Catholics around the
globe must wake up from their apathetic slumber and realise that “Pope”
Francis, an anti-pope, is solely responsible for all the evils we’re witnessing
currently around the world—whether we’re considering the current unprecedented assault on
Catholic doctrines by the man himself and his co-workers, or the abandonment of
true religion and religious faith by men and women around the world and hence
the diabolical “approval” of deadly sins by different countries—homosexuality in Ireland,
in Mexico, in the United States, and so on.
Below is a newsletter
we’ve just received from late Father Gruner’s Fatima Centre. Although here,
Francis 1 is still being presented as “the Pope”, the write-up is touching, so we
have decided to publish a better part of it:
All or
Nothing: Final Battle Being Fought!
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In 2013 late Father Gruner was harassed in Rome while he was trying
to see Pope Francis to discuss the issues of Fatima
and the consecration of Russia.The Head of Vatican Security
told him plainly: "You can't see the pope". Ironically, it
was the same pope of the "poor" and "marginalized"
that everybody could and can now see and touch!
Francis 1!
Any serious suggestion that the End Times may be upon us is
certain to raise eyebrows and a weak smile of condescension among those who
regard the present state of the Church and the world as admittedly problematic
but assuredly not insoluble by the usual means: economic policy, social reform,
dialogue, diplomacy, and, above all, rhetoric that resonates with popular
sentiment, largely generated by the media.
It may not be the best of times, but it is decidedly not the
worst, according to conventional wisdom, as expressed by broadcast pundits and
political leaders and, quite sadly, the optimistic promoters of what is now
called “Francis-Church.”
Curiously, or perhaps not so curiously, enthusiasm for the
current papacy is often found in secular publications with a longstanding
opposition to Church teaching, such as the New York Times, which welcome what they regard as
the long-overdue deconstruction of Catholic dogma and morals by a man with a
mind and heart attuned to the needs of those living in the modern world (see:
Indeed, there are some rose-colored views that credit these
latter days with significant improvement as evidenced by what are considered
enlightened decisions about homosexual “marriage” and a shift in the attitude
towards homosexuality among religious institutions, including the Catholic
Church, which, admittedly, must do more to remove the stigma its former bigotry
imposed on same-sex couples (see:
That approval of sodomy should have become the measure of
social progress is alarming, but it appears to alarm very few — at least not
seriously. And the Church’s tepid response — or complete lack of response in
some instances — to developments that attack the foundation of Faith and family
betray the absence of moral seriousness on the part of those into whose hands
the institutional Church — and the direction of countless souls — have been
The media, casting about for targets at which to aim
accusations of intolerance and religion-based bigotry, have been forced to
focus on Protestant figures, such as Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who has
said plainly that we have reached a decisive moment in our history: we must
choose between God’s law and man’s law. The Supreme Court, according to Justice
Moore, has set itself in opposition to eternal and natural law and its
decisions and their ramifications must be resisted, no matter what the price.
Justice Moore’s remarks, according to media reports, are made
to “radical” anti-abortion and anti-gay rights groups, a.k.a Christians. There
is a menacing tone to the news coverage, one that suggests Moore represents a
danger that must be addressed. No doubt, in the fullness of time, which is
moving toward us very swiftly, it will be.
A lawsuit has already been filed against a publisher of the
Bible by a homosexual who alleges the Bible is a “hate book” that should be
banned. (See: The lawsuit, filed in Michigan, alleges "malicious negligence, strict
liability, malice, libel, and violating his civil rights." The man who
filed the lawsuit is seeking $60 million in damages for what he claims is the
“emotional duress and mental instability” he suffered as a result of the
Bible’s description of homosexuality as a sin. We are seeing the beginning of a
campaign of suppression that will give rise to criminal and civil statutes that
make traditional moral teaching a hate crime.
In the wake of the legalization of “gay marriage” in the
United States, following its legalization in Ireland, the Pope, in contrast,
identified what he considers the major moral evil of our time: neglect of the
environment as witnessed by such atrocities as too much “air conditioning.”
And, of course, there is always the daily attack on Catholics who take the
doctrines of the Faith too literally, along with the vilification of capitalism
The Pope’s recently concluded trip to South America saw him
praising a martyr to Marxism, Father Juan Espinal, and accepting and later
placing at Our Lady of Copacabana’s feet the hammer-and-sickle crucifix and
medallion presented to him by Bolivian strong man Evo Morales. (See:
The family, as defined by the Church, by natural law, by
anyone with common sense, is under intense and unprecedented assault throughout
the world, and the Pope is preoccupied with his favourite topic: the poor,
which he claims are at the centre of the Gospel. Which gospel? One has to
wonder. And after prescribing socialist economic policies based on newly minted
sacred rights to labour and lodging, the Pope cavalierly admits to journalists
on his plane trip home that he is “allergic” to economics, about which he knows
very little. (See:
What can be said while remaining respectful?
Meanwhile, in the real world, diabolical disorientation is
accelerating. The new hero in the media is Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner, who is being
lionized and showered with awards for having the courage to mutilate his body
so that he might “become a woman.” The U.S. military is ready to accommodate
the transgendered who wish to become soldiers. And bakers who don’t want to
make cakes for “gay weddings” are being punished by the courts with economic
ruin. Imprisonment cannot be far in the offing.
And the Catholic Church is getting ready for round two of the
Synod on the Family, which is obviously designed to change the Church’s
teaching about divorce, remarriage and reception of the sacraments.
Homosexuality will also be on the agenda, apparently for the purpose of
discovering something wonderful or redeeming about sodomy and the moral values
of those who practise it. (See:
Sister Lucy warned us of this diabolical disorientation that
has become our reality. She also said something about the final battle now
being fought: Satan's attack would focus on the family and marriage (see:
Can there any longer be any doubt about what is at stake at
the coming Synod on the Family in October?
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