by Steve Jalsevac
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President Trump as he announced the United States withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement
Frame from CNN video report
July 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – On June 1
President Donald Trump announced that the United States would be withdrawing
from the Paris Climate Agreement. With that action he put the brakes on the
globalist climate change tyranny that threatens to destroy the independence,
economies, cultures and freedoms of many nations. He did this even though 337
nations have already signed the Agreement and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,
his daughter Ivanka and many others were pressuring him to not withdraw from
the Agreement. The President instead did what he believed was right for the
good of the United States and the world.
The entire world owes a debt of gratitude to the president for this courageous decision which he later held to, all alone, against criticisms and intense personal pressure from every world leader at the July 7-8 G20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany. (Video: Trump's statements about withdrawing from Paris Agreement start at 6 minutes.)
President Obama’s previous
commitment to the Agreement by Executive Order was illegal and non-binding on the
United States. Trump’s withdrawal effectively crippled the nefarious Agreement
that was given false credibility by its promoters who referenced scientific
data that whistle-blowers later revealed had
been deliberately doctored for the Paris negotiations.
In addition to the whistle-blowers’
revelations, a June 2017 peer-reviewed study has further
confirmed that most recent global warming data has been “fabricated by climate
scientists to make it look more frightening.” That study was produced by two
scientists and a veteran statistician and has been formerly endorsed by six
other prominent scientists and a senior economist.
Zerohedge revealed that
the “bombshell report that analyzed Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST)
data produced by NASA, the NOAA and HADLEY proves the President was right on
target with his refusal” to take part in the Paris Agreement. Zerohedge quotes
from the report's abstract:
The conclusive findings of this
research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of
reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that
removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with
published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.
"In short: The evidence has
been falsified," writes Zerohedge. They then quote businessman and blogger
Karl Denninger, who wrote:
It is therefore quite-clear that
the data has been intentionally tampered with.
Since this has formed the basis
for plans to steal literal trillions of dollars and has already resulted in the
forced extraction of hundreds of billions in aggregate for motorists and
industry this quite-clearly constitutes the largest economic fraud ever
perpetrated in the world.
Adding to the growing mountain of
evidence against the climate change charlatans, Breitbart News recently reported on yet another
extensive article by distinguished MIT
atmospheric science professor Richard Lindzen. In the article Lindzen states
that believing in many of the climate alarmist pretty close to
believing in magic. Instead, you are told that it is believing in ‘science.’
Such a claim should be a tip-off that something is amiss. After all, science is
a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure.
Regardless of such a large volume
of irrefutable evidence, President Trump was criticized and isolated at the G20
meeting. The Independent reported,
The US was utterly alone on the
issue of climate change, where the 19 other members agreed to push ahead with
the Paris Accord to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the US refused. The
US’s position was noted in the official communiqué issued at the conclusion of
the meeting.
“Wherever there is no consensus
that can be achieved, disagreement has to be made clear,” said Angela Merkel,
the German host, not hiding her disappointment. “Unfortunately, and I deplore
this, the United States of America left the climate agreement.”
“The two major issues for the
meeting were trade and climate change. It was recognised the US was not going
to change its position,” Thomas Bernes of Ontario’s Centre for International
Governance and a former IMF official, told The Independent, speaking from
“[The countries] will not be
looking to the US for leadership - they will be looking to Trudeau, Macron and
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Trump shown wearing only US flag pin while all other G20 leaders dutifully wore the G20 pin that they were told to wear for the group photos.
President Trump did not seem to be
deterred by the attempts to isolate him and brazenly showed his determination to
above all act in the best interests of the United States by being the only
leader to not wear the G20 official pin in the G20 leader group photos and
instead wear only an American flag pin.
change movement an assault on Christian civilization
Opposing the climate change
movement, which Cardinal George Pell astutely saw as symptomatic of a pagan emptiness, is also about
resisting an international assault on Christian civilization. More have come to
see this, regardless of the aggressive support for the climate change movement
and world governance by Pope Francis, his many globalist
friends who are close associates of George Soros, such as Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki Moon, and many progressive, high
level clerics in the institutional Catholic Church.
The militancy and rage of the
Francis regime and numerous other climate change ideologues has dramatically
increased since Trump announced the US would be pulling out of the Paris
Agreement – which it never legally entered into in the first place. The anger
of Trump’s opponents is hard to fathom given that the World Health
Organization declared in a recent report that
the United States is among the least polluting nations on the planet.
LifeSite’s Pete Baklinski reported July 13, one week after the
failed G20 attempts to bring Trump onto the climate change bandwagon, on
an explosive article in Civiltà
Cattolica, which would have been reviewed by the Vatican prior to publication.
The article was written, as Rorate Caeli reports, by “two of the
Pope's own closest confidantes, Fr. Antonio Spadaro SJ (the editor) and
Argentine Presbyterian Pastor Marcelo Figueroa (shockingly, the editor of the
Spanish-language edition of the journal).”
Baklinski reveals that the article
portrays Conservative Catholics in the United States as having “formed an
'ecumenism of hate' with Evangelical Protestants in their united support for
President Trump and his policies.” And on July 14 LifeSite reported that Pope
Francis has, in yet another interview with Eugenio Scalfari in La
Repubblica, gone so far as to compare the
United States to North Korea, suggesting both are part of alliances with a
"distorted view of the world."
So, we now also have Pope Francis
and the Vatican, through Civiltà Cattolica and La
Repubblica, indicating that they are joining the G20 leaders, the UN,
Democrats and far leftists in their war against the Trump administration. And
of course that is also a war against the millions of faithful Catholics and
other Christians who have been supporting and advising the president and
praying for his continued conversion and physical safety.
There is no doubt in my mind that
the Civiltà Cattolica article was especially ignited by the
president’s stunning withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement - one of the
very top priorities of Pope Francis and his many globalist friends. The pope
has even gone so far as to declare supposed man-caused climate change (and by
implication, opposition to climate change efforts) to be an environmental “sin.”
change is greatest-ever scheme to implement New World Order
There is much evidence that the
climate change movement is the latest and largest-ever-in-history scheme by
globalist elites to impose a secularist, anti-life and anti-family New
World Order with world governance and removal of all national borders. It would
ultimately destroy most of the traditional rights and freedoms and sovereignty
of individual nations that have been won at great cost in the past.
It is likely that most of the 337 signing
nations of the Paris Agreement were bullied and blackmailed into effectively
giving up their national sovereignty and treasured cultural principles as a
result of economic and other threats from the United Nations, President Obama
and other wealthy developed nations.
has for now saved the entire world from the devastations that long-term
implementation of the Agreement would have caused.
World de-population a major goal of climate change agenda
One of the top goals of climate
change movement leaders is an eventual massive world de-population program as
hinted by UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres in a 2015 interview.
Al Gore has also repeatedly stated
population decrease is necessary. Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber,
appointed a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences by Pope Francis, fears
that Trump will be ‘disastrous’ for the climate
agenda. He is also a strong advocate for world de-population and
unabashedly claims that the “scientific
estimate for the carrying capacity of the planet is below 1 billion people.”
Travis Rieder of Johns Hopkins
University has warned that people must stop
having so many children if they want to avert “catastrophic climate change.”
The father of the entire ecological/global warming/climate change movement,
Maurice Strong, organized the UN’s first environmental conference in Stockholm in
1972. In his opening address he hinted at the need
for “national population policies.”
Just before his invited appearance the recent Vatican conference on Biological Extinction, climate change movement supporter and de-population extremist Paul Ehrlich stated that decreasing the world population by 6 billion “would have an overall pro-life effect.”
Today, LifeSite reports on a new study
published in Environmental
Research Letters advocating
that “Governments and schools should be teaching kids to have fewer children in
order to reduce climate change.”
Lianne Laurence writes: “Steven
Mosher, president of the Virginia-based Population Research Institute, blasted
the suggestion as 'ridiculous' and 'dangerous,' and the study as 'climate
extremism masquerading as science.'"
I could go on and on citing more
statements by climate change agenda leaders advocating that the world’s
population must be massively decreased.
necessarily totalitarian movement
To do what these people claim
needs to be done, very drastic, totalitarian measures and a world government
would have to be imposed on nations. Massive numbers would have to be
forcefully and/or secretly sterilized, conceiving a child would require a
special licence, religion would have to be neutralized and pro-family cultures
destroyed. Euthanasia would have to be ramped up to levels beyond imagining at
this time. Mass casualty wars would have to be arranged. There is no other way
to accomplish such a worldwide reduction in population.
The climate change/world
de-population ideologues are a danger to everyone since they have no regard for
the inherent dignity and worth of every human life and no regard for natural
God-given human rights and for freedoms that have been won through centuries of
great struggle. Ultimately, they do not believe in God. For them, man is god,
or rather, the chosen elite men and women are gods.
A forced change of the entire
world economy is another goal of the climate change elites. UN Climate Chief
Christiana Figueras also admitted that the goal of
environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but
to destroy capitalism – and to bring about forced re-distribution of the wealth
of successful nations to poorer nations. Does this sound familiar? Has it ever
been successful?
Given all the above it is no
wonder that the elites behind this movement are seriously starting to
advocate criminal penalties for climate change sceptics,
beyond the already numerous destroyed careers of scientists and other
professionals who have dared to challenge the false “consensus”. This is what
socialists do and have always done when they meet resistance to their mad
The Public Discourse reported
one such effort in an October 15 article:
In a remarkable letter to
President Obama, twenty climate scientists have called
for a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation
into “corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the
American people about the risks of climate change.” They support their position
by claiming that “an overwhelming majority of climate scientists are convinced
about the potentially serious adverse effects of human-induced climate change
on human health, agriculture, and biodiversity.
American Thinker relates some of
the worst predictions of the
overpopulation/man-caused climate change “charlatans”:
On the occasion of the first Earth
Day in 1970, Harvard biologist George Wald assured us that civilization will
end "within 15 or 30 years." Former Obama science adviser John
Holdren wrote in a global ecology textbook in 1971 that 1 billion will die of
famines by 2020 due to a "new ice age." Senator Gaylord Nelson
predicted in 1970 that within 25 years, between 75% and 80% of all animals will
be extinct. Population expert and author of the bestseller The
Population Bomb Paul Ehrlich asserted that by the year 2000, England
would not exist. The Club of Rome claimed in 1972 that the world will run
out of oil by 2003. Instead, reserves (in 2016) were estimated at 1,707
billion barrels, the highest ever.
We all owe a great debt of
gratitude to President Trump. We must constantly pray for him and his
administration and support and encourage efforts to ensure that this diabolical
climate change movement is ended. We must pray for Trump to continue to resist
the climate alarmists who endanger most of what he and we most believe in.
President Trump and the United
States will continue to be under extraordinary pressure to comply. And there
will be threats to the United States and possibly personal threats to Trump and
those around him. Prayer should be our top priority against such powerful
forces - to protect the president and his key leaders and for more personal
growth, wisdom and understanding in the president and those around him.
At the same time, we should
support all legitimate, ethical, human-respecting measures to maintain and
support a healthy, pollution-free environment so that all may enjoy and benefit
from the wondrous gifts of God’s nature. Conservatives have never been against
that and have tended to be the authentic leaders on appreciating and protecting
the wondrous gifts of nature.
Part 4 will not be as positive about Trump administration
Part 4 of this series will not be nearly as positive about the Trump administration. It will concern the president's response to the homosexual, transgender and religious liberty issues. The president is not honouring his promises on these issues and not understanding the severe damage to the family and American culture and institutions that is occurring because of what is being allowed to happen on these issues. Advancing LGBT, etc and suppressing traditional religious beliefs on sexual morality is also very much part of the New World Order forced restructuring of society and is a danger to freedom and the good order.
- · “The people of Poland, the people of America, and the people of Europe still cry out: ‘We want God!'” (President Trump)
- · Here is One-world Climate Guru who helped present Bergoglio’s encyclical at the Vatican
- · On the Anti-Catholic Encyclical of Francis I