"This article appears on the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, whom we
remember for sacrificing his body in defence of an innocent Polish prisoner in
Auschwitz. It was reading about this saint, and meeting devoted Catholics in
the pro-life movement — most of them conservatives who saw the Seamless Garment
for the fraud that it is — that helped me to overcome my natural bitterness
toward the Catholic church, and finally to enter it as a convert. The rest of
my children escaped the Culture of Death. I named one of them Maximilian"—Jason
Archbishop Cupich’s seamless bulletproof vest for pro-abortion
By Jason Jones
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Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago |
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Late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago |
Like millions of Americans who
watched the Planned Parenthood videos, I saw
there the ultimate evil: Well-educated, prosperous adults calmly sorting
through the butchered children of the poor to cherry pick them for profit. But
because of my personal history, I saw something special there. In the midst of
those scattered limbs and extracted organs, I saw my daughter.
Jessica was aborted against my
wishes. And against her mother’s. Though we were both in high school, we were
committed to caring for our baby. I had dropped out of school and joined the
U.S. Infantry so that I could support my child. But while I was off at basic training,
my girlfriend’s father uncovered our plan, and coerced her into a third
trimester abortion. Our child died just a few short weeks before she would have
been born an American citizen with the protection of all our laws.
She was killed at the Masonic
hospital in your city of Chicago, during the tenure of one of your
predecessors Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. Her father was a friend of the
Cardinal’s, and a prominent Chicago Catholic. For years after that, I harboured
a potent grudge against Catholics and the Church, whose prelates, politicos and
parents I associated with abortion.
It might sound irrational to you,
but I blamed Cardinal Bernardin. Not him alone, of course. Jessica’s death had
many fathers. However, as Chicago’s spiritual father, wearing for that city the
mantle of the apostles, Cardinal Bernardin bore unique responsibility for
witnessing in public to the sanctity of life. As you do now.
Christ came to give us life more
abundantly, but in Cardinal Bernardin’s time (as in ours) major Catholic
politicians were serving the cause of death, claiming that they were
“personally opposed” to abortion, but wished to leave its victims completely
unprotected by the law. Cardinal Bernardin protected such politicians, giving
them political cover with his so-called “seamless garment,” which stitched
together non-negotiable demands of basic human rights — such as an end to legal
abortion — with highly debatable policies for promoting the best interests of
poor people and immigrants. Bernardin treated unlike, incommensurate issues as
if they were all of equal weight. This allowed pro-choice politicians to cherry
pick the body of Catholic social teaching — fishing out the parts from which
they could profit politically — and pretend that they were faithful Catholics,
or at least no more unfaithful than pro-lifers who differed with Bernardin on
immigration or Medicare. Nobody’s perfect!
You have unwittingly resurrected
Bernardin’s moral equivalence with your recent op-ed in response to the Planned Parenthood
videos. As a victim of legal abortion who lost a daughter to it, I cannot
imagine how you could have written this:
“While commerce in the remains of defenceless
children is particularly repulsive, we should be no less appalled by the
indifference toward the thousands of people who die daily for lack of decent
medical care; who are denied rights by a broken immigration system and by
racism; who suffer in hunger, joblessness and want; who pay the price of
violence in gun-saturated neighbourhoods; or who are executed by the state in
the name of justice.”
Do you really not see what is
uniquely evil about murdering children and selling their parts for profit? As
Jesus told us, the poor we will have always with us, and we must advance their
interests. But how can you compare the malice of organ-profiteering
abortionists with the “indifference” that you (uncharitably?) attribute to
fellow citizens who disagree with you about the optimal public policies helping
the poor, reducing unemployment and violence and reforming immigration?
I know that social justice is not
a “single issue” proposition. I have personally led homeless missions, dug
wells for thirsty Africans, and ministered to prisoners. I support reform of
capital punishment and a much stricter application of Just War standards in
future American conflicts. I have spoken forthrightly on the evil of civilian
bombing and on America’s abuse of drones. I have published a recent book on the
“Whole Life” principles that underlie our defence of human dignity in every
situation. My life’s work, in fact, has been to defend the vulnerable from
violence, and every step was driven by my memory of Jessica, and my anger at
the men who failed to protect her.
Historically, however, the
seamless garment served, not to elevate issues in addition to abortion but
as a bulletproof vest for pro-abortion zealots like Geraldine Ferraro and Mario
Cuomo, whose places at the communion line have been filled in our time by Nancy
Pelosi and Joseph Biden. Cardinal Bernardin’s clever piece of rhetoric still
helps such politicians to believe that they are free to reject fundamental
moral principles such as sparing the lives of the innocent, so long as they
work with the bishops on expanding health care or funding food stamps.
These same politicians can smear
as “dissenters” the vast majority of pro-life politicians, who are
conservatives and therefore differ with some bishops on how to best help
America’s poor. Pro-choicers manage this smear by hijacking Catholic “social
teaching.” But that kind of teaching, which specifies budget levels for poverty
programs or particular immigration quotas, does not exist! As Popes Leo XIII
and John Paul II taught, the Church does not impose a particular
political agenda on believers. That goes beyond the Church’s mission. We
can argue about the impact of a higher minimum wage or border patrol. But any
Christian church must demand that the innocent be protected. There is no gray
area on abortion, as there wasn’t on slavery: Human beings have rights. Will we
protect them, or not?
Some church leaders have spoken
clearly about the radical difference between laws that protect the innocent,
and particular public policies which might be best for the common good. In his
time, Cardinal John O’Connor of New York taught, as your colleague Archbishop
Charles Chaput recently has written, that protecting innocent life is a
fundamental and non-negotiable condition for social justice. It is not in any
way comparable to public policy questions where Christians have clear moral
goals we must pursue, but must use our prudence to determine by open debate
what mix of policies are the most just, and the most welcoming to Christ’s
Published by LifeSiteNews, August 14, 2015, feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Jason Jones is the Producer of Crescendo and Co-Executive
Producer of BELLA, recipient of The People’s Choice Award at the 2006 Toronto
International Film Festival. Crescendo, winner of 15 International awards and
has raised over 5 million dollars for Pregnancy Centers across the United
States and Canada. Jason’s “Movie To Movement” aims at transforming the culture
with a message of beauty, truth, and love.
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