24 Mar 2020

Closing the Churches due to COVID-19: Beware of faithless Archbishop Martins and Governor Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State!

By Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi
Adewale Martins
“You cannot find in the entire literature of Catholicism a single unequivocal endorsement by any Pope of democracy as a superior form of government.Paul Blanshard, American Freedom and Catholic Power.

“The present age is a critical one, and interesting to live in. The civilisation characteristic of Christendom has not disappeared, yet another civilisation has begun to take its place…Our whole life and mind is saturated with the slow upward filtration of a new spirit—that of an emancipated, atheistic, international democracy.—George Santayana, philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist.  (Born: 16 December 1863, Madrid, Spain — Died: 26 September 1952, Rome, Italy).

Today, Sunday, March 22, 2020, Catholics in Lagos State were shocked as they went to Church to attend mass only to be sent back home by Archbishop Alfred Adewale Martins’ security men. Reason? Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu gave the order due to the spread of coronavirus! Interestingly, all the prominent “Pentecostal Pastors” (the miracle workers in the State)—Oyedepo, Adeboye and co—were/are now on the run! They closed their “churches” and took to their heels! They held their services on the internet! While some of these “Pentecostals”—the unknown ones in particular—disobeyed the order by attending their Sunday services, Novus Ordo Archbishop Adewale Martins and his gang of heretics were/are also on the run! They obeyed the order to the letter! To be sure, I personally visited some Churches in the State and confirmed, indeed, that this was the case—ALL THE CHURCHES WERE LOCKED AND THERE WERE NO MASSES! These churches, which are mere centres of sacrileges anyway, had, before this current development, been engaging in the sacrilegious practice of “communion in the hand” due to the same virus. NOTE: The decision to close houses of worship has never happened before—not just in the history of the Church but in the entire history of the world!
Of course, Anti-Pope Francis and his gang of heretics, in collaboration with the atheistic Italian government, were the brains behind the decision. As the Italian government on Thursday, March 12, rolled out a new set of sweeping restrictions to curb the country’s coronavirus outbreak, the Diocese of Rome issued their own directive announcing the closure of all churches, even for private prayer, until April 3. In his statement, “Cardinal” Angelo De Donatis, the Vicar of Rome, stressed that the decision to close churches is based on regulations from the Italian government and the Italian bishops’ conference.

“Until Friday, April 3, 2020, access to parochial and non-parochial churches of the Diocese of Rome, open to the public, and more generally to religious buildings of any kind open to the public, is forbidden to all the faithful,” he said in his March 12 statement. Put simply, closing the churches even on Sundays is yet another evidence that the current leaders occupying the Vatican do not believe in the Catholic Faith—do not believe in God.

Protestants should take note. Catholicism as the only true Christianity is the number one target of demonic world governments and if today they “ban” the Church, it will eventually affect other “churches”. The first place where the Churches were closed was Rome itself, the very heart of Catholicism—the centre of Christianity. Some Protestants then were laughing at us, but now the decree has gone round the world and their own “churches” have also been closed.

Commenting on this, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a courageous Archbishop who, among the innumerable false shepherds in today’s false Catholicism, has been a single voice that keeps exposing the falsity of “Pope” Francis’ disastrous pontificate, writes, in his article Open Wide the Doors to Christ—and His Churches:

“What we are witnessing in these hours is dramatic—certainly throughout Italy, but in a tragically exemplary way, in Rome, the heart of Catholicism. 

“The scenario is all the more disconcerting as what is at stake is not only public health but the salvation of souls — and for some time now we, as Pastors, have stopped inflaming the hearts of our faithful with the desire for eternal salvation. We have thus deprived them of those supernatural gifts which make us capable of facing trials here below, even the assaults of death, with the power of faith and that spark of inexhaustible and unshakable hope which comes to us from our yearning for the destiny of glory for which we were created.

“The statements of the Italian Episcopal Conference, those of the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, as well as the surreal and spectral images that have come to us from the Vatican, are many expressions of the darkening of the faith that has struck the heights of the Church. The Ministers of the Sun, as St. Catherine of Siena was fond of calling them, have caused the eclipse, and delivered the flock to clouds of thick darkness (cf. Ezekiel 34:12). 

“Regarding the measures of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI): when those issued by the State were still limited only to at-risk areas, to certain activities and at precise times of day, the CEI had already cancelled the totality of public liturgical celebrations in all the churches of the territory, helping to fuel fear and panic and depriving the faithful of the indispensable comfort of the sacraments. It is difficult not to think that such a measure was suggested to the president of the CEI by the one who, protected by the Leonine Walls, has been dreaming for seven years now of an outgoing, rugged, field hospital Church, which does not hesitate to embrace everyone and to get dirty.

“Cardinal Bassetti, so eager that he seems more zealous than the king, appears to have forgotten a very important lesson: that the Church, in order to serve the common good and the State, must never give up being herself, nor fail in her mission to proclaim Christ, our only Lord and Saviour. She must beware of obscuring her divine prerogatives of Wisdom and Truth and in no way abdicate the Authority that comes to her from the Sovereign of the kings of the earth, Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

“The ecclesial events of these hours have manifested clearly—if there was still any need—the tragic subjection of the Church to a State that is striving and doing all it can to destroy the Christian identity of our Italy, by enslaving it to an ideological, immoral, globalist, Malthusian, abortionist, migrant agenda that is the enemy of man and of the family. The goal of this agenda is the destruction of the Church, and certainly not the good of our country.” (See: Abp. Viganò: Open wide the doors to Christ - and His Churches).
Similarly, Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi of Trieste, Italy, has responded by blasting the globalist mentality that only seeks “scientific-technical” solutions while neglecting the moral issues at stake in a crisis like the one the world is facing. Bishop Crepaldi is worried about the health and well-being of his flock, but even more so about its “salvation.” Among other issues, Bishop Crepaldi, with regards to the current suspension of Novus Ordo masses throughout Italy, raises concern over the relationship between the Church and the State. He writes: “The epidemic linked to the spread of “COVID-19” has a strong impact on many aspects of human coexistence and for this reason it also requires analysis from the point of view of the Social Doctrine of the Church.”

According to him, the economic issue it raises “relates to the credit and monetary issues and, therefore, to Italy's relations with the European Union, on which the final decisions in these two areas depend in our country. This again raises the issue of national sovereignty and globalisation, highlighting the need to re-examine globalisation understood as a globalist systemic machine, which can also be very vulnerable precisely because of its rigid and artificial internal interrelationship, so that when a nerve centre is hit, it causes global systemic damage that is difficult to correct. When lower social levels are removed from sovereignty, all will be swept away. On the other hand, the coronavirus has also highlighted the “closures” of states, which are unable to cooperate effectively even if they are members of the supranational institutions to which they belong. Finally, the epidemic has raised the problem of the relationship of the common good with the Catholic religion and the relationship between the State and the Church. The suspension of Masses and the closure of churches are only some aspects of this problem.” (See: Italian bishop links Coronavirus to society’s ‘immoral drifts’)
Church historian Father Johannes Grohe of Rome’s Santa Croce University, sponsored by Opus Dei, told Crux that this has “never happened before.” “Up until the 20th century, viruses weren’t understood and when diseases broke out, people gathered to pray in churches, or, for example in Spain, in processions,” Grohe said.
Vaticanist Antonio Socci criticises the Anti-pope for peddling high-sounding slogans in his disastrous “pontificate” that have amounted to nothing when faced with a real crisis. 

“This pontificate started with the slogan ‘outgoing church’,” he writes, “and now the pope and cardinals have literally barricaded themselves in the Vatican (even the Angelus was live-streamed) because of the coronavirus. [...] There are no more bridges, but walls, very high and impassable, behind which the pope, cardinals, and monsignors hide.” (See: CONTRO IL COVID2019 DOVEVANO BLOCCARE L’ITALIA E INVECE HANNO SOSPESO LE MESSE, CON LA COMPLICITÀ DI CEI E VATICANO. MA SENZA L'AIUTO DI DIO SARÀ UNA CATASTROFE.
When I asked some Novus Ordo Catholics in Lagos why they did not immediately organise themselves to protest against their infidel “Archbishop”—Adewale Martins—and someone responded that “Well, the order came from the State government and the Church teaches that we should obey the government,” my response was simple: “See”, said I, “there is a stark difference between past pre-democracy leaders and modern democratic leaders. We can say that by obeying past pre-democracy leaders, be they pagans or not—like Julius Caesar for instance—people were obeying God because then religion occupied its rightful position in all the governments all over the world. It is an error—indeed a massive one—however, to say that by obeying modern democratic leaders we are obeying God. No. Babajide Sanwo-Olu—or any other democratically elected governor or president—was not chosen by God as the Lagos State Governor but by the people, most of them criminals. So to obey him in anything is not to obey God—because there is no God in democratic constitutions. When Sanwo-Olu, in collaboration with the likes of Archbishop Adewale Martins, decrees that you should not go to Church on Sundays and you obey him thinking that you are obeying God, you are only fooling yourself and God will punish you for that.”

Modern western democracy is radically different from the true democracy practised by the Athenian Greeks of old, in which religion played a role. Athens, like virtually all ancient cities, was from the beginning governed by kings—the descendants of Erechtheus. The population was grouped into families (genes), phratriai (at that time a clan consisting of a noble family and its dependants who shared in the family cult), and in four tribes (phulai). The monarchical power gradually succumbed to the attacks of old aristocratic families (Eupatridai). It was replaced by the rule of three archons (elected at first for ten years and later annually) and a council (Boule). The three archons were (1) the king Archon, the king reduced in powers and made elective, the religious representative of the State; (2) the Eponymous Archon, the real head of the State, especially the supreme judge; (3) the Polemarch, who commanded the military forces and saw to the safety of the State. Later, the demand of the lower classes for the publication of the laws, hitherto unwritten, led to the appointment of six additional archons (thesmothetai).

The accumulation of land and wealth in comparatively few hands, the increasing indebtedness of the peasantry and their consequent reduction to the position of serfs bound to the soil, provoked a social crisis (stasis) about the middle of the seventh century. In the troublous period that ensued occurred the affair of Cylon and the Alcmaeonidae, followed by the legislation of Dracon and at the beginning of the sixth century by the legislation of Solon. Solon’s reforms were unsuccessful. In 560, Pisistratus, a very ambitious and popular statesman, gathered about himself a party of herdsmen and poor peasants who had no share in either agriculture or commercial prosperity and hence were dissatisfied with the settlement of Solon and professed revolutionary opinions, and, in 561, he seized the supreme power, occupied the Acropolis and made himself a tyrant. His fall (and that of his sons, Hippias and Hipparchus) was succeeded by a struggle between the partisans of oligarchy and of democracy, headed respectively by Isagoras and Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes won the day, championing democracy in Athens.

Now in the constitution of Cleisthenes the phratriai survived. They were now religious organisations which carried out certain cults and kept lists of the citizens, and they were reorganised so that no citizen could be excluded from them. In short, Cleisthenes has been considered by modern scholars to be conservative for the fact that, in his democratic government, the existing magistracies were retained, the archons could be chosen only from the two wealthiest classes of the population, and the Eupatrids retained the priestly offices.

Today’s idea and practice of democracy differs. Modern democracy, on the contrary, was invented in the eighteenth century by the Freemasons (secret society members) to banish religion—particularly Catholicism—from society. Its origins include the so-called "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" of 1789—a human civil rights document from the French Revolution. Enlightenment philosophers and political thinkers—most of whom were Freemasons—rejected the idea that monarchs ruled by the grace of God. Not the monarch, but the people were sovereign; and so, Europe’s modern democratic systems started to develop. It historically posed a challenge to traditional thinking, especially religious belief. Thus the Catholic Church, led by great popes, fought democracy tooth and nail for a century and half after the French revolution. It saw the revolution, and its offspring, democracy, as a danger to the very foundation of Christian civilisation: the notion that states and individuals are beholden to obey the moral values transmitted by the revealed religion. French revolutionaries persecuted the Church, seeking to end its role as the exclusive mediator between the sovereign God and human beings and to undermine the long alliance between the altar and the throne. This only heightened the Church's opposition to the “democracy heresy”—as the popes then called it. This opposition reached its pinnacle in the Encyclicals of Pope Gregory XVI (1832 and 1834), which condemned democracy as anti-clerical and rejected liberalism.

Some notable courageous popes who fought atheistic democracy—or similar ideologies—include the following:

Pope Pius VI (1775-1799). He reaped the bitter fruits of the policy of appeasement of his predecessor, Clement XIV. He was forcibly removed from his Palace by the French troops which had invaded the Vatican; his pontifical ring was stripped from his finger and, at the age of 82, he was dragged to France where he died a prisoner in humiliating circumstances.

Pope Pius VII (1800-1823). General Bonaparte had, by then, become Napoleon I. Pius VII fared hardly better than his predecessor. Faced with extravagant demands, he courageously replied that “No Emperor had any rights on Rome.” Napoleon attacked the pontifical States. French troops were advancing when he excommunicated the Emperor. He was made a prisoner, spent 3 years of his captivity in Italy, and the last 2 in France. But he returned to Rome after the fall of Napoleon, and died 8 years later, in 1823, at the age of 81.

Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846). Revolution broke out as he took his throne; but Gregory was no dilly-dallier; aware that the Italian revolutionaries enjoyed the backing of their French colleagues, he accepted the help of Austrian troops. The Holy See was safe. He was a foe of Liberalism and Democracy, a firm believer in the alliance of the throne and altar. He fought Liberalism all his life with the utmost vigour, and opposed all innovations.

Pope Pius IX (1846-1878). Hailed as a Liberal Pope by revolutionaries of all shades, Pius IX lived through the Revolution of 1849, but suddenly and completely, he renounced his former policies of appeasement. His famous "Syllabus of Errors" condemned the very errors he had once encouraged. “The pontiff neither can nor ought to be reconciled with progress, liberalism, and modern civilisation,” he declared.

Further, he defined the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception and Papal Infallibility to the rage of Free-Thinkers and Liberal Catholics alike. 
Blessed Pope Pius IX
Vatican II heretics—like Benedict XVI—were to attack him after Vatican II revolution.

Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903). He upheld the teachings of his predecessors in no uncertain terms; was the author of momentous Encyclicals on political government, social questions, and he condemned the nascent "Christian Democracy" as utterly opposed to Catholic Truth.

Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914). The only pope to be canonised in the twentieth century, under his pontificate Masonic and Liberal ideas had already seriously penetrated Catholic thinking: he condemned the errors of the Modernists and Sillonists, clashed with the Masonic French Government on a number of vital issues, and upheld the Monarchical-Hierarchical concept of Government.

Pope Pius XI (1922-1939). His reign was comparatively calm on the morrow of the First World War, but he fought the rising influence of Socialism and Communism and re-asserted the basic principles of political government taught by the Church. He also condemned modern erroneous concept of ecumenism—between Catholicism and Protestantism or other religions—which is also a child of atheistic democracy. 

Pope Pius XII (1939-1958). Known to many Catholics as “the last true pope” (because Vatican II heretics were to invade the Church after his death), he, also, fought Communism with the utmost vigour and condemned Totalitarianism in all its forms. At the close of World War II, his Allocution on Democracy was an indirect warning against Western Errors. On the philosophical and doctrinal fronts, he condemned the errors of Teilhardism and Progressivism which were to overcome the Church shortly after his death.

However, despite the efforts of these popes to kill it, atheistic democracy was able to spread all over the world partly due to the influence of the United States. Of course, American founding fathers—and its first presidents—were freemasons.  For years, there was the influx of masonry into American institutions; hence principles which are alien to the Catholic Faith influenced American culture. The Catholic Church in the United States had difficulty in grappling with this problem. In the nineteenth century, there were two camps of clergy, the liberals and the anti-liberals. The liberals saw no problem in incorporating into Catholicism the principles of the American cult of liberty; the anti-liberals recognised the problem, and denounced them for watering down the Catholic Faith. In the end the liberals won out, particularly with the emergence of a personality like Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, and others.

These liberals—of course, not like today’s liberals—actually held up the American (freemasonic) system of the government's indifference to all religion as an ideal for all nations to follow. In such a system, they argued, the Church can and does flourish, for it meets with no resistance from a hostile civil government. This sounded good to many ears in America. For a century they had been hearing the horror stories from Europe of civil governments persecuting the Catholic Church, so to them the American system of “hands off religion” just seemed better.

But the price of the Catholic Church’s "freedom to flourish" in America was the nearly complete negligence of the Church's doctrine of union of Church and State, of the duty of governments to profess the one true faith, and to repress non-Catholic religions. Catholics were told that the American system of freedom of all religions was the ideal system, and Catholics had deeply fixed in their heads the notion that you have a civil right to be a Protestant, a Jew, a Muslim or even a Satanist, since religion should have nothing to do with the state, and the state nothing to do with religion—a freemasonic idea which was condemned by Pope Gregory XVI and Pope Pius IX: 

“And so from this rotten source of indifferentism flows that absurd and erroneous opinion, or rather insanity, that liberty of conscience must be claimed and defended for anyone.” (Pope Gregory XVI)

“For surely you know, Venerable Brethren, not a few are found who, applying the impious and absurd principles of naturalism, as they call it, to civil society, dare to teach that the "best plan for public society and civil progress absolutely requires that human society be established and governed with no regard to religion, as if it did not exist, or at least, without making distinction between the true and the false religions.” (Pope Pius IX)

“And also, contrary to the teaching of Sacred Scripture, of the Church, and of the most holy Fathers, they do not hesitate to assert that the best condition of society is the one in which there is no acknowledgment by the government of the duty of restraining, by established penalties, offenders of the Catholic religion, except insofar as the public peace demands.” (Pope Pius IX)

"And, from this wholly false idea of social organisation they do not fear to foster that erroneous opinion, especially fatal to the Catholic Church and to the salvation of souls, called by Our predecessor of recent memory, Gregory XVI, insanity; namely that "liberty of conscience and of worship is the proper right of every man, and should be proclaimed and asserted by law in every correctly established society; that the right of all manner of liberty rests in the citizens, not to be restrained either by ecclesiastical or civil authority; and that by this right they can manifest openly and publicly and declare their own concepts, whatever they may be, by voice, by print, or in any other way." (Pope Pius IX)

From these texts, it is clear that the Catholic Church condemns—not the way tyrants and autocratic leaders do!—freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Yet these “freedoms” are held as sacrosanct in the American culture. In an effort not to appear un-American, the Catholic clergy in the United States for the most part neglected these condemnations, as well as the teaching of Sacred Scripture, of the Church, and of the holy Fathers which support them. One searches in vain to find in Catholic catechisms before Vatican II, even on the High School level, the Church’s teaching on the duty of states to the Catholic religion. Rather most pre-Vatican II “Catholic catechisms” and history books are either totally silent on the subject, or actually extol the American system of indifference to all religions, and extol freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press!

The diabolical drama we witness in today’s Catholicism started after the death of Pope Pius XII—“the last true pope.” A staunchly conservative Cardinal, Giuseppe Siri of Genoa, was known to have been legitimately elected in 1958 to succeed Pope Pius XII. However, under mysterious circumstances, the election was cancelled and liberal Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was imposed on the universal Church as the successor of Pope Pius XII. When asked what his papal name would be, Roncalli responded with his surprising choice of a name that had been avoided by pope-elects for centuries: John XXIII—the name of a 15th century anti-pope!

In 1962, John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council, consecrated Ecumenism which the previous popes had unanimously condemned, and introduced new morals in the Catholic Church as well as championed modern atheistic democracy. John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in Terris (1963) and the discussion of democracy by the Second Vatican Council in Gaudium et Spes (1965) marked the abandonment of earlier opposition to liberal democracy and a decisive commitment to democracy and human rights.

Vatican II’s “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World” (Gaudium et Spesdirectly opposes the teachings of the previous popes on democracy. It says:

“It is in full accord with human nature that juridical-political structures should, with ever better success and without discrimination, afford all their citizens the chance to participate freely and actively in establishing the constitutional bases of a political community, governing the state, determining the scope and purpose of various institutions, and choosing leaders.”

Since then, all the heretical popes that followed—Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and now Francis I—have been polluting the Church with democratic errors. (My book on this war against the faith will soon be out. See also my article: Can Catholics Participate in Modern Democratic Politics?).

Today, with heretical church leaders championing atheistic democracy, we find the Church in a complete mess. Once again, the coronavirus issue has demonstrated that most Novus Ordo priests and bishops all over the world do not hold the Catholic Faith. As such, associating with these men or attending their putative “masses” is indeed dangerous. Catholics must beware of bishops like Adewale Martins who evidently have no atom of the Catholic Faith. To be a Catholic priest or bishop is not an easy job. You must have faith. Without faith, no priest or bishop can turn ordinary bread and wine into the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Church’s teaching on the Mass and the Holy Eucharist is a very serious one and modern Vatican II priests and bishops have totally abandoned that teaching. They have, put simply, lost the Faith. In 2014 when we heard of Ebola virus and the same Adewale Martins rushed to introduce sacrilegious “communion in the hand” in the Archdiocese, I wrote an article on PM News warning Catholics in Lagos State that the man is indeed faithless. I am repeating that warning here:  it is doubtful that a man who gives Communion in the hand or Communion to un-consecrated hands—Rev. Sisters and lay people to distribute—can have the necessary faith to turn bread and wine into the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. As I wrote in my 2014 Open Letter:

Pope St. Sixtus I (circa 115 AD) taught that “the Sacred Vessels are not to be handled by others than those consecrated to the Lord”—meaning that it is only a validly ordained priest (whose hand has been consecrated for this very purpose) that is qualified to give Holy Communion to the faithful. The Council of Saragossa (380) excommunicated anyone who dared receive Holy Communion by hand, and this was confirmed by the Synod of Toledo. The sixth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople (680-681) forbade the faithful to take the Sacred Host in their hand, threatening transgressors with excommunication. In his famous Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: “Out of reverence towards this Sacrament (the Holy Eucharist), nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence, it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency” (Summa Theologica, III, 82, 3). In the sixteenth century, the Council of Trent confirmed this: “The fact that only the priest gives Holy Communion is an Apostolic Tradition.”

It is doubtful that a man who does not believe the above teaching on the Holy Eucharist can faithfully consecrate the host. It is also doubtful that a man who permits all manner of half-naked women to receive “Holy Communion” can have the faith necessary to turn ordinary bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. As St. Paul warns: “Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.” (1 Cor. 11:27).

Above all, it is doubtful that a man who does not believe in the traditional Latin Mass (which remains the only valid Mass known to Catholicism), upholds all the errors of the Second Vatican Council and believes in the disastrous pontificate of “Pope” Francis can have the faith necessary to turn ordinary bread and wine into the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. So far, cardinals, bishops and innumerable number of priests and lay faithful all over the world have publicly challenged “Pope” Francis, accusing him of heresies. Although all these have made international news, Adewale Martins has tactically never allowed any of these to feature in his Catholic Herald newspaper!

“Pope” Francis has taught that Jesus Christ is not God but that does not bother Adewale Martins. “Pope” Francis has taught that there is no hell but that does not bother Adewale Martins. “Pope” Francis has publicly forbidden Catholics from converting non-Catholics but that does not bother Adewale Martins. “Pope” Francis has taught that the idea of conversion is “solemn nonsense” but that does not bother Adewale Martins.  “Pope” Francis gives “Holy Communion” to adulterers and homosexuals but that does not bother Adewale Martins. The list is just endless! Indeed, to believe that a character like Adewale Martins is a Catholic bishop is to make a caricature of our Catholic Faith.   

As I pointed out a few days ago, it is suicidal that Africans, especially the "Christians," keep imitating the Western world (I mean modern ATHEISTIC Western world) in virtually everything we do. I have also pointed out that, in terms of godlessness, Africa is even getting worse than Europe and America for the fact that, as terrible as Europe and America have become, you will still find there a few committed Christians (among them great intellectuals) who know what the Christian faith stands for and are ready to defend that Faith. For instance, in Rome, both Anti-pope Francis and the atheistic Italian government have been heavily criticised by Italian Catholic pundits—both the clergy and the lay faithful—but here, in Nigeria, not one person has criticised Sanwo-Olu and co—because here, as I said, we do not have true Christians but Christian hypocrites. Here, “great Christians” are those who know how to commercialise Christianity, how to use religion to make money—how to count their blessings.

Babajide Sanwo-Olu, an Anglican, had quickly announced closing of schools, Churches and Mosques certainly because a week earlier he heard of the Italian government, in collaboration with “Pope” Francis, doing so! Someone told me he actually held a meeting with some “Christian” and Muslim leaders on the issue and they all agreed with the decision! Of course, Sanwo-Olu took such a stupid decision certainly because he believes that it was done in the West—for “the West is always right”!

So far, we have seen how the reaction of those in the West to the coronavirus reflects the crisis of modern godless Western society. Indeed, the problem is not the virus—as potentially lethal as it might be. This outbreak may or may not be a biological fact; however, so many similar calamities have plagued humanity over the ages. The problem is rather this current reaction to it: It reflects a society that has turned its back on God. In the ancient times, or rather in pre-democracy days, leaders would summon their subjects and proclaim a day of mourning and prayer when something like this happens. We have seen quite the opposite. So far, no government has mentioned God—let alone asking its subjects to pray to Him—in this fight against the coronavirus. They rather face the crisis trusting only in themselves and their devices. It is true that a virus is a-religious. However, that does not prevent it from having a religious dimension. The coronavirus—call it whatever you likeis a punishment from God (and indeed, something worse than the coronavirus is yet to befall our sinful world). (See: PICTURES THAT CHINA DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE). The coronavirus comes at a time when most people in society feel they do not need God. For these infidels, God has long been replaced by bread and circuses. The modern pleasures point to no need for heaven. The postmodern vices proclaim no fear of hell. I am saying this because I am a Catholic. For most Protestant “Christians” (and the unfortunate Catholics they have influenced), Christianity is also all about materialism.

Among the draconian measures decreed, secular government officials are forbidding public worship. In Italy, they have banned Masses, stopped communion and confession. The Church and its holy sacraments are considered an occasion of contagion, treated no different than a sports event or music concert! In their turn, the media mock the Church claiming that even God has been self-quarantined.  And many Novus-Ordo Church officials—faithless as they are—are only too willing to comply with such measures. Thus in Lagos State, “Archbishop” Adewale Martins and his gang of heretics had already started committing the sacrilege of “communion in the hand” even before Sanwo-Olu made his decree. And now, just like in Italy, they deprive “the faithful” of the “sacraments” just when they needed them most. They go beyond what officials ask even to the point of emptying fonts of their holy water and replacing them with sanitiser dispensers! They stopped the Stations of the Cross. This is happening here in Lagos State, here in Nigeria! In Rome, they discourage the giving of the Last Rites. And not even miracles are allowed! Infidel Church officials unilaterally closed the miraculous healing baths at Lourdes, in France!—miraculous waters that have probably cured every disease known to humanity!

Thus today’s Novus Ordo bishops and priests, in collaboration with Anti-pope Francis, allow atheists and secularists to treat the Church as if She knows nothing about healing bodies and souls. Of course, as heretics, they don’t know that the Church is a mother—and they don’t care to know! They have, once again, disfigured the face of the Church. They have betrayed the Church. They have disgraced our Faith publicly. But they should expect something worse than the coronavirus.

They call it "social distancing baptism"! PAUSE AND THINK!: If the European Christian missionaries who brought Christianity to Africa (who died in frightening numbers because of malaria but were never deterred) were like today's Vatican II gang of heretics, do you think Africa will be Christian today?

"WHOEVER LOVES HIS LIFE WILL LOSE IT". -- Jesus Christ (John 12:25).

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Warning:  Being currently on Lagos Island, for some time now I have been attending the traditional Latin mass at St. Gregory Chapel in Obalende. I do this partly to encourage unity and discourage those “traditional Catholics” who keep causing confusion by maintaining that only their own traditional Latin Mass is valid while the ones celebrated in other places are invalid. Mr Patrick Oke had struggled—and eventually succeeded—to get the Archbishop’s approval for the celebration of the Latin Mass at St. Gregory. However, when I got to St. Gregory today, I was sad to see that even Mr Oke and co were also on the run! I came early in the morning and the security men informed me that they had been instructed to open the gate for us by 11 am, so I went back. When I came back by 11 am, the Chapel was indeed open but there was nobody around for the Mass. Mr Oke and co wanted to obey the Archbishop, so they too abandoned the Chapel! I was just ashamed because I came along with a new person. When someone later called to inform me that the Mass would be held at Mr Oke’s house, I responded: “To hell with you people! To hell with your cowardice! I cannot be part of you if you continue like this!” I reacted this way because I felt that Mr Oke and co were behaving like hypocrites. They parade themselves as the only Catholics in the whole of Lagos State who attend the “true” traditional Latin Mass (because only theirs is approved by the “Archbishop”!) and say that the SSPX and the Resistance group are in error because they celebrate theirs “outside the Church”! Now the main reason why “Archbishop” Adewale Martins agreed to “permit” the celebration of the Latin Mass at St. Gregory was to stop those who were celebrating it in their houses—as Mr Oke and co did today! Adewale Martins feels they are threatening his authority and that’s why he reluctantly permitted the celebration of the Latin Mass at St. Gregory Chapel. Last year, in fact, when he got the report of a Mass being celebrated at home, he even made a public announcement against them. Besides, what the “order” from the State government said was that they don’t want a gathering of more than 50 people. Now Catholics who worship at St. Gregory are not even up to 40! Why then did Mr Oke and co force these Catholics not to worship at St. Gregory on Sunday but in his house? Certainly because he wanted to appear as “obedient” to the Archbishop (I mean to a true heretic!)? If so, why then, do you pretend to obey him, even while doing something he expressly forbids?  We must continue to denounce this sort of hypocrisy.

23 Mar 2020

BLACK NATION: The Deadliest West African Genocide

My tragic story about Nigeria: BLACK NATION: The Deadliest West African Genocide

My interview with Thomas Anderson of Literary Titan: A Tragedy for the World.