Again, on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6, 2015, Br. Alexis Bugnolo wrote the following, in Rome:
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Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes the vow
of secrecy at the opening of the 2013 Conclave
(BBC, screen shot by From Rome blog, cropped)
On the Solemnity of the Epiphany
of the Lord, the Catholic Church celebrates the triumph of light over darkness,
of the Eternal Light over the darkness merited by this world by the sin of
Adam, the darkness which is the demerit of sin, the alienation of God, the loss
of God’s Light which would have led Adam’s race from its first progeny to a
most splendid glory. For on this day, the Church celebrates the revelation of the
Eternal Light incarnate in the womb of the Most Blessed Virgin, revealed now to
the Gentiles who seek Him out; and not all gentiles, but only those who like
the Magi of old, seek Him with sincerity and zeal.
This great Mystery which we
celebrate today must be echoed in all the choices of life which we make, must
be echoed in the entire life of the Church in all the choices She makes, must
even be echoed in the governance of the Church by all the choices which the
Sacred Hierarchy makes.
A Church which does not observe
Her own laws, thus, can never be the Church which proclaims the Mystery of the
Epiphany; and for this reason, corruption in the Church is an abominable denial
of the truth of all that the Epiphany represents.
Hence, it is most appropriate,
once again to affirm that the facts which surround the “Team Bergoglio” scandal
and its consequences in law merit in the most extreme and supreme manner the
resolution of the doubts and questions raised.
For this reason, the From Rome
blog will now summarize the Canonical Case against “Team Bergoglio” and show
why the validity of the election of Cardinal Bergoglio is ostensibly
invalidated thereby, and this with a high probability that the contrary is not
true. A summary of reports on the “Team Bergoglio” scandal as well as
those blog posts from the From Rome blog can be found in our Chronology of Reports on Team
Bergoglio, which is updated regularly. The facts contained
in the articles listed in this Chronology, will now be summarized for the
facility of the reader:
The crime against UDG 81
Dr. Austen Ivereigh, the
former spokesman for Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, in the ninth chapter of his biography of
Pope Francis, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a
Radical Pope, says that 8 Cardinals conspired to and did succeed in promoting the election of Cardinal
Bergoglio by means of seeking vote-promises from 25 Cardinal electors to be
cast in the first balloting of the Conclave on March 12, 2013. From the
text of Ivereigh, it can be supposed that of the 8 conspirators, 2-3 were not
electors. In accord with the terms of the papal law, Universi
Dominic Gregis (UDG) paragraph 81, all pacts, agreements or promises
forged under any kind of obligation, however light or strong, merit for the
participants who are electors the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae. The terms
of UDG 81 indicate clearly that the excommunication is ipso facto, that is, imposed in the very act of the
transgression. Dr. Ivereigh, on March 12, 2013 in a BBC broadcast admitted to
have met the alleged ring-leader of the campaign, Cardinal Cormac
Murphy-O’Connor; Ivereigh further confesses in the same BBC appearance that all
agreements regarding voting are forbidden by the papal law. The Cardinal
in a newspaper interview on Sept. 12, 2013 admitted to being the head of the
campaign and that Pope Francis knew this and thanked him for it on the day
after the election; the Cardinal also confirmed that as of March 12, 2013
Cardinal Bergoglio knew he was going to be a candidate, and that he would make
a strong showing on the first ballot. As regards these claims, none of the
Cardinals implicated by name have substantially or totally denied them, since
they first came to public knowledge, six weeks ago, on Nov. 23, 2014.
(cf. The improbity of Team
Bergoglio’s Recent Denials).
The penalties in virtue of Canon 1329 expand to
Cardinal Bergoglio
In accord with canon 1329, all
Cardinal electors who assisted in such
wise, as the crime could not have not be accomplished without them, are
also punished with the same kind of excommunication. This includes
Cardinal Bergoglio, since it is morally impossible that he did not know of the
nature of the campaign, when he could have stopped it by merely communicating
his abhorrence for the perpetration of a crime. Dr. Ivereigh in a recent
video interview admits that Cardinal Bergoglio came to Rome for the Conclave
with the desire to be a candidate. His insistence to purchase undergarments the
day after election, may also argue that he was aware that the manner of his
election would incriminate him unless he showed himself free of any intention
to be elected. To hold that Bergoglio was unaware of the nature of the
campaign would be to hold that he never talked to any of his supporters prior
to the closed sessions of the Conclave; that he did not take control of his own
election, that he did not seek to obtain
the papacy, that he did not expect to be elected.
The election of Cardinal Bergoglio had by 78 votes
According to reports, Cardinal
Bergoglio obtained 16 votes in the first round of voting, and won the election
on the last ballot of March 13, 2013 with 78 votes, that is only 2 votes more
than the necessary 2/3 majority to win (76). The actual numbers are known to
the Cardinal Electors and those who assisted them in the Sistine Chapel on March
12-13, 2013, all of whom, however, are bound by oath not to reveal the
information, without explicit permission of the Pope. The numbers reported come
from apparent indiscretions, made by individuals, following the euphoria of
Pope Francis’ election.
Canon 171 invalidates the election by reason of the
violation of UDG 81
According to the norm of canon 171
§1, the votes of excommunicated electors cannot be tallied; and if they are
tallied as part of the required number for victory, then in accord with
canon 171 §2, the election is null
and void. This canon in §1, °3 cites those excommunicated by judicial
sentence or decree; canon 20 specifies that all papal laws such as UDG are
general decrees; the Latin text of UDG 81 uses the same verb of imposition specified
as a condition for canon 171 §1, ° 3 (innodare). Thus there is no doubt
that canon 171 invalidates papal elections in
which the number of votes necessary for election (2/3 majority) is obtained by
counting 16 votes from excommunicated electors, as appears to be the case in
the “Team Bergoglio” scandal. While it is possible that some of the
original 16 votes cast in the first round were not promised, it is morally
improbable that less than 2 were.
What must now be done
The case having attained a
sufficient level of probity according to its facti species, that is, according to the appearance of the
facts, it must be judged by the competent authority.
Since the case regards the
invalidity of the election, the validity of such a judgement must itself be
secured in such wise that no matter the outcome of the judgement, the result
will be obtained by a method in which all parties agree is lawful, legitimate,
licit and valid.
If Cardinal Bergoglio was validly
elected, then as Pope his authority would be necessary to resolve the
matter. If he was not validly elected, the Sacred College of Cardinals in
virtue of the authority granted to them in UDG 5 can resolve the matter.
Hence, to judge the case of the
scandal of “Team Bergoglio” it seems wise to propose the following:
That the Pope convoke to
consistory all the Cardinals, both those who were electors and those who
were non-electors in the conclave of 2013, with the Cardinals created since the
election of Pope Francis in attendance but remaining silent and not voting, by
their own free decision.
That the Pope in consistory
express, in humility, his willingness to abdicate if it should be found that
his election was invalid.
That the Pope in consistory grant
to all the Cardinals assembled, release from their vow of secrecy regarding all
affairs of the Conclave, so that they might speak freely.
That the Cardinals agree by
unanimous vote, that the successor to Pope Francis, in the eventuality of his
abdication or invalidation, grant to all Cardinals the same release from their
That the Cardinals be called by
the Dean of the College to give individual testimony as to whether they were
asked to promise their vote for any specific Cardinal.
That the Cardinals in virtue of
the authority granted to them in UDG 5 determine whether the testimony puts in
doubt the validity of the election of 2013, and by unanimous decision judge
whether the doubt is sufficient to harm the unity of the Church.
That Pope Francis confirm
whatsoever they determine.
That Pope Francis, in the case of
a positive determination, abdicate his office by written decree in the presence
of the entire Sacred College; in the case of a negative determination, publish
the findings of the investigation and grant the Cardinals freedom to speak
about the entire affair in public, after the consistory is concluded, so as to
confirm its authenticity and put all doubts to rest.
If those who know that any of the
above facts or canonical interpretations are false or true, now
remain silent, they will sin gravely either in regard to a lack of charity for
the truth and reputation of those involved, or as accomplices after the
fact. If the competent authority does not judge the undisputed
case, the Church Herself will be gravely injured in Her reputation and
adhesion to the Mystery of the Epiphany, of the manifestation of the Eternal
Light and Truth, incarnate among us.
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