”,
abortion and the rest) is not only acceptable but also “lawful”, is not a free
society at all but a society massively enslaved by the devil! “The Pope” was
aware of all the evils in this unfortunate land, yet he never mentioned any let
alone attacked them.
As Father Paul Kramer
rightly stated, false conservatives—even many who are fully aware of Catholic
prophecies about what is going on currently—blindly and cowardly acknowledge
Jorge Bergoglio as pope even though the man is daily proving to them through
his words and actions that the contrary is actually the case. False
traditionalists viewed the prospect of “the pope”’s visit with a mixture of
hope and trepidation: hope, because the visit would force heavy media coverage
of religious issues; trepidation, because of Bergoglio’s mixed record on issues
ranging from climate change to illegal immigration. However, here are just a few ways in which “the Pope” insulted them
during his visit, as partly observed by Ben Shapiro in his piece ‘Seven Ways Pope Francis
Slapped Conservatives in the United States’:
- Allowing President Obama to Represent Himself as An Advocate of Religious Liberty
On Wednesday, while speaking at the White House, President Obama said, "Here in the United States, we cherish religious liberty...[The United States] stand[s] with you in defence of religious freedom and interfaith dialogue, knowing that people everywhere must be able to live out their faith free from fear and intimidation". (Note that the novel idea of religious liberty is simply anti-Catholic. See this:
Meanwhile, President Obama’s IRS cracks down on religious charities and his Obamacare regime targets religious institutions; his administration looks into persecuting religious Americans for failing to participate in same-sex weddings. A well-timed comment from the “Pope” could have been useful here! Instead, Bergoglio stood by and said nothing, absolutely nothing! Rather, he went to visit the Little Sisters of the Poor—and the media ignored it. The “Pope” knows full well when the cameras are on him. They were on him with Obama. They weren’t during his side jaunt to visit those victimized by the President!
Meanwhile, President Obama’s IRS cracks down on religious charities and his Obamacare regime targets religious institutions; his administration looks into persecuting religious Americans for failing to participate in same-sex weddings. A well-timed comment from the “Pope” could have been useful here! Instead, Bergoglio stood by and said nothing, absolutely nothing! Rather, he went to visit the Little Sisters of the Poor—and the media ignored it. The “Pope” knows full well when the cameras are on him. They were on him with Obama. They weren’t during his side jaunt to visit those victimized by the President!
- Ripping Capitalism Before Congress
Speaking before Congress,
“the Pope” spent an inordinate amount of time lecturing legislators on the need
to redistribute wealth in the name of the poor. He praised
Dorothy Day, a Catholic organizer who once wrote, “We need to
overthrow, not the government, as the authorities are always accusing the
Communists ‘of conspiring to teach [us] to do,’ but this rotten, decadent,
putrid industrial capitalist system which breeds such suffering in the whited
sepulcher of New York.” …And no socialist has come up with a better
formulation of the rhetorical slight-of-hand that equates
individual liberty with collectivism than “the Pope” did before Congress:
“If politics must truly be at the service of the human person, it
follows that it cannot be a slave to the economy and finance. Politics is,
instead, an expression of our compelling need to live as one, in order to build
as one the greatest common good: that of a community which sacrifices
particular interests in order to share, in justice and peace, its goods, its
interests, its social life. I do not underestimate the difficulty that this
involves, but I encourage you in this effort.”
“The Pope” has long excoriated
capitalism as a brutal system of exploitation, says Shapiro. To the celebration
of leftists everywhere, “the Pope” has repeatedly dismissed capitalism as
immoral, saying there is no evidence that capitalism brings about “greater
justice and inclusiveness in the world.” This is true if you know nothing about
world history or economics. “The Pope”’s excoriation of free markets in the
United States came as no surprise, but it came as an unwelcome slap
on government to help the environment, “the pope” said:
"I am convinced
that we can make a difference and I have no doubt that the United States—and
this Congress—have an important role to play. Now is the time for courageous
actions and strategies, aimed at implementing a 'culture of care' and 'an
integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded,
and at the same time protecting nature.'”
As Fr. Vincent Miceli,
S.J., explained in his essay on Call to Action entitled “Detroit: A Call to
Revolution in the Church”: “The following are some of the demands the Church
simply cannot fulfill for such is not her mission: 1. Wipe out poverty, ignorance,
prejudice and war. 2. Democratize the whole world. 3. Stop the sale of arms
everywhere. 4. Back the E.R.A. as a constitutional amendment. Like her Saviour,
the Church will not turn stones into bread, thereby becoming the Mother of
Socialism or a millennium of this world..’
"..the 'theologies of
liberation', which reserve credit for restoring to a place of honor the great
texts of the prophets and of the Gospel in defense of the poor, go on to a
disastrous confusion between the 'poor' of the Scripture and the 'proletariat'
of Marx. In this way they pervert the Christian meaning of the poor, and they
transform the fight for the rights of the poor into a class fight within the
ideological perspective of the class struggle. For them the 'Church of the
poor' signifies the Church of the class which has become aware of the
requirements of the revolutionary struggle as a step toward liberation and
which celebrates this liberation in its liturgy." (Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, "Instruction
on Certain Aspects of the 'Theology of Liberation,'" No. 10).
Paul Anthony Melanson, who
quoted the above document, writes: “The supernatural faith of Catholicism is
being watered down for the sake of a new humanitarian religion. Dialogue is key
for this new religion which has abandoned the notion that we must, "Let
love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which
is good." (Romans 12: 29).
- Pushing Environmental Extremism
“The Pope” spent a
significant amount of time before Congress talking about climate change and
encouraging Congress to restrict American economic growth to fight that
chimera. But at the United Nations, he really let loose, suggesting that the
environment has “rights”—an argument unfamiliar to many readers of the Bible!
People may have obligations toward the environment, but the environment has no
freestanding “rights” from humanity; God does not weep when a tree is used for
lumber to house a poor family. This logic, says Shapiro, leads to the
Malthusian anti-humanism of the deep green left.
“The Pope” then tied his view of
environmental rights to his desire for global redistribution of income in the
name of the poor, and suggested that governments must guarantee “lodging,
labour, and land” to the poor. How? Presumably by taking resources away from
some and handing them to others. This reeks of Marxism, pure and simple. “The
Pope” then added that “the large-scale destruction of biodiversity can threaten
the very existence of the human species.” Now, I like whales as much as the
next fellow, but zero humans will die if the blue whale goes extinct, unless
the aliens come back to communicate with them (see Star Trek IV for
more information on this possibility). “The Pope” even suggested that war was
bad because it was a “dramatic assault on the environment.” War, human
trafficking, exploitation, and environmental degradation are bad if
they hurt human beings. War is not bad primarily because it harms trees and
- Ignoring Abortion, Talking Death Penalty
“The Pope” said nothing
about abortion before President Obama. Then, while speaking before Democrats in
Congress who support federal funding for abortion machine Planned Parenthood,
he said that all human life must be treated with respect—and proceeded quickly to
glide right over the abortion issue entirely, settling on the death penalty
instead! 35 murderers, noted Shapiro, were executed in 2014 in the United
States, while one million unborn children were killed!
- Warning about fundamentalism
world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal
atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no
religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism.
This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of
fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind.”
false conservatives (with the exception of a few) of course can hardly
understand what the apostate implies here by “religious fundamentalism”. Put
simply, he is referring to anyone who really takes his region seriously—for
instance, a devout Catholic who believes he has a duty of converting
non-Catholics to the Catholic Faith. (Catholics who do this are even now put in
the same category as, for instance, Muslim suicide bombers!). See more here:
- Ignoring Same-Sex “Marriage”
“The Pope” “encouraged” marriage
in his speech before Congress, and talked vaguely of the value of family. He
complained of threats to the family. But he said nothing about what those
threats were!—with the very Supreme Court that declared itself above God in
terms of defining marriage sitting right in front of him!
“The Pope”’s visit could have been
an incredible opportunity to fight against Godless immorality in the United
States. Instead, “the Pope” largely used the opportunity to push leftism
slathered over with paper-thin theology. That’s a tragic loss for both the
world and for the religious community fighting for survival against the
onslaught of an increasingly aggressive secular left—a secular left that
cheered the Pope but will be happy to either coopt or crush his church at the
first available opportunity.
- Famous Homosexual Serves as Lector During NYC “Mass”
Meanwhile, a scandal erupted in the
Big Apple on Friday, September 25, after
a “Papal Mass” at Madison Square Garden, where a famous open homosexual served
as lector during “Pope” Francis' “Mass”.
Mo Rocca, an American comedian,
actor and journalist, well known for his role on The Daily Show with
Jon Stewart, and now a commentator for CBS, admitted his homosexuality
during a podcast interview in 2011.
Rocca said, "You gotta' be
there for a piece of history like that. ... [It] was very memorable and
emotional and a great place to be."
After publicly announcing his
homosexuality and support for gay "marriage," because of his fame
Rocca quickly skyrocketed in popularity among LGBT activist circles.
When Rocca appeared on live news
feeds as the lector for the "Papal
Mass", Twitter blew up with scandalous praise as everyone saw this as the "Church"'s — and specifically "Pope" Francis'—official acceptance of homosexuality
and gay “marriage”, the puzzling (to many) “Who am
I to Judge” now well demonstrated.
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